Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11536: Fire Origin Breath (third more)

"In other words, is the origin of this fire vein still a baby in a muddle-headed state?"

The evil worm mother said so. Hearing this, Guan Heng laughed: "Yes, yes, this description is very appropriate. The origin of Huomai uses the fire aura I stay here to convey a message, saying that he wants to see me, everyone, come with me, I am basically already I know how to find it."

After all, Guan Heng led the insect mother, the old monkey, and the spirit fire to swim towards the distance. After seven or eight breaths, everyone came to the depths of the magma sea, where there was a towering boulder that shone crimson light. .

The red light on the top of the boulder is particularly dazzling. At this moment, it seems to be aware of the arrival of Guan Heng and the others.

"Hehehe, I finally met, the origin of the fire vein."

"Huh!" As he spoke, Guan Heng had swam to the towering boulder without hesitation, and smiled and waved at the boulder Hongmang.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng looked at the red light, and said, "It seems that I guessed right. You haven't fully opened up your spiritual wisdom, how about it? Do you want me to help you unlock it?"

"Shoo!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the red glow flashed rapidly, and it seemed very excited. If it depends on it alone, it doesn't know how long it will take to develop its wisdom. Now Guan Heng is willing to help, of course it is very willing.

"Well, let's start now."

Having said that, Guan Heng took out the Universe Fire Eye Stone at will, and suddenly threw the two stones forward, "Whhhhhhhh!" In the blink of an eye, the two Qiankun two stones collided with each other, releasing a circle of power ripples, which instantly covered the boulder. Hongmang made it tremble slightly.

However, after a few breaths, the giant stone still did not respond much. Seeing this scene, the Hot Sun Emperor Yan whispered: "Master Guan, did you succeed in the shot?"

"Well, there should be no problem. According to my estimation, it will succeed soon."

Guan Heng looked at the red light in front of him, and then continued: "The origin of this fire vein contains a lot of energy, and it is not difficult to enlighten it, but I think the origin of the fire vein is more greedy and intends to release the Universe Flint Eye Stone. Absorb all of his breath, so that I can become smarter."

"That's okay?" After hearing this, the insect mother and the spirit fire looked at each other, and then said with a little surprise.

"As long as the origin of the fire pulse thinks this is okay, just do what it means." Guan Heng said casually: "Wait for ten breaths or so, and it is estimated that the origin of the fire pulse will officially open the spiritual intelligence. Please wait patiently."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, the worm mother nodded and agreed immediately, ten breaths of time passed quickly, "buzzing!" It was too late, then, the huge boulder where the red light was located continued to tremble rapidly.

"Huh!" At the next moment, the crimson light turned into a swirling airflow in a blink of an eye, spinning sharply in front of Guan Heng, and then turning into a human figure more than a foot tall, like a flaming little person.

"Master, the appearance of this little man from the origin of the fire veins seems to be somewhat similar to you." The evil worm mother said with wide eyes.

"Hehehe, probably it thinks it’s more appropriate to use me as the way it looks." After that, Guan Heng hooked his finger at the Huomai Spirit villain: "Come here."

"Hey!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the Huomain villain immediately jumped onto its palm, and Guan Heng asked again, "Can you understand what we are saying, can you say it by yourself?"

"Say... words..." All of a sudden, the Huomai villain uttered big and small words, which seemed a little jerky, and Guan Heng smiled: "It doesn't matter, take your time, just talk, it's easy to learn, I believe you You can get it right away."

As expected by Guan Heng, after a few breaths, Huomai Xiaoren had learned all kinds of words and was able to communicate with everyone more normally.

"By the way, some guys still want to apologize to you, Huoyu, come here."

Guan Heng said, turning around and beckoning, a large group of ancient fire fish all surrounded them. After seeing them, the firefighter shuddered, and hurriedly hid behind Guan Heng, and said tremblingly: "They are bad," I'm... scared!"

"Don't worry, the reason why the fire fish made trouble here before was because they were invaded by evil spirits and they couldn't help doing it."

Guan Heng said in a good time at this time: "But I have helped them get rid of all the evil spirits. The fire fish have returned to normal. Now I am here to apologize to you. From now on, everyone should get along well."

"Okay, get along well..." Upon hearing this, the Huomai villain tilted his head and began to think. It seemed that he didn't know much about such things as "forgiveness", but Guan Heng patiently explained a few words to it.

Soon, Huomai Xiaoren came to understand, it also stretched out his hand to hug a **** firefish, and played around with the other party, looking very happy.

After all, the villain of the origin of Huomai still lives here, so Huoyu is a very good playmate, and it is very important for them to obtain understanding and trust between them.

Guan Hengyang said: "Hey, villain, now there are some important things to discuss with you, and then we will leave."

"Go... why?" Hearing this, the villain riding the fire fish came to Guan Heng, looking a little surprised, and asked.

"After all, we also have our own things to do, morning and evening." Guan Heng shrugged, and then continued: "But, there is another way to keep you with us."

"Wh, what method?" To be honest, the current villain of Huomai likes Guan Heng very much, so he is a little reluctant to leave him.

Guan Heng said: "We are here to get some of your original aura. These are your clones. If you follow us, it means you have been following everyone, right?"

"Uh, it makes sense." Hearing this, Huomai nodded again and again, and then suddenly released a large group of scarlet original aura.

Seeing this, Guan Heng immediately shouted: "Stop it, it won't take so much. This is already all of your original aura. You must not take it out all at once, otherwise you will fall into a weak state, stop quickly. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Huomain Villain stopped his movements. Guan Heng hurriedly reached out and stroked the villain's forehead. It then smoothly recovered most of all the original aura, but left a small mass.

"These original auras are enough." Guan Heng said, gently squeezing the aura, and instantly divided it into several parts, leaving a trace for himself, and then throwing the rest to the Sun Emperor Yan, and said : "You can divide these by yourself."

"Okay, thank you Lord Guan." As the spirit fires said, they began to merge the original aura of the fire veins separately.

"Are you going to leave?" When he said this, Huomai was obviously reluctant to bear it.

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