Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11558: Ancient monster soul (fifth more outburst)

Who knows that just in such a time, the three of the evil worms have already flown nearby.

Howard did his part, and Huo Di fluttered his wings and rushed to the evil spirits. The Bone Sword suddenly released a large poisonous mist, which covered the evil spirit king and made him incapacitated. The evil spirit hit a short distance behind him.

The Ice Evil Tyrant Souls unceremoniously frozen it, separated two companions and passed them to Guan Heng and everyone.

In this way, the three insects were responsible for subduing the Evil Spirit King with a single blow, and threw it to the Ice Evil Tyrant Soul to freeze. After a while, after a short while, they had already caught nearly a hundred Soul Eater Evil Spirit Kings.

But at this moment, the other Evil Spirit Kings also found that something was wrong. If only one or two of the same species were missing, they would not care at all, but now it was nearly one-third less, making these guys feel that things were not that simple.

But now it's useless to detect it, because disaster is about to fall on him.

"Mother Worm, it's time to attack, catch them all."

"Yes, master."

"Hahaha, finally you can play for real!"

"Yes, be cautious, little trouble is not suitable for us at all!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Soaring and rushing towards the three insects, planning to come first to make the best move.

"Huh, beast, you are looking for death!"


"Wind-fire Golden Shuttle!"

"Wow!" With the screaming of the insect mothers, the fiery vortex swirled in the air, and suddenly rushed out of the wind and fire golden shuttle.

After the magic weapon was transformed by the demon leech crystal by Guan Heng before, it changed significantly, trembling slightly in the air, transforming into three, transforming into six, and finally turned into nine small flying shuttles with golden red light!

"Chichichichi!" In the next moment, nine wind and fire golden shuttles turned into lightning-like sharp weapons among the evil spirit kings, repeatedly piercing their spirit bodies, causing them to scream and fall, all of them desperate for life. Terrible.

"Grabbed it!"

"Huh!" The insect mother released the thin wire fire net, and the golden sting king's spiritual energy net also fell under the wind, and quickly caught the hundreds of evil spirit kings, Guan Heng said: "Directly stimulate them with fire aura, so Come, these guys will spit out the fragments of the beast soul they swallowed."

"Okay, let's try it now." Upon hearing this, the insect mother yelled: "Brothers, do it!"

"Fire Claw Ape Soul, help together."

"Squeak!" Hearing the roar of the ancient wilderness, the ape souls immediately gathered together screaming, continuously releasing the fire spirit breath, stimulating the evil spirit kings in the net.

The other party wailed miserably while squeezing and struggling in the net, but after a short while, they could no longer hold it, and they spit out the fragments of the beast soul they had devoured one after another, and then shrank into a ball.

Guan Heng took out a Persian Soul Orb at this moment: "Close!"

Motivated by his use of spiritual energy, the Old Soul Orb immediately absorbed the fragments of the beast soul. After a while, it was completely absorbed. Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "These evil spirit kings are no longer useful. Go inside."

"Yes." Upon hearing this, the three insects pulled up the giant net and flew towards the stone turtle beast.

Holding the old soul bead in his hand, Guan Heng turned his head and said to Zhenwen: "My bead is already filled with the soul fragments absorbed by the evil spirit kings, and my five elements aura continues to refine and merge. It will be formed as a whole soon, so let’s keep it for you, and maybe it will come in handy soon."

"Okay, Brother Guan." Zhenwen said, reaching out to take the object, and muttering to herself: "Taking this opportunity, I can also study the origins and abilities of these soul bodies."

"A Heng, the evil spirit kings have all cleaned up, but their bosses, the two great evil spirit kings have not been found yet." Qing Huang said, "What are you going to do next?"

"It doesn't matter, I was prepared."

After finishing speaking, Guan Heng turned his head and said to everyone: "I have confirmed with the blue water spider. There is no secret place nearby. There are only two huge pits side by side. They are in a nearby area. Where else is the Great Evil Spirit King going to, it must be those two potholes."

"It shouldn't be too late, let's check it out now." As soon as he said this, Guan Heng signaled the blue water spider to lead the way. After rest, they reached the edge of a huge pothole.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the blue water spider rushed to the pit, raised its paw and screamed inside, meaning: "This is it."


"Swish swish!"

But in an instant, more than a dozen Evil Spirit Kings emerged from the pit. These guys were aggressive and killed the blue water spider, intending to tear it into pieces. "Asshole thing, dare to be arrogant in front of the little master? Looking for death!"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Puff puff!"

The Water Profound Spirit Beast was just beside the Blue Veined Water Spider, and immediately released dozens of large and small water arrows in annoyance, and almost half of the Evil Spirit Kings pierced through it in an instant. "Ping Pong Pong!" Then the water Xuan spirit exploded. , Abruptly blasted the opponent to pieces in the air, it was not terrifying.

"Hmph, you know how good I am?"

I was very satisfied with my shot this time, the Shui Xuan spirit beast triumphed and danced, but the other evil spirit kings were also called fierce and fearless, and rushed over again howling.

"It's really a bunch of annoying guys." Shui Xuan Ling Beast was too lazy, turned his head and said: "Hey, fat, help."

"Got it!" The armor king urn promised with an aura, and he suddenly inhaled and bulged his cheeks, and then fiercely sprayed a large mouth of the original flame toward the remaining Evil Spirit King. Screaming, fell to the ground with the wind, and kept rolling.

"Although these guys are Soul Eater Evil Spirit Kings, they don't have the smell of restraining beast souls in their bodies, so just throw them directly into the Soul Recovering Urn."

As Guan Heng said, waving his hands quite impatiently, Guhuang Howler and King Jinzhe grabbed the beast soul in a hurry, and threw them into the big belly urn one by one.

At this moment, Qing Huang said: "The Great Evil Spirit King should be in this pit, right?"

"Well, as far as I can guess, there is at least one."

Guan Heng released his mental power to explore the inside of the pothole, and then raised his head and said: "This guy seems to be looking for something and can't understand what's happening outside, but this is just the right way. Let's go in quietly and try to deal with it quickly."


"Suddenly!" It was too late, then soon, Guan Heng led his companions and jumped into the pothole.

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