Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11538: The battle of Feilulu (fifth breakout)

"It's indeed a new terrain mural, and I haven't seen it before." After taking a look at it, Fei Liuli said, "Should we inform Master Guan and everyone to come over immediately."

"Well, but I think there seems to be something around here watching the situation here. We may be spotted, and this mural will be unsafe."

The mad queen pondered for a while, and then the opponent Fei Liuli whispered: "You are staring at the terrain mural here, I will come to Master Guan, anyway, if you encounter any troublesome guy, you should talk to the other party first. Turn around, here, here is this for you."

After speaking, the queen stuffed a few things into the left ear hole of Fei Qianli, and Qianli nodded at this time, and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure to handle these little things."

"Be careful."

"Well, so do you." After whispering a few words, the mad queen ant immediately waved goodbye to Fei Liuli and flew away quickly.

Fei Qianli looked left and right at this time, scanned the surrounding environment, but found nothing unusual. It said to itself: "There is nothing moving, maybe the queen is too sensitive, but there is actually no dangerous guy staring at it. Come on us."



When he said he would sleep, he closed his eyes, and started snoring in less than three breaths. At the same time, more than ten shadows suddenly appeared behind the rock a few meters away, and these guys were silent. The one who rushed toward the roan swiftly, at first glance, was unkind.

"Huh!" When it was said that it was too late, then it was fast, and a black shadow headed up suddenly and violently rushed towards Feiqilii, intending to tear it up with his own minions. "Good beast, you are fooled!"

"Huh!" Between the lightning and the fire, Fei Liuli's eyes suddenly rounded, shaking her big ears soaring into the air, the other party rushed into the air, and almost hit the next rock wall with one head.

"Boom!" At the next moment, the beast's brain shattered, and unexpectedly "suicide" and died.

"Hahaha, what a stupid beast, it deserves to die!" Seeing this scene, Feiqiqi laughed forward and backward, while the rest of the evil beasts were so angry that their eyes were cracking with seven orifices and smoke. These guys are not very intelligent, but they are bloodthirsty. Crazy, something stupid.

As soon as they saw Feiqili mocking themselves, these beasts' originally stupid brains didn't even think about it.

It's just that the roe can fly, but they can only jump on the ground, using their energy in vain, but they can't even touch a single hair of the flying roe.

"Trash, everything is trash." Seeing this scene, Feiqiu laughed wildly, mocking those small evil beasts that resembled jackals, and the other party was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but if he didn't touch Feiqiu, he counted. No matter how much you hate it, there is no way to do it.

Therefore, the jackal demon beast stopped barking at this time, staring at Feiqili with blood-red eyes one by one, planning to think of some way to kill Feiqili, but at this moment, Feiqili sneered: "Bast, since you guys No way, then it's Grandpa's turn to do it!"



"Swish swish!"

In a flash of lightning, the 獌獌 blasted out dozens of wind blades, "Chuck chch! Puff puff, puff chick!" In the blink of an eye, these wind knives slashed the skulls of seven or eight jackal evil beasts, or cut them directly at the waist, and corpses. One after another fell to the ground.

"A bunch of useless wastes, so killing them won't make Grandpa feel enjoyable."

The grinning Feilui said casually, but at such a time, a black shadow suddenly rushed behind Feilui. With the help of the tall rock in front of him as a pedal, Huo Di quickly climbed up and came to Feilu. Behind the roe, raised his claws and slapped his back fiercely.

"What?!" Suddenly felt the bad wind behind him, Fei Qianli was taken aback, and in the next instant it rushed towards the sky, "Hiss!" It just moved a little slower, and immediately added a few scars on his back. Fortunately, it was timely avoidance, not serious injury.

"Damn, you damned beast!" Seeing that the sneak attacker was a circle larger than the ordinary jackal beast, he was obviously a leader-level guy, and Fei Qianli was furious at this moment.

It had never suffered this kind of loss, and was about to turn around to perform a retaliatory attack on the guy, but suddenly felt that it was dark in front of its eyes, and it fell heavily towards the ground when it was shaking.

"Dang!" Feiqili's body fell to the ground, it only felt numb all over, and it cried out secretly, "The guy who attacked me is poisonous?!"

In the next moment, the fat jackal evil beast has led his subordinates to surround him, and these guys have a fierce look and a foul smell in their mouths, intending to tear the flying 獌獌 into pieces to vent their anger, in order to avenge the killing of this guy just now. Enmity of one's own companions.

"Huh!" Life was at stake, Fei Qianlu suddenly raised her head and barely shook her big ears, "Swish, swish!" Three ill shadows surged out of the ear holes, exactly what the mad queen gave it just now. One thing, one of them, is Mu Lingzhi Eye.

"Huh—" In a short time, the wisdom eyes bloomed with wood aura and green light, covering the wound on Feiqiqi's back, quickly dissolving the harm of toxins invading the body.

"Roar!" In the next moment, Fei Liu Liu immediately roared and rushed up, scaring the fat evil beast into a cold war, and at the same time, Fei Liu yelled: "Bast, how dare you count me? , Grandpa will teach you a lesson first!"


As soon as the words fell, Fei Liuli released three huge wind blades, and attacked the fat evil beast with lightning speed. This guy had the courage to hold on, so he could only retreat and avoid it, but Fei Liu was shrewd. These attacks are all calculated and shot, blocking the opponent's retreat.

"Bang!" The first wind blade hit the ground, causing earth and rocks to splash in all directions, and frightened the other jackals and evil beasts from approaching, leaving them alone and helpless. After the Three Ways, it was able to attack the fat evil beast.

At this moment, it was impossible to completely avoid the attack of the wind blade. In a hurry, the fat evil beast had to avoid the heavier and the lighter, and rushed directly to one of the smaller wind blades, intending to get some injuries and avoid the big ones. Partial attack.

But there was a fierce look in Fei's eyes: "You want to avoid my wind blade, you don't have that ability!"

"Swish!" When he said this, Fei Liuyan suddenly slammed his big ears, creating bursts of swift wind pressure, and they quickly held up the smaller wind blade, causing it to instantly pass over one of the fat evil beasts. Fore paws only.



The forelimbs of the fat jackal evil beast fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood mist sprayed out in a flash. Under the severe pain, this guy suddenly broke out with a terrible and terrible howling: "Oh oh oh -"

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