Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11577: Orb Monster

Hearing these words, Mandrill asked casually.

"It should be so right." Guan Heng said: "This guy is trapped on the ground at the moment and can no longer fly in the air. The speed of the spawn clone has also been greatly reduced. It's time to capture him alive."

"Master Guan, let me do it!" The Mandrill and Ice Jiao said in unison.

Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Okay, you two don't have to fight, just shoot at the same time."

"no problem."

"I agree."

"Okay, land first."

"Hoo—" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Bingjiao shook his body suddenly, and flew to the low altitude in an instant. Mandrill and Guan Heng took advantage of the trend and landed, just in time to see Ice Evil Soul trapping hundreds of tiny monster clones, surrounded by these guys. With a chubby thing.

Mandrill and Ice Jiao took a closer look. The thing was almost the same as Guan Heng described before. It was an ugly monster with a big fist and a round shape, just like a shriveled head, with eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc. on the surface. The facial features are extremely ugly and ugly.

Rao is the Mandrill Ice Jiao who is knowledgeable and has a certain resistance to ugly things, but when he saw the appearance of the other party, his stomach was constantly churning, almost vomiting out directly.

Bing Jiao shook his head and yelled: "Damn, this thing is really ugly."

"It's ugly to raise it. Take a second look at this thing, and your eyes may have sores."

Mandrill gritted his teeth and said, "Master Guan, can I destroy it right away? This tattered thing makes me sick."

"Okay, okay, don't be irritable." Seeing the two beasts, they couldn't help being disgusted, Guan waved their hands, and said: "You two should calm down first. It's just an ugly weird thing. Be patient and patient. ."

"Master Guan, when you persuade us to be patient, don't turn our heads over. In this way, it will be more convincing." The Mandrill and Ice Jiao said in unison.

"Well, these are all trivial things, stop nagging." Guan Heng didn't want to entangle them with this matter, and then said: "Aren't you trying to catch this guy with your hands? Go!"

"Uh, this time I really did a hapless job for myself." The Mandrill and the Unicorn Ice Dragon looked at each other, and they immediately suppressed the disgusting feeling in their hearts. The Ice Dragon winked at the Ice Dragon: "Don't be stunned." , Come on."

"Nonsense, I'm going, don't you want to go?" The Mandrill cursed angrily: "The white loach of the chicken thief, let's go together!"

"Okay!" In a short time, the unicorn ice-bird shook his head and tail, and suddenly rushed towards the ball monster in front of him. This guy was also a bit cunning. Before he could bully him, he opened his mouth and released more than ten ice cones and thorns. "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The Orb Monster is dealing with bad performance at the moment, and he never expected a sneak attack.

"Boom boom boom!"



In the blink of an eye, the orb monster was hit by the ice thorn and fell to the ground, and then rolled several times.

"Hahaha, this trick is very good, then I will also use ranged attacks."

"Pop!" The mandrill suddenly laughed, and suddenly slammed Gu Jin's icebreaker into the ground: "Xuanbing ground thorn!"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Puff puff!"

In the blink of an eye, sharp ice thorns broke through the ground one after another, repeatedly piercing the orb monster through. The pain made this guy tremble, but the next moment, the monster with a strong desire to survive suddenly uttered a burst of harsh whispers: "Chirp, squeak!"

"It's so ugly!"

"Asshole, it's ugly, and the voice is even more disgusting!"

Hearing the cry of the opponent, the mandrill and the unicorn ice ray subconsciously retreated several steps backwards. At this moment, the orb monster controlled the remaining hundreds of tiny clones around, and these swiftly surrounded them, suddenly Hold up its body.

The orb monster is full of holes poked out by ice spikes. Those clones rushed past and blocked all the holes. But at this time, it was too tired to tremble in the air, and couldn't support it. Go down.

"Hahaha, it seems that this guy can't hold it anymore." "Then work harder and kill it."

"Uh, it's not right, it's not right." At this point, Mandrill shook his head suddenly, and then said: "You can't play it to death. Master Guan told you to catch this guy alive."

"Yes, let's go on." The unicorn ice dragon cried: "The more you look at this guy, the more disgusting you will get. It will be better for us to solve it quickly."

"Hahaha, it's reasonable, I'll come first."

Hearing the words of Bingjiao, Mandrill laughed and shook his hands suddenly, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The guy smashed it viciously.

"Ping pong pong!"


The ice hockey hit the round monster like lightning, hitting this guy with pits and pits all over his body, and some foul-smelling water splashed out, and the ice scorpion grinned: "It's really disgusting."

"Hey, Bingjiao, if you complain again, just go back to the King Armor and them to complain." Guan Heng watched the battle from behind. At this time, he held his shoulders and smiled teasingly: "Look if they will laugh. Damn you!"

"No no, Lord Guan, don't tell them about this, these guys have broken mouths, I can't stand it." At this point, the unicorn ice eagle gritted his teeth and rushed directly towards the ball monster.


"Puff!" Seeing the ice scorpion came over, the Orb monster wanted to repeat its tricks, opened its mouth and made a harsh noise. The Mandrill quickly threw an ice puck with his hand, and blocked the guy's mouth impartially.

"Pop!" At the same time, the long tail of the ice scorpion had swept over, and it happened to take away the hapless guy directly.


"I can't give them this opportunity now."

"Madman, destroy these clones together!"


Hearing this, the Mandrill and Ice Jiao immediately rushed over. The two of them released more than 70% of the mysterious aura of the ice, and they released them together. This bitter cold air, like a whirlwind storm, swallowed a few. Hundreds of tiny clones turned them into powder ice crystals.

"Wow!" Seeing that all his clones were wiped out by the two beasts, the Orb monster was angry and hated. This guy whined and opened his mouth suddenly, wanting to spit out a tiny clone again.

But after working hard several times, the monster only spit out a few rice-like clones. Those things floated in the air for less than a few breaths, and then disappeared with a bang. At this time, the orb monster fell into extreme despair.

"good chance!"

"Whistling call - Xiu Xiu call out -" taking advantage of the loss of the other party of war, magic elf, Kau ice cold again towards the illness it soared away.

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