Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11548: Wisdom competition (fifth more outburst)

"I, I'm afraid of pain..." Jia Yao Wang whispered.

"Pop!" Before he could finish speaking, Guan Heng kicked over. In the middle of Queen Jia Yao, he smiled and cursed: "It's your rough skin, and you still have the face to say that you are afraid of pain? Not ashamed or ashamed."




Seeing King Carapace being kicked, Mandrill, Old Monkey, and Big-headed Bianxu all covered their mouths and laughed. Seeing this, King Crest was a little embarrassed and turned into anger. He did not dare to turn his face with Guan Heng, and whispered at them. Said: "Laugh a shit, you will have nothing to end later!"

"Oh ha ha, we will be cautious, we won't be as ignorant as you, and say everything in our hearts." Mandrill smiled smirkly, then spread both hands and said: "Because our buddy is much smarter than you. ."

"Fart!" King Jia Yao burst into swearing angrily, and then said: "You will be smarter than Master Yao? Don't brag!"

"If you don't believe it, we can be smart and intelligent. If you dare not fight, you can say'I'm much stupid than Mandrill' three times. How about?" Mandrill triumphantly held his shoulders and said.

"Uh, really better?" Hearing these words, King Armor was a little confused, for fear that he would fall into the trap set by the mandrill, but he would lose face if he was embarrassed. "Fat, it doesn't matter, you can compare it to it."

Guan Heng smiled and said at this time: "I will stare at the Mandrill, not allowing it to deceive you, and I will also give you some advice."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Mandrill immediately yelled unconvincedly: "Master Guan, this is not fair, you are obviously partial to the fat man, this is cheating."

"You shut up." Guan Heng blinked at the Mandrill at this time, and then continued: "I can only decide things like fairness, okay?"

"Well..." Seeing Guan Heng winking at himself, Mandrill immediately understood, but his face was calm.

It opened its mouth and said: "Well, for the sake of Lord Guan, I don't care about that much, fat, let's ask each other three questions now, and win in three games. Whoever guesses the answer to the other's question first does not matter. Can you win?"

"Okay, this sounds fair, I agree." King Jia Yao nodded without doubt, and then the Mandrill said: "In order to make you feel more fair, I will let you ask the question first. "

"Really?" Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao said in surprise: "This seems a bit disadvantageous for you."

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's also because I think your problems must be very simple, it's impossible to make me difficult." Mandrill stood out, and then said very confidently: "Come on, come on."

"Okay, I'll just say it."

King Jia Yao blinked, and then said, "Guess, what is my favorite food?"

"Honey dipped in dried meat!" Mandrill smiled, and then said: "But only for the last three days, because you never eat the same food for three consecutive days. Once the time comes, you will love the new and dislike the old."

"Eh?!" After hearing this, King Armor said in astonishment, "God, your guess is accurate."

"Nonsense." Guan Heng sighed bitterly while holding his forehead beside him, "Fatty, you really don't have a brain, what do you like to eat, can you hide the mandrill?"

" seems like this, it's a mistake." King Jia Yao shook his head, and then said: "Forget it, anyway, the first question is just a test of the water, I will now come to the second question."

"Well, you say I listen."

Mandrill was full of confidence at this time, but King Armor had a cunning color in his eyes, and he planned to play with him once, so he said: "I have a friend who is very good at using cold air, and there is a monkey who is good at using fire. May I ask , Among these two guys, who is more capable?"

"Huh, of course I use cold air more powerfully..."

When the mandrill heard this, he stared and blurted out, but at this moment, the old monkey with white eyebrows behind it creaked his fists. The mandrill turned his head and immediately whispered: "Monkey, don't be impulsive. what!"


But the white-browed old monkey didn't give Mandrill a chance to explain it at all. Suddenly, he punched him with a cold fist. Although he didn't use any strength, he also made Mandrill's eyes and staring at Venus.

"Woo, woo!" At this moment, the old white-browed monkey thumped his chest with his fists and screamed strangely, which meant saying: "Everyone has seen it, right? Mandrill is much more powerful."

"Uh, **** monkey, how dare you attack me." The Mandrill was rubbing his sore cheek at this time, daring not to speak, because it doesn't want to provoke the old monkey to continue to do it, and then it will provoke the crazy monkey. , Must suffer a big loss.

"Hehehe, Congratulations, Mandrill, you have said the correct answer." King Armor leaned close to it at this moment and said triumphantly: "In fact, this question is correct no matter how you answer it, but you can see You got a punch from the old monkey, I'm already very happy."

"So, you have answered my two questions right now and won two games in three games, so you are temporarily ahead." King Armor said nonchalantly: "Now, you ask questions and I will answer."

"Damn fat man, how dare you calculate me, do it well, or fix you ruthlessly, I won't be called Mandrill."

Thinking of this, the Mandrill rubbed its cheeks and bit its teeth. Then, the Mandrill suddenly changed into a serious expression, and said with a grin: "Fat, I don't want to make it difficult for you, first. The question is the simplest one, and you can definitely tell the answer."

"Okay, then you can say it quickly." King Jia Yao was quite excited at this time, and he urged again and again. "Listen well, first question." The Mandrill said with a smile at this time: "The Sun Emperor Yan, the insect mother and you, how the fire control intensity and ability are arranged from strong to weak, please tell me."

"It's easy."

The armor king said without hesitation: "The Sun Emperor Yan is the leader of the ancient spiritual fire, and naturally it is the strongest. The insect mother's related master personally guides the use of the fire aura skills, and there is a bonus from the insect emperor gem, second, although I don't want to admit that among the three of us, the weakest fire control ability is me, right?"

"Very well, this is the correct answer, you got it right." Mandrill nodded and said with a smile: "Then the second question, how long will it take for us to explore the entire underground area and return to the upper stone house. go?"

"This, this question is too difficult to answer, right?" King Jia Yao said angrily, "Don't say it's me, even Lord Guan may not be able to say it, I don't answer, just give up!"

"Very well, you voluntarily abstained, so there is only one chance left." The mandrill's mouth was slightly raised, a sly look appeared on his face, and then he said: "If you guess the answer to the third question, we will even get a tie. If you can’t guess it, you have lost.”

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