Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11540: Mysterious stone

"A Heng is right. Next, we will indeed encounter a lot of situations where we need to repair the terrain murals." Qing Huang nodded at this time, and then said: "You can think of this way of using the five elements in advance. good."

"Ha ha ha, of course." Guan Heng said triumphantly at this time: "Because I am very smart."

"Hey, don't be overwhelmed." Seeing his appearance, Xiaoxin was a little unhappy: "Mei Huang praises you, you won't find North."

"Ahem, okay, let's be serious then."

Guan Heng placed the terrain mural on the huge rock in front of him and said: "It just so happens that the mural we found can be connected to the previous one. In this way, we can find the area where we are going. "

"Hey, this is where we are?" Qing Huang asked, pointing to a place on the mural.

"Yes, it's here." Guan Heng nodded and nodded, then pointed at another location with his finger, and said: "From here to here, the distance is the closest, and there is no fork in the road, just go here."

"What's in this place?" Fengxin asked. Guan Heng said: "It should be one middle, two big, three connected pits. The specific situation should be understood when we get there. Let's go." With that, he already took everyone to the destination.

After a while, everyone followed Guan Heng to the several side-by-side mines. From the outside, this was a relatively small opening and two huge openings.

Guan Heng said, "Let's start with the smaller mine in the middle."

"Madman." "Yes, Lord Guan."

"You take the gray-brown demon hedgehog and the ice gluttonous beast ahead." Guan Heng said, "I think the mineral deposits in this cave shouldn't be too deep, because the breath of loess mine is on the edge of the cave entrance. spread."

"Yes, yes, what Guan Ye said is extremely true, and I think so too." The Mandrill nodded, and then said: "It should not be too late, I will immediately lead everyone to explore the way."

As he said, it waved its hand and shouted, "Everyone, let's go."


"Ooo, Ooo!"

Upon hearing this, the gray-brown demon hedgehog and the ice gluttonous beast trembled and followed behind the mandrill. Guan Heng, the girls and other companions all followed. Soon, everyone marched dozens of times in the mine. Husband.

Suddenly, the demon yelled out: "Master Guan, I can see the loess **** on the ground around me. It seems that I can start working soon."

"Very good, let's start as soon as possible." Guan Heng said casually: "I'll finish here early, so let's go to the other two big mines."

"Good." Hearing this, the mandrill nodded, and then shouted to the ice beasts and hedgehogs: "Little ones, pay attention to the things at your feet. If you find a loess mine, immediately start digging. Don't neglect."

After hearing this, the demon hedgehogs squeaked and began to pay attention to the conditions of the surrounding areas. Soon, the sound of excavation continued one after another, and everyone had begun to dig the nearby soil to look for the whereabouts of the loess mine.

"At best, there are some medium and high-grade loess mines." Xiaoxin looked around and continued: "There seems to be no other associated mines, right?"

"Well, I think it's the same." Tu Gongchan spoke next to him: "Master Guan, everyone, although there is only loess in this medium-sized mine, I found something unusual."

"Oh, what's the situation?" Guan Heng asked after hearing this.

"Here, this is the direction."


While speaking, the earth palace toad had already rushed to several feet away, raised his webbed claws and pointed to an area in front of him and said: "Here, there is a strong earth aura spreading out, but it is not the smell of a loess mine, which is very strange."

"Well, yes, I felt it too." Guan Heng nodded at this moment, and then said: "I also feel this breath. It feels a bit similar to loess, but it's really different."

"Then Lord Guan, should we investigate it?" Tu Gongchan asked.

"Well, there is nothing left or right anyway, I was about to walk around and check it out." Guan Heng said, then turned to the girls and said, "Everyone, wait here for a while, and I will go back with Toad. That's right. Mother Chong, you and Hou Xiaojin also come here."

"Yes, Master (Master Guan)." The three insects agreed in unison, and followed Guan Heng together. Then, he took the earth palace toad and the insects and walked towards the front.


After a few moments, Guan Heng kept moving along the spreading area of ​​the earth aura, and finally found the source of the aura.

"Master, you see, this stone standing under the rock wall is a bit weird." When she said this, the insect mother flew to the top of the stone, and then continued: "Look, the aura seems to come from here. The stone overflowed."

"Well, you are right." Guan Heng stepped forward and took a closer look, and then said: "Hey, you all come over and see if this thing is like an animal, not the appearance of an ordinary rock."

"Really?" "I have to take a closer look." As Sanchong and the earth palace toad said, they leaned forward to take a closer look. After a few breaths, the earth palace toad said, "Yes. Yes, it does look like a little beast, but I can’t say what it is.”

"Well, listening to you say that, it looks like some kind of beast."

"Is this guy a living creature, petrified like the Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey?"

Suddenly, King Golden Sting made such a sentence, making everyone nodded secretly, but Guan Heng said, "There is also such a possibility as you said. The petrified thing, I guess it would have died a long time ago."

"That's it..." Upon hearing these words, the Golden Sting King, Guhuang Howler, and the Evil Concubine Mother looked at each other, and then slowly nodded: "It is indeed possible, after all, it was petrified like an ancient donkey. There are not many special cases that have been alive for many years."

"Anyway, let's take a look at the'stone skin' on this guy's surface first." When Guan Heng said this, his face looked a little puzzled and turned to look not far away, then stepped forward. Strode over.

Suddenly, Guan Heng stretched out his hands and leaned into a rock, and then he took two small things out. He said, "Dry turtles, yucchi, if you two want to come with you, just talk directly, secretly. Stalking from behind, so sneaky is outrageous."

"Woo, woo!" Upon hearing this, the Baojia Dry Turtle whispered towards Guan Heng and shook its paws. It meant to say: "Don't make a mistake, I'm not sneaky at all. He came after him generously."

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