Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11547: Hunted by the evil spirits in the mine

"Is that so?" Hearing Guan Heng's explanation, Xianxin looked surprised, and then said: "Evil spirits rarely come into contact with soil aura, right? Even eating loess mines. This great evil spirit king is weird!"

"That's it." Qing Huang nodded beside him, and then said: "Unless that guy is a specially mutated evil spirit body."

"Well, Huang Mei is right." Guan Heng said from the side: "I think it is necessary for this great evil spirit king to be captured alive, and then study it."

"Agree!" Upon hearing this, Ruotao waved her hand in excitement, and then continued to say: "Then what should other evil spirits do?"

"The old rules, the leader-level and the young evil spirits have all been killed, and the evil spirit king is left to the soul refining urn for refining soul power."

"Okay, that's it." When the sisters heard Guan Heng's words, they all nodded, and then Guan Hengyang said, "Water spider, come and lead the way."

"Squeak, chirp!" Hearing this, the water spiders immediately gathered around and hurried towards the front nest together. Guan Heng led his companions to follow.

At the same time, the evil spirits in the cave seemed to feel an invasion by foreign enemies, so they gathered here from all directions, preparing to stop the enemy from moving forward.

"Beast, look for death!"


It's too late, it's fast, the king of armor suddenly took a step forward and performed his stunt "Blasting Wind Roar", which immediately shook a large number of evil spirits in the air trembling, some of them were wrapped in flames, screamed annihilated, and some It fell into a state of fainting, and fell directly to the ground, all being sucked away by the soul-recovering urn.

"There are a lot of evil spirit kings."

"It's true, even Xiaoyu and the leader level are very small, most of them are Evil Spirit Kings."

"It seems that this evil spirit group has a lot of powerful companions." Guan Heng said in a deep voice, "It can be seen that the leader of the Great Evil Spirit King has the ability to command."

"That's nothing, evil spirits, in front of us, after all, it is a scum." Ruo Tao said, shaking her fist: "After seeing that guy, I will give him a severe lesson."

"Okay, that's it."

"When I saw the Great Evil Spirit King, everyone beat him up a few times." The sisters said enthusiastically. Not far from behind, the mandrill, the armor king, and the earth palace toad muttered: "What a bad luck. The Great Evil Spirit King."

"That's right, this guy is destined to die miserably by being watched by the girls."

"So we brothers will have to keep one thing in mind later." One-horned Ice Jiao whispered: "Just when you meet each other, don't rob the girls, otherwise, we will also get involved."


"Yes, that's right, this matter must be kept in mind, and I would rather die than forget it."

The group of beasts that had been properly negotiated nodded each other, and then followed tremblingly. Looking at the sisters, Qinghuangxixin and the others, all of them are proud and warlike. Guan Heng said next to him: "You guys are too courageous, you are really worthless!"

"Yes, but we don't dare to fight the princess and the others." The Mandrill said with a smile: "Don't you say that Lord Guan, do you dare to have any objections?"

"I..." A wry smile appeared on Guan Heng's face, and then he said, "Master, I'm good at fighting between men and women, understand?"

"Yes, it's Master Guan, your excuse is clever." The group of beasts said in unison.

"What's an excuse? You guys are really..." Guan Heng was about to yell at them. At this moment, the evil worm mother and the mad queen ants suddenly fluttered from the opposite side, and said in a loud voice. : "Master, the water spider in front has found traces of evil spirits again."

"Go, go and take a look." Qing Huang and the others are now a little impatient to see the Great Evil Spirit King, so they waved to the insect mother and signaled it to lead the way and lead them past. "Okay, everyone, please follow me."

"Hey!" It was too late, then soon, the evil worm mother fluttered into the air and led everyone forward. After a while, Guan Heng and the girls who rushed to the battlefield just saw the crowd. Water spider confronted by evil spirits.

At this moment, the earth palace toad summoned many small earth toads, some of them fought fiercely with many evil spirit kings, and some of them protected the safety of water spiders with themselves. , There are still evil spirits constantly planting on the ground, terrible.

"Hey, Toad." Xiao Xin led Qinghuang and the others to the neighborhood at this time, and then said with a carefree wave: "Let your little earth toad retreat. These guys will be sent to our sisters."

"Yes, princess, ladies, please, please." Tu Gongchan nodded and bowed to the side where he dared to say nothing, and respectfully led the little soil toad back to the side.

"Hey!" It's too late, it's soon, the starry spirit spear in the palm, Qinghuang's spirit sword, lotus miracle blade, Ruotao's thunder-swallowing blade, ancient sang girl's wooden scepter, and An Yan's Great Sword of the Last Soul, these divine weapons suddenly bumped into each other.

"Dang!" At the next moment, the magical soldiers gushed out a huge wave of impeccable spiritual energy. "Boom!" It was just a blow. The whole group of evil spirits hit by the front had already collapsed. hurt.

The guys who could be hit by the girls' teamwork were all with the strength above the Evil Spirit King, and the rest of the guys were all destroyed in an instant.

At this moment, Fang Xin made a squeaky sound, and then shook the holy spirit spear, releasing a large amount of ice profound spiritual energy, freezing all the remaining evil spirit kings, and the other party immediately fell to the ground with the slamming sound.

Qing Huang waved his hand and shouted at this time: "Stone Turtle Beast, let the soul-recovering urn absorb these evil spirits."

Upon hearing this, the stone turtle beast nodded dumbly, and immediately stepped forward, "buzzing!" At the next moment, the big belly urn trembled a few times, and immediately took all the frozen evil spirit kings. Enter the urn.

"Huh, these little evil spirit kings are simply a waste of our sisters' efforts to join forces." Xiong said with a curled lips at this time: "All are scum."

"That's right."

"That's right, when my elder sister shows off her power, what are those little evil spirits?"

"Our sisters work together, don't say killing a few evil spirits, even if it turns upside down, you can do it."

When Guan Heng, Demon Mandrill, and King Jia Yao heard this, they all felt hairy, and the corners of Guan Heng's mouth were slightly raised, and then said to them: "You guys, follow behind Qing Huang and the princess. Once there is any unexpected problem, go over and help immediately, you know?"

"This, this..." Demon whispered: "Master Guan, why don't you go by yourself? Must we go up and get scolded?"

"Nonsense, you are just that useful." Guan Heng rolled his eyes, and then said: "Don't worry, even if the princess loses her temper, she won't tear your bones apart. At most, she will punch and kick her. You can endure it by gritting your teeth."

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