Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11578: It's so ugly! (Fifth broke out)

"Boom! Lola!"

Suddenly, a large amount of cold air had hit the orb monster. This guy opened his mouth, and immediately uttered a screaming scream: "Squeak!" But it stopped abruptly after screaming for a while. That's because the orb monster has been completely frozen in place.

"Hahaha, a fragile scum." The Mandrill laughed loudly at this time, then turned his head and said, "Master Guan, did you see it? We have captured this guy alive."

"Well, good job."

Guan Heng nodded to the two of them, then walked to the guy, and took a closer look at the orb monster, and the mandrill beside him casually said: "Master Guan, this guy is like a flying monster head, you see, There is nothing lacking in eyes, ears, nose and mouth, but they look very disgusting."

"Monster head? This description is correct." When he heard it, Guan Heng smiled softly, and then stretched out his hand to pat the frozen ice layer, "Hoooooo!" In a flash, the ice layer quickly melted, and he was seriously injured. The round monster fell in Guan Heng's palm.

"Well, there is no evil reaction..."

Guan Heng squeezed the object at this time, and then said: "It looks like the Mandrill said, this guy should be some kind of alien beast after the head and body were separated, and it was affected by spiritual energy and other things. Something derived later."

"Then why can it create a large number of tiny clones?" The Ice Jiao next to him raised his own question, and Guan Heng said casually: "Well, I haven't figured it out yet, but you can find the reason in this guy."

With that said, Guan Heng gently shook this "ancient beast skull". After a few breaths, the other party seemed to regain consciousness and suddenly floated from Guan Heng's palm, planning to escape when he was dazed.

"Want to run? You should come back."

"Pop!" Guan Hengdi suddenly grabbed this guy while he was talking.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" The monster head screamed and struggled, and he wanted to open his mouth to close the palm of his hand. He threw the object to the mandrill, and said casually: "This guy is not honest and fast, give me a hard hit Slap in the face."

"Yes, Lord Guan."

"Boom boom boom!"


After hearing this, Mandrill held the monster skull with one hand, and shoved it against the opponent's face with the other hand, making it so painful that the skull screamed.

"Hey hey, deserve it, who let you provoke Lord Guan? There is no complaint to the death, no complaint to the death." The one-horned ice dragon was gloating at this time and let out a series of weird laughs.

"Okay Mandrill, you can stop it." Guan Heng glanced at the "swollen" monster skull, suppressed a smile and said: "If you continue to fight, this guy may be broken."

"Hahaha—" Hearing this, Mandrill smiled and stopped. It immediately picked up the monster skull and handed it to Guan Heng again.

"Hey, are you honest?" Guan Heng shook the strange head at this time, and then said: "Take out a few of your tiny clones and show me, hurry up!"

Hearing this, the ancient beast monster head couldn't help it, so he opened his mouth tremblingly, and spit out a rice-sized guy, Guan Heng smoothly copied it, and immediately grabbed the object in his hand.

"This is...Huh?" Guan Heng was a little surprised when he saw this thing. The Mandrill and Ice Jiao next to him asked in unison: "What is it?"

"It's a kind of'parasite'." Guan Heng brought the object to the eyes of the two beasts at this time, and continued to say: "So, this thing is not a clone of an ancient beast monster, but a parasite in its mouth. thing."

"How can it be possible to form a scale of hundreds or thousands?" The Mandrill said with some surprise: "How can it be done?"

"In fact, it has little to do with the monster skulls. These parasites are likely to reproduce quickly on their own to reach that scale."

Guan Heng analyzed at this time: "First of all, the parasites are lodged in the mouth of the monster's skull. Probably they need to rely on the breath of the monster's skull to survive for a long time. In this way, the two sides are in a symbiotic relationship."

"When encountering danger, the monster head will vomit these parasites, allowing them to reproduce and increase their numbers in an instant to protect their own safety."

After talking about this, Guan Heng paused for a while, and continued: "However, these parasites will live very little in the space outside the mouth of the monster skull, and will quickly die out after a while, so the parasites are just kept in a small amount. The monster skull is just living in its mouth."

"Uh, Lord Guan, your analysis makes sense." The unicorn ice-bird nodded at this moment, and the mandrill also said, "Then what is the use of this parasite?"

"For Beast Heads, they are very good'bodyguards' and can keep themselves in a safe state."

Guan Heng said casually: "A single'rice parasite' may not be terrible, but this group of guys can reproduce extremely fast. If it weren't for being exposed to the air for too long, they would definitely not be weaker than the colorful fierce worms. Fierce bug."

"It's a pity that their individuals are very weak due to overreproduction, so they are very short-lived." "If you can take advantage of the monster skulls and parasites..."

As soon as Guan Heng thought of this, he suddenly noticed something, so he turned his head and looked behind him, then said: "Hey, Yingbaigui, what are you hiding here to see? Come out."

"Squeak, squeak." Hearing Guan Heng's call, the Yingbai ghost appeared grinning, and then flew down to sit on Guan Heng's shoulder, and Guan Heng asked, "Say, what do you want to do?"

"Squeak." Upon hearing Guan Heng's questioning, the Yingbaigui whispered and pointed at the monster skull enthusiastically, saying: "I want to play with that thing, give it to me." "

"Well, I can think about it." Guan Heng said with a smile, "but none of the other comrades saw this thing. I have to take it back and show it to everyone before deciding what to do."

"I said, Lord Guan, this guy is really ugly, even if you take it back to the girls, I guess they will only shout disgusting, right?" Mandrill said at this time.

"Well, maybe." Guan Heng's mouth curled up and smiled slightly: "It seems interesting to scare the girls a little bit."

"Yeah yeah-"

"Get out of here!"


The moment Qing Huang saw the monster skull, she screamed, kicked the thing with her feet suddenly, kicked it out for more than ten feet, and then she grabbed Guan Heng's skirt and shouted, "It's unexpected. Use this kind of thing to scare us, do you want to die, don't you?"

"Quite your anger, calm your anger, I definitely don't mean to scare you." Seeing Qing Huang's face turning blue, and the stomping of anger, Ruo Tao and the other sisters, Guan Heng glared at himself, and Guan Heng felt a little bit playful. .

He immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not my idea to bring this thing back to you, right?"

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