Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11546: Dive into the big mine (third shift)

Not long after, the blue water spider led Guan Heng and the others to the large mine on the left. Not long after entering this place, everyone was intercepted by hundreds of vicious evil spirits, but these little guys were waiting in Guan Heng. It seems that they are nothing more than existences comparable to ants.

"Kill, don't keep one!" Guan Heng waved his hand impatiently, and the mad queen ant and the ancient roar immediately roared and flew over, starting an air battle with the opponent.


"Swish swish!"

In an instant, the queen ant's wind blade and the roaring sword light had enveloped hundreds of evil spirits, and the opponent had been cut to pieces by these attacks before they even had time to react.

"Woo woo-" Seeing this scene, the rest of the evil spirits were all scared to death, and then wailed and screamed and ran away, but at this moment, the ancient wilderness roared: "Ape souls, come on! "

"Huhuhu!" In the flash of lightning, a few ape souls immediately roared and rushed towards the remaining evil spirits.

"Ping pong pong!"



In the next moment, the fierce attack of the fire claw ape souls caused the evil spirits to suffer. Xiaoyu and the leader-level evil spirits could not stop the ape soul's attack at all.

It only took three or four breaths. Most of the evil spirits had died tragically on the spot, and only eight evil spirit kings were still struggling to support them.

"Well, the evil spirit king level guys can barely be used." Guan Heng nodded slightly at this time, and then raised his voice: "Stone Turtle Beast, come here."

"Woo woo woo!" Upon hearing this, the giant stone turtle beast agreed, and immediately strode forward, and Guan Heng said, "Let the soul-recovering urn absorb those evil spirit kings."

After listening to this, the stone turtle beast nodded, and suddenly walked a few steps forward, "Whhhhhhhhhh!" When he said it was too late, then soon, the drunken soul monster bone flower next to the soul-recovering urn shook the branches suddenly.

"Chichichichi!" In a short time, the demon bone flower released a large aura that confuses the spirit body. The Evil Spirit King who wanted to escape suddenly felt something wrong, and fell directly one by one, locked by the Soul Recovering Urn, and also received income Inside the urn.

"It's not bad. It seems that the demon bone flower works well with the soul-recovering urn and the stone turtle beast." Guan Heng said with a smile: "The more skilled the teamwork, the better."

"Yes, in this way, other evil spirits can be captured more quickly." Qing Huang nodded and said.

"Hey, water spider." At this moment, Mandrill turned his head and asked: "Where is your nest?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing the mandrill's inquiry, the blue water spider immediately waved its claws at everyone, and then twisted its body and sprinted towards the front.

"Keep up, keep up!"

"It should be not far ahead."

After a while, the blue water spider led everyone through the tunnel and reached a huge cave entrance. There were more than ten evil spirit kings guarding the cave entrance and patrolling. Department attaches great importance to it.

"Suddenly!" When it was said that it was too late, it was almost that time, and the mandrill had already rushed past, and the ice-breaking wedge in his palm violently waved, releasing a large amount of ice mysterious aura.

"Lala!" Numerous evil spirit kings were immediately frozen in place. Then, the mandrill turned his head and waved to the stone turtle beast not far away. The other party immediately stepped forward and let the soul urn freeze the evil spirit king. Take it all in.

"Squeak, chirp..." At this time, the blue water spider boldly walked to the entrance of the cave, looked left and right, and then made a cry.


At the moment it screamed, more than a dozen figures suddenly appeared nearby. Guan Heng and the others looked closely. They turned out to be the companions of water spiders, but the patterns on these guys have their own characteristics, and they are all different. The appearance of red spots, gray and white stripes, and jet black water ripples.

However, most of these water spiders were scarred, and looked a little tired and frightened. After seeing the blue water spiders, they immediately gathered forward, squeaking, and inquired about the situation after separation from it.

"Ahem, can you wait for me to talk about the old things?" At this moment, Guan Heng stepped forward and cleared his throat.

Only then did the water spiders realize that there was a stranger next to them, and they immediately took a few steps back in fright. Seeing this, the blue water spiders just wanted to explain to their companions that they were not bad people.

But at this moment, the Water Profound Spirit Beast flew up to the water spiders, and suddenly released the profound spiritual energy and coercion of the whole body, and then whispered: "I don't know what is good or bad, we are here to help you solve the evil spirits. , Don’t hurry down and thank you."

Seeing the coercion of the water profound spirit beast is terrifying, and its release of profound aura makes the water spiders unable to resist. Everyone had to crouch obediently, and Guan Heng said: "Xiao Shui Shui, forget it, calm down, you do this. , On the contrary, it seems that we are overwhelming."

"Hey, I am not opening up the situation for you, so that you don't have to work hard to communicate with them." The Shui Xuan spirit beast said with his arms folded at this time: "Don't you know good people!"

"Hehehe, are you kind? Why didn't I see it?" Guan Heng grinned and said, "I think you are playing your own prestige."

"You!!" When Shui Xuan spirit beast heard this, he was about to open his mouth to curse, Guan Heng immediately hooked his finger at it, and continued: "Okay, you have worked hard, come down and rest."

"Huh, it's almost the same."

As soon as Guan Heng’s tone changed, the qi in the Shui Xuan spirit beast eased, and it suddenly flew down on Guan Heng’s shoulder, and then pointed to the water spiders and said, “If you have anything to say now, just close it with my servant. Speaking horizontally, he can represent me with full authority."

"Little boy, when did I become your servant?" After hearing this, Guan Heng was a little bit dumbfounded, but the Shui Xuan spirit beast whispered in his ear: "Hey, don't pierce me, otherwise, the water The spider will not answer your questions honestly."

"Oh, well, let you be prestigious for a while." Guan Heng smiled, then waved to the water spiders, and then said: "Come here, I have something to ask you."

"Sha Sha Sha!" In a short time, the water spiders gathered around and asked Guan Heng, "What are the evil spirits trying to do in collecting the loess mine here? Do you understand the inside story?"

Hearing this, the water spiders looked at each other and were a little surprised. They looked at each other and were silent. Before long, a scarlet-spotted water spider came close to Guan Heng, shaking his front paws and stroking him. Described it a lot.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Guan Heng nodded slowly when he heard the other party's narration, and Xiao Xin asked: "Hey, Guan Heng, what is this water spider talking about?"

"They said that the one who led the evil spirits to invade their nest was a weird big evil spirit king. The other party likes to devour the loess mine, so they plan to occupy this place and provide them with a lot of food."

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