Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11559: The evil spirit king who will explode (first more)

"Papa, papa..." In an instant, everyone settled at the bottom of the deep pit. Guan Heng released dozens of fire aura groups to illuminate the surrounding area, and said casually: "Insect mother, mandrill, you explore Take a look at the surrounding environment and see if you can find a clue to the Evil Spirit King."

"Yes, Master (Master Guan)."

The two of them agreed, and immediately rushed to the front. It was just a few breaths, and there were a lot of traces of the Evil Spirit King on the insect mother and the demon. They immediately notified Guan Heng and other companions to come over. As a result, everyone took a closer look and found something wrong.

It turned out that these Evil Spirit Kings floating and swaying in the passage seemed to have lost their sense of autonomy and looked lifeless.

"What's the matter with these guys?" Seeing this, Ruotao was a little strange, and stepped forward to take a look. Gu Sangnu whispered next to him: "Hey, don't be so reckless, what if they are in danger?"

"Hey, what is this?" Ruotao said nonchalantly, "Look at these evil spirits, what is the danger of all these evil spirits without mental clay brains? You are too mindful."

"Hey, I don't think you know good people!" Gu Sangnu smiled and cursed: "Just let you run into trouble later, I won't help you."

"Lielielie~~" Upon hearing this, Ruotao stuck her tongue out at her and said: "I don't want your help. No matter what it is, I have the confidence to solve it by myself!"

"Hey, the tone is not small." Seeing her triumphant look, Gu Sangnu shook the wooden magic scepter in her hand with anger, "Pop!" However, this movement was a bit bigger, and she accidentally bumped into it. There is a demon king who is drifting over here obliquely nearby.

In the next moment, Gu Sangnu felt that the other party's spirit body became bigger in an instant, and it became "fat" several times in the blink of an eye! "Not good!" Seeing that something was wrong, Ruo Tao didn't care about anything else, suddenly flew forward and hugged Gu Sang Nu, and fell directly toward her companion.


At the same time, Guan Heng also noticed something was wrong, and immediately disappeared in place. The next moment, he flew to protect the second woman, and slapped the sword box casually, "Swish!" Jumang sword and Hongyun sword flew instantly. Out, and then suddenly a gap was drawn in front of him.

The gap in the space created by this slash immediately produced strong suction, sucking in the Evil Spirit King who was about to explode. Guan Heng stretched out his hand to caress the gap and closed it, and the other party blew himself up there, which had no effect on them.

"Huh, it's risky." Gu Sangnu patted her heart at this time, and then said with her arms around Ruo Tao: "Oh, hey, I'm ashamed to death, and I asked you to be careful, but I was careless."

"Hey, it's nothing, I also have moments of suddenness." Ruotao hurriedly comforted her, and reached out to touch the other person's forehead: "Touching Mao, I can't be scared."

"Go, take me as a child?" Gu Sangnu was immediately exasperated. At this moment, the other sisters gathered around and asked one after another: "Aren't you scared?"

"It's okay, it's nothing."

Gu Sangnu said nonchalantly. Guan Heng said at this moment: "Remind everyone, don't touch those evil spirits floating in the air at will from now on, because these guys may explode if they are stimulated by a small amount of external force."

"Why is this?" After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but widened their eyes and asked in unison. "It's very simple, these guys have been forcibly erased from their self-consciousness, and they are no longer the body of evil spirits, but fierce and violent chaos evil spirits."

Guan Heng said in a deep voice at this time: "It is estimated that the Great Evil Spirit King was the one who had attacked them. In order to set up traps to harass and stop the enemy, this guy sacrificed all the Evil Spirit Kings under him. It is really vicious."


"It turned out to be like this." After hearing this, the girls and other companions came to understand. Then, An Yan asked, "Big Brother, are all the evil spirits floating around here blew up?"

"Yes, it should be so right." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then continued: "However, it is easy to solve them."

"Oh, what do you say?" Qing Huang asked casually.

"Let me create a lot of space gaps with the air cut, absorb them, and detonate them on the space tunnel."

Guan Heng said, "This is the easiest way, but it's a bit wasteful. After all, if these hundreds of Evil Spirit Kings are absorbed by the Soul Recovering Urn, they will be a lot of pure spirit power."

"That said, don't waste what you can use." Qing Huang nodded when she heard this.

Xianxin asked again: "Is there any other countermeasures that can capture the opponent alive and prevent us from being affected by the Evil Spirit King's self-destruction?"

"This self-explosion is the most difficult problem. If it weren't for fear that the soul-recovering urn would explode in the urn after directly absorbing them, and hurt the inside of the soul-recovering urn, then there is no need to be so scrupulous." Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Let me think about it..."

"Oh, son, you see, those evil spirits seem to have taken the initiative to float over, shall we retreat first?" Ruo Tao suddenly pointed to the front and whispered.

"Retreat?!" After hearing this, Guan Heng seemed to be inspired. He smashed the palm of his hand with his fist: "Yes, I have a solution now."

"What way?" the girls asked in unison.

"It's the enchantment bead, we haven't used this thing for a long time." Guan Heng said with a grin: "It just happens to come in handy now."

"Enchantment beads, enchantment beads..." Qing Huang said with a smile after reading it twice, "Yes, it's really because it's been useless for too long, so I forgot this thing, then how do you decide to use it?"

"It's very simple, first trap this guy with the enchantment beads, and then release the cold air from the outside. In this case, it becomes a ‘cold enchantment’."

Guan Heng said lightly at this time: "In this way, they will have no chance to explode, especially if they kill each other, and there is no such chance."

"Yes, that's it." After hearing these words, the sisters and sisters all nodded in agreement.

"It's not too late, let's start now."

Guan Heng said: "Each of our companions has enchantment beads in their hands. As soon as the Evil Spirit King approaches, he will immediately activate the enchantment beads with aura to cover them, and then they will use the cold aura together. Release cold air into the barrier."

"Understood." Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then stood ready.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh after

In order to demonstrate to other comrades, Guan Heng took the first step and shook the enchantment beads gently, "Swishes!" The beads burst into light instantly, covering the evil spirit kings abruptly.

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