Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11576: Cold mist traps the enemy (third more)

"So after letting these tiny clones of you disappear, you will have nowhere to hide."

At this point, Guan Heng's mouth was slightly raised, a joking smile appeared on his face, and then he waved his hand, "Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-Hu Hu Hu-s Flocked to the hundreds of tiny monster clones.

"Ping pong pong!"

"It's crackling!" Just in the blink of an eye, those tiny monsters, because they couldn't withstand the cold, exploded and shattered in the air, and disappeared.

Guan Heng was staring closely at the area after these clones burst. He keenly noticed that there was a swift shadow far larger than the tiny monster that was constantly moving. This guy was afraid that his whereabouts would be detected by the enemy, but it was a pity. Can't escape Guan Heng's eyes and ears.

"Very well, since you like to hide, then I will let you be proud of it for a while." Guan Heng thought to himself, first to figure out what this guy is.

And there is one more thing that needs attention. When this guy moves quickly, he is still making tiny clones, and the speed is extremely fast, almost instantly in hundreds of thousands, which can be called swift and incomparable.

"This guy is really not slow to create clones." Guan Heng narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself: "But, it would not be difficult to wipe out all your clones in one effort, but I wouldn't do that."

Because Guan Heng's calculation is very clear, since the other party wants to continuously derive and create clones, it will consume a lot of his own physical strength and spiritual energy, and in the end he will definitely be exhausted, and it will be easier to do it at that time.


"Ping pong pong!"


In a short time, hundreds of tiny monster clones were attacked by the cold, and turned into powdery ice crystals. This time the body hiding everywhere was unlucky, and it was shocked by the impact of the clones exploding to fly high.

"Beast, did you show up yet? Say hello to you first."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mang hit, not dead but also seriously injured!

"Huhuhu! Gu Lulu!"

In the next moment, the cunning guy suddenly swirled in the air, releasing waves of wind ripples, abruptly blocking three of them. Only the two auras of Fire Aura and Jin Aura are too sharp, the other party can't shake at all, and they are suddenly penetrated through the body.



The screams suddenly sounded, and the monster's body shook and rolled in the air, and almost fell to the ground, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" In the blink of an eye, all the small black monster clones rushed over, supporting the body, and then quickly wrapped the body and rose into the air again.

"Cuckoo...huhuhu..." In an instant, the monster body made a burst of weird sounds, and in the next instant, hundreds of thousands of tiny clones were used again around it, like a cloud.

"Hmph, hide it fast enough, but it's a pity that I still can't hide from my attack."

Guan Heng knew well that his gold and anger had penetrated the opponent's body just now, causing it to suffer serious injuries. Even if it didn't continue to chase and kill it, its speed and number of small clones would be drastically reduced.

"We are boiled frogs in warm water, and we have some opportunities to play." Guan Heng's face appeared jokingly at this time, and then he muttered to himself: "I just don't know how much time you have for me to enjoy. That's when your time to die is near."

"A Heng, A Heng!" At this moment, Qing Huang's cry came from outside the area enveloped by a large area of ​​ice profound aura: "Hey, what are you doing inside?"

"Wait, I'll come out and talk to you right away." Guan Heng said, and then instructed the Ice Evil Tyrant Soul around: "You are here to release my chills and let that fellow's tiny clone explode and disappear. I want to let him It's desperate in a short time!"

"Ooooooo!" The Ice Evil Tyrant souls immediately began to act after hearing this, and immediately afterwards, Guan Heng's figure disappeared.

"Huh!" At the next moment, Guan Heng appeared in front of all his companions, and Qing Huang walked forward in three steps and two steps, and asked: "How is the situation?"

"Oh, it's like this..." Guan Heng narrated the matter briefly and concisely at this time, telling everyone to listen.

"What the **** is that monster?" At this time, Xiong said in a bit of surprise: "I haven't seen a guy who can make hundreds of clones before."

"It's not just you, I haven't seen it."

Guan Heng shrugged, and then said: "I dealt with that guy for a while. Because it is quite cunning, it always hides itself behind many clones. I didn't see exactly what it looked like. However, according to my vagueness. Presumably from the impression, it's probably an ugly monster with a big fist."

"Then what you said is too vague." Gu Sang Girl said with her arms akimbo: "The ugly monster with big fists, no matter how you imagine it, you can't guess what it looks like!"

"Hey, don't worry." Ruotao didn't care at this time, she said: "According to the son, that guy can't support it for long. By catching him alive, won't you know the details of it?"

"Uh, that makes sense."

Hearing this, Gu Sangnu, An Yan and Fang Xin looked at each other and nodded.

"Boom!" At such a time, there was a dull and loud noise in the area surrounded by Bingxuan's spiritual energy. Everyone looked sideways, and Qing Huang said, "A Heng, is there something accident?"

"It's not like, after all, the ice evil tyrant souls didn't send out any signal for help. I'll go see it and talk about it." Guan Heng said casually: "Ice Jiao Demon Mandrill, you two will go with me."

"Yes, Lord Guan." When it was said that it was too late, it was soon, and the one-horned ice-bird shook his body suddenly and turned into a big body. Guan Heng and Mandrill flew onto its back.

"Wow!" In the next instant, the ice scorpion had plunged into the dense fog of the ice profound spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them reached the sky above. At this moment, an Ice Evil Tyrant's soul hurriedly rose into the air. Kancan came to Guan Heng and asked, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Woo, hoo!" Hearing Guan Heng's question, the Bingxie Tyrant's soul whispered towards Guan Heng a few times.

"Oh, it turns out that's the case."

Guan Heng sneered slightly, and then said to Mandrill and Ice Jiao: "It seems that this guy has jumped the wall in a hurry. It has gathered many clones and exploded together, intending to break through the encirclement of the Flying Domination Souls, but it is a pity to be dominated. The soul saw the intention and instantly created a thick ice shield to block the impact."

"Then it just didn't finish?"

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