Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11541: Bonding Soul Body Fragments (third more)

"Snake, why did you come with the dry turtle? Tell me." Guan Heng ignored the Baojia dry turtle struggling under his hands at this time, and turned his head to ask the stubborn turtle. This guy is dumb and honest, and he doesn't have the cunning kind of dry turtles. Look tired and lazy, will not lie to yourself.

Sure enough, the stubborn stone 猲猲 screamed at Guan Heng a few times, telling him that it was Baojia Dry-shelled turtle who came up with the idea, and let himself and it quietly follow him, intending to see where the pure earth aura comes from. Floating over.

"Hmph, I knew that was the case." Guan Heng sneered slightly at this time, then placed the two little guys on the ground and said: "Since you have all followed, then stay by my side. Don't just run around and cause me trouble, you know?"

Hearing this, Baojia Dry Turtle and Wanshi Zhanqi nodded hurriedly, and then they came to the weird beast-like stone with Guan Heng.

"Little guy, come and see what is special about this stone."

"Kacha!" As soon as Guan Heng said these words, Baojia Dry Turtle opened his mouth and gnawed on the surface of the stone.

"Ha ha ha, I guess you would do it." Seeing this, Guan Heng suddenly laughed with everyone. The toad jumped to the front at this time, patted the forehead of Baojia Dry Turtle with his webbed claws, and asked, "Hey, how does this stone taste?"

"Puff!" Baojia Dry Turtle spit out a lump of scum that it was biting in its mouth, then shook his head angrily, and whimpered at the toad a few times, which meant saying: "It's really hard. Eat it to death!"

"Of course, it's just a layer of stone skin. What kind of taste do you taste?" The ancient wild roar next to him smiled: "It's nothing more than a smell of soil."

"Woo, woo!" After hearing these words, Baojia Dry Turtle became a little angry, and then pushed the stubborn stone 猲獲 to the front with his paws, and pointed at the beast-like stone and screamed at it twice, like Said: "Yihu, you come and try to bite this thing."

Hearing this, the stubborn stone hunger shook his head quickly, and said to his heart: "I am not you. I have to bite everything when I see it, so forget it."

But the stubborn stone hen also has its own way. It backed two steps in an instant, and then suddenly lowered its head and dived, "Boom!" This head mallet abruptly touched the surface of the beast-like stone, "Lala!" All of a sudden, this. Several cracks appeared on the stone.

"Huh, are you so impulsive?" Seeing the scorpion, he smashed the stone out of the crack. The worm mother and the earth palace toad were a little surprised, but Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Good at it, just let it try."


"Chuck...chuck..." In the blink of an eye, there were more and more cracks on the surface of the beast-like stone, and the ear-piercing and cracking sound continued one after another. Suddenly it exploded.

At this moment, everyone looked intently, and couldn't help but startled in awe: "How could this be?"

It turned out that after the stone skin was smashed, there was only an empty hollow stone left in it. Guhuang Roar subconsciously took two steps forward, stretched out his hand to touch the inside, then raised his head and said, "Nothing!"

"It seems that it's just a stone shell, we've missed it this time." The evil worm mother said with some disappointment.

"Hey, don't be disappointed in a hurry."

Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Looking at it is an empty shell, maybe it's just a superficial phenomenon, have you forgotten? This thing has been emitting a strong earthy aura before it broke open. I have now gathered all these auras in. Together, look, this is it."

As he said, Guan Heng opened his palm and said, "Swish-rest -" In the electric light and stone fire, the rich earth and spiritual energy all around quickly gathered to the front, all gathered together to form a fist-big ball.

At this moment, everyone can see the peculiarity of this earth aura. King Golden Sting whispers: "The color of this aura seems to be much deeper than normal, right? I think it may contain other'substances' inside. '."

"Well, Xiao Jin guessed it right."

Guan Heng nodded and said: "According to my estimation, this should be the soul body scattered and shattered by the earth-type spirit beast. Its soul body should be scattered because it has existed for too long and caused excessive weakness, if it was not because I accidentally Use your own aura to gather them together, I'm afraid this guy will disappear completely soon."

"Master Guan, what are you going to do?" Gu Huanghou said, "Are these soul body fragments glued together again?"

"Well, I tried to do this kind of thing before, and I was lucky to succeed."

Guan Heng replied casually: "However, the soul body after bonding did not last for too long, and it collapsed and annihilated." "Is that so?"

Upon hearing this, the earth palace toad and the three insects looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Guan Heng looked at the spirit energy again at this time, and then said: "Anyway, let me try to restore this spirit body."

"First of all, first separate this spiritual energy from the fragmented spiritual body, so that it will facilitate the reorganization of the soul body." As he said, the palm of Guan Heng suddenly released suction, and suddenly sucked out the rich earth spiritual energy, and the other one Only those soul body fragments remained in the palm of the hand.

"Toad, hold this group of spiritual energy for me first, and I will glue the fragments of the soul body." At this point, Guan Heng handed the spiritual energy to the earth palace toad.

Immediately afterwards, he spread the fragments of the soul body, and then gently covered the fragments with the earth profound spiritual energy he released, allowing them to immerse each other in the profound spiritual energy, continuously inhaling these auras, and slowly bonding each other. Gradually, one piece stuck to two pieces, two pieces stuck to four pieces...

After more than ten breaths, all the fragments of the spirit body were glued together to form a whole. Guan Heng nodded and said, "Well, it's almost the same now, Toad, take that group of spiritual energy."

"Master Guan, here you are." As he said, the earth palace toad took the spiritual energy, and the worm mother next to him said: "Master, do you want to..."

"Yes, you guessed it right." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then continued: "This pure spiritual energy has been following the soul body. It can be seen that it has a soul body or was derived from the beast before it died. So it is of great use to it."

"Yeah, we all think so." Upon hearing this, the three insects and the earth palace toad nodded in unison.

"Uuuuu..." At this time, the Baojia Dry Turtle stretched out its paws and hugged Guan Heng's legs and shook it, which meant to ask: "Are you okay?"

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