Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11537: New partner

"Yeah, although I can't bear you too, but when it's time to go, I have to go." Guan Heng said, patted the villain Huomai's forehead lightly, and said, "Fortunately there are fire fishes. Staying with you will not be too lonely."

The Sun Emperor Yan next to him said: "After all, we all live in the underground ruins space. If I have time, I will definitely return here to visit you."

"Really?" Hearing this, the villain's tone was a little excited, and the Sun Emperor Yan said: "Of course it is true, I swear."

"Yes, yes, we also swear that we will definitely come back." Burning Heart Tyrant Huo and Bai Guangyan also said in unison.

"Thank you, everyone is very good and very good." It didn't take long for Huomai Xiaoren to learn to speak, unable to say too esoteric vocabulary, but this sentence of "very good" is already the best thank you it can think of. Said it.

"Little man, we are leaving, Huoyu, we will also take a few, anyway, it will not affect the number of the whole group, so let's say goodbye." After saying this, Guan Heng told the Huomai villain. Waving goodbye, leading everyone away.

After leaving the core area of ​​the Fire Vein, Guan Heng found the Magma Magma Beast, and said to it: "You have worked so hard to lead the way. I will give you some fire spirits as a reward. Accept it."

With that said, Guan Heng released a few spheres of fire aura, which were all given to the opponent, and the beast immediately accepted these auras happily.

After that, Guan Heng and everyone went through the tunnel and returned to the small island where the girls and other companions were. "A Heng is back, is there any gain?" Qing Huang stepped forward at this time and asked.

"Of course, I will return with a full load." Guan Heng said, pointing to the other side of the ice bridge, and continued: "Go ahead and talk as you walk." After that, he has led everyone to the front.

As he walked, Guan Heng recounted what happened. At this moment, the white-browed old monkey also took out the original aura of the fire vein he had obtained, and showed off to the king of armor. They were so greedy that the king of armor was stunned. ring.

Then it said to the stalker: "Monkey, you can't take away all the benefits. You can give us some points, right?"

"Woo?" Hearing this, the old monkey with white eyebrows had a joking smile on his face, and then he patted King Armor on the shoulder. It meant to say: "Fat, if you want it, of course I I can give it to you, but you have to honor Lord Monkey first."

"Eh?" Hearing the monkey's words, King Armor was full of vigilance, and he whispered: "You, you, what do you want from me? Let's talk about it first, the snacks I have saved are no good. !"

"Hahaha--" After hearing it, the girls were all amused and laughed, and everyone said in unison: "Ghost, do you think the old monkey will be the same as you?"

But then, the performance of the white-browed old monkey was really beyond everyone's expectations. The monkey really wanted the armor to use all the snacks to exchange the origin of the fire, and the armor king suddenly shouted excitedly: " Don't think about it, I won't agree."

Hearing what it said, the white-browed old monkey sneered slightly at the corners of his mouth, and then shrugged, which meant to say: "Huh, do you like to change it or not, the monkey master still feels that he is losing, and it's just right not to change."

"Uh, this dead monkey..."

Glancing at the old monkey, King Jia Yao's stomach is full of anger. Guan Heng smiled and said at this time: "Well, let me be fair, just exchange the original breath of the fire pulse for all the fat snacks. It seems a bit too late, so let’s just change half, how about it?"

After hearing this, King Jia Yao pondered for a while, and then said: "Well, Lord Guan is fair, it's almost the same, hey, monkey, don't you agree?"

Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey grinned, then shook his head, and squeaked twice with his hands on his shoulders, which meant to say: "Also, it depends on the master's face. I reluctantly agreed. Come on, take out the food quickly, Lord Monkey is a little hungry."

At this moment, King Jia Yao cursed and took out the snacks he had hidden for a long time, just watching the old monkey eating those things in a magnificent manner.

The most annoying thing is that this monkey not only eats it by itself, but also greets the mandrill, ice scorpion, earth palace toad, and three insects to come and eat together, so angry that the king of armor rolls his eyes, and the girls also look at it with a smile. Pointing and laughing.

At this moment, Guan Heng removed the ice bridge on the magma, and saw the giant magma beast swimming cautiously on the edge, so he hooked his finger towards the opponent and signaled the opponent to come over.

Although the giant magma beast was a little apprehensive, when he thought that Guan Heng had deliberately avoided himself when he made the ice bridge just now, it can be seen that Guan Heng had no intention of hurting himself, so the behemoth nodded and quickly swam to him. Nearer.

"Hey, do you want this?" As he said, Guan Heng took out a crimson crystal ball obtained in the place where the fire vein originated. Seeing this, the magma behemoth immediately felt the blazing fire energy contained in it, and was immediately excited. Nodded.

Guan Heng continued to speak at this time: "This is a gift given to me by the Spirit of Fire Vein Origin. With this thing, you can sneak into the inner magma sea below the small island to find it. The villain of Fire Vein loves lively and new My friend, you will definitely be welcome."

"And you can also get more pure fire aura there, go." As he said, Guan Heng waved to it.

Hearing this, the magma behemoth nodded. There is no doubt that Guan Heng is a good introduction. The behemoth waved his claws happily, turned and swam hurriedly towards the small island.

"I hope that the Huomain villain will like this new partner."

"Master Guan, you are quite thoughtful about villain Huomai." After hearing his words, Fen Xinba Huo approached and said.

"After all, it is through my hands that opened the spiritual body of the earth-fire vein, I hope this guy can be happy." Guan Heng smiled and said this sentence, then turned his head and said: "Everyone, if you have If you are free, remember to visit it here."

"Master Guan, don't worry." Jiaoyang Emperor Yan said: "We have all made promises in front of Huomai. We will definitely come back here to visit him. We won't break our promise."

"Hehehe, just let you say that, and I'm relieved." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, we can leave here."...After a while, everyone returned to a certain underground area.

"Huh, this is..." He Feiqiu, the mad queen ant who was doing the investigation work in front, got close to a rock wall and took a closer look, and then whispered: "It's a new terrain mural, but we haven't seen it for a long time. NS."

"Where? I'll take a look." As he said, Feilai shook his head and walked closer.

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