Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11557: The Secret of the Evil King

"Everyone knows this." Gu Sangnu sighed bitterly. "I'm talking about other differences, other things, understand?"

"Of course I understand." An Yan's mouth turned slightly, with a joking smile: "I said that on purpose."

"Uh uh uh... Anyan, you really love to tease your sisters more and more. Who did you learn from? Guan Heng?" Gu Sangnu said, pouting her mouth and pointing at Guan Heng, and he waved his hand hurriedly. : "Don't talk nonsense, you didn't learn from me."

"Everyone, there is news." At this moment, the evil worm mother whispered: "I sent out to follow the two evil spirit kings and sent a message back, saying that they have found the whereabouts of other evil spirit kings. It’s just that I’m not sure if it’s the Great Evil Spirit King."

"That's okay, let's just go over and confirm it, let's go." After saying that, Guan Heng let the evil cricket mother lead the way, leading himself and everyone to find the colorful fierce flies responsible for stalking and tracking the enemy.


After a while, everyone found the stalking Zixu. They were located ten meters away, and there was a lot of Evil Spirit King activity. However, these hundreds of evil spirits did not emit a little evil, which made people feel a little surprised. incredible.

"These guys feel weird to me, don't they?" Ruo Tao said at the moment.

"Yes, I think so." Gu Sangnu and An Yan nodded at the same time.

Guan Heng said in a deep voice: "These guys seem to have some kind of strange ability to keep their evil spirits from leaking out and attract the attention of the enemy. Usually other evil spirits don't have this ability."

"A Heng is right, at least, we have never seen the same type." Qing Huang nodded slightly, agreeing.

At the same time, Guan Heng continued: "The most important thing is that these guys are Soul Eater Evil Spirit Kings."

"That's it, did they get their abilities to restrain their breath and cut off their evil spirits from the beast soul they swallowed?" There was a flash of light in Xianxin's mind, thinking of this possibility, Guan Heng nodded: " Well, it's possible."

Immediately afterwards, he said to the worm mother: "I want to find a way to quietly grab a few Soul Eater Evil Spirit Kings. I want to check their structure."

"Yes, Master." The insect mother immediately agreed, and suddenly summoned two mutant children, let them use their abilities, put themselves in a state of invisibility, and then rushed straight ahead.

"Huh!" As soon as the light wind moved, the evil worm mother released several fiery filaments, which entangled the spirit body of an evil spirit king outside Zhangyu like a lightning.

This guy just wanted to scream, the worm mother suddenly tightened the filament, entangled it firmly, and then quickly threw it to the ancient barren roar behind him, and then, it rushed towards another target.

In the blink of an eye, the worm mother caught the three Soul Eater Evil Kings. It was estimated that the number was about the same. It immediately fluttered its wings and flew towards Guan Heng. This series of tasks can be described as a haunting, fast and unreliable. Lun.

No evil spirit king noticed that his companions were suddenly missing three. After all, these evil spirit kings would not pay too much attention to their companions. They weren't the kind of guys who like to form cliques and chat together.

The reason for gathering in one place is that they were summoned by the leader, the Great Evil Spirit King. If they did not obey, they would most likely be pursued and killed by others of the same kind.

"Master, they are all caught back." At this moment, the evil worm mother flew back to Guan Heng with the Howler and the Golden Sting King, and handed over the three captive Evil Spirit Kings.

"Okay, just leave it to me."


It's too late, it's fast, Guan Heng said while waving his hand to release a large fire spirit, covering the three trembling Evil Spirit Kings. These flames instantly wrapped each other, and then quickly refined, evil spirits. Where did the Spirit King bear this intense pain, and immediately turned into nothingness.

But Guan Heng's fire spirit only selectively refined the evil spirit, leaving behind the fragments of the beast soul swallowed by the other party. There were five in total, and Guan Heng smoothly squeezed it.

In an instant, he felt the difference between these beast soul fragments, and then muttered to himself: "So that's it, I understand."

"Guan Heng, what do you understand? Tell me." Xiong urged beside her.

"The beast souls devoured by these evil spirits have the ability to hold breath." Guan Heng opened his palm and said to everyone: "Look at these soul fragments. When you hold them in your hands, you can hardly feel them emitting. Breath."

"Hey, it is true." Ruotao picked up a piece of soul body, and then said: "It's amazing, holding it in her hand, as if there is no such thing."

"Papa Papa!"

But at such a time, the soul body fragments in Guan Heng's palm were shattered and disappeared. Guan Heng shook his head and said, "They existed in the body of the Evil Spirit King. They were originally extremely weak and on the verge of demonization. The Evil Spirit King is dead, and these soul bodies basically can't be kept."

"It's a pity, if you can find this kind of beast soul, it would be nice to study their ability to conquer the breath, and maybe you can use it with the brown-skinned spider's'Hidden Mist Spider Pill'." Zhenwen said to herself. .

"It's true, in fact, I also have this idea." Guan Heng touched his chin, then said: "But well, don't be disappointed. Since these evil spirit kings can hold their breath, it proves that they are also devouring similar beasts. Soul, we may not be unable to find it."

"Brother Guan said that." Zhenwen nodded and said: "It is good to be able to find this beast soul. If we can't find it, we can think of other countermeasures, and we can always improve the hidden mist spider pill. Ability."

"Hehehe, girl, you are so smart, you can definitely do it."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng spoke again: "In order to be able to gather more soul-like fragments, we'd better approach the evil spirit kings quietly, and then quickly capture each other, refine the evil spirits, and gather more soul bodies. Fragments."

"In this case, I might be able to use my aura to fuse them together to form a new individual, which is good for research."

"Hey, that's a good idea." Zhenwen smiled with her palms: "I agree."

"Okay, let's start now."

Guan Heng slapped the short sword Xuanbing Guyue on his waist lightly, "Chiff, chick! Whoop, whoop!" More than a dozen ice evil tyrant souls immediately emerged, and Guan Heng said: "The insect mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient wasteland." Howler is responsible for approaching the opponent, and throws it to the Tyrant Soul's side after a single blow to the uniform, where they will freeze together."

"Good idea, Master, we're going." The evil worm mother said, whistling, and motioned to King Golden Sting and Howling to follow her left and right, and rushed towards those evil spirit kings.

Coincidentally, the worm mother just entered the state of invisibility through the mutant offspring. A few evil spirit kings had disputes with other similar species. They are small in number and weak in strength. They are not as fierce as the other party. They have to leave the team and hide from the other party. Beware. stab in the back.

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