Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11589: Playing with the evil group (first more)


It's too late, it's fast, and there is a stern whistling sound in the gap of the space, "Choo!" Then, five swift shadows popped out from the inside, the mandrill and the earth palace hiding in the dark. Toad could see clearly that the other party was indeed an evil spirit body, but it was a type they had never seen before.

I saw five evil spirits wandering in circles in the air. Each of these guys looked strange and weird, a hundred times more weird than the soul eaters they had encountered before, just like a swarm of demons dancing around.

"Mandrill, these evil spirits are afraid that they don't belong to the underground relic space, but come from another different space." At this time, the earth palace toad cautiously approached the mandrill and said.

"Well, that's right, I thought it was the same as you thought." The Mandrill said casually, "Since it is a rare species, we have to take it back and show it to Master Guan. He has always been interested in this rare thing. "

"Okay, that's it." As he said, Earth Palace Toad was already gearing up to try, but Mandrill hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop it, and whispered: "Wait, you have to check again."

"Oh? What to confirm?" The Earth Palace Toad glanced at it, and then suddenly realized what it meant, and then said: "You want to make sure, whether the other party has a companion waiting across the gap in the space, don't you?"

"Yes, that's what I meant."

The Mandrill nodded slightly, and then said: "Why not, let's find a way to lure those five guys over, and then grab a quick fight, and then go to the gap in the space to see if the other party has a companion, how about?"

"Well, you have a good idea." Tu Gongchan agreed, and then asked, "Who will act as the bait?"

"Does this need to be asked? There is a ready-made helper." After speaking, the mandrill patted the stunned Snake Head Gu Yu, and continued: "Let it come."

"Okay." The earth palace toad immediately spoke in agreement, but at this moment, the ancient snake skull frightened Lingling into a cold war, and its eyes flashed with fear and jealousy. Obviously, this guy is quite equal to those weird evil spirits. fear.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful the evil spirit is, it's not as good as the two of us."

At this moment, the demon saw that it was a little scared, and said to Gu Yun: "Don't worry, we will always be by your side, but you can't see, and those evil spirits can't see, as long as they dare to threaten you, we will immediately show up. I will help you out."

As soon as these words were uttered, the earth palace toad beside him also expressed that he suddenly released a large amount of earth profound aura, which covered the whole body of the snake skull like a lightning, and it whispered: "My profound aura can protect you. How about being fatally injured, don't you worry?"


With a low cry, Gu Yun felt that this mysterious aura was rapidly changing his physique, making him several times stronger than before. Under his vigor, he shook his sturdy body, and Gu Yun's confidence increased. It nodded to the Earth Palace Toad and Mandrill, expressing confidence to act as a bait.

"Well, that's right, wait, then bring them with you."

As he said, the mandrill took out a wooden spirit wisdom eye, a colorful fierce beetle, so that they were hidden in the gap of the snake skull ancient scorpion carapace, and then patted the opponent's forehead, and said: "Go, cruel Frighten those guys."


"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!"

Upon hearing this, the ancient snake skull looked like a wild horse, and rushed to the vicinity of the stone platform with heavy steps, where several weird evil spirits wandered. At this moment, Gu Yunmao Jin let out a wild roar, shaking The evil spirits were shaking in the air.

Snake Skull’s roar is very obvious. It means: “This is Lao Tzu’s territory. Why are you wandering here? Get out of here if you know, or I will tear you all to pieces!”

All the evil spirits are fierce and abnormal, no matter where they will put the snake skull ancient gun in their eyes, they immediately screamed and surrounded them, planning to attack in groups.

Snake Skull Guyun saw the enemy coming fiercely, although he was a little bit embarrassed, but when he thought that there was a master behind him, his courage suddenly became thick.


"Bang!" It was too late to say, then soon, this behemoth swung its claws and slapped it on a huge rock beside it, which fell apart. Hurried away.

"Boom boom boom!"


"Ping-pong-pong!" The evil spirits waved their claws frantically and dialed the shattered pieces of rock. For a while, seeing this scene, the ancient snake skull cracked open his mouth and laughed: "Ho **** ho --"

Seeing the extreme arrogance of Gu Yuan, the five evil spirits suddenly became furious. These guys suddenly collided, and Huo Ran used a large amount of evil energy to spread rapidly in ripples, and immediately shattered a large number of stone fragments to turn them into dust.

Seeing the other party's anger, Gu Yun could not make any more provocative gestures, twisted and ran.

Seeing the ancient snake skull fleeing, where the five evil spirits were willing to let them go, they immediately screamed and chased them, but don't look at the huge body of the ancient snake skull, but their actions were extremely agile.

And here is its ground. Relying on being very familiar with the surrounding terrain, this guy jumped up and down, throwing the opponent out for a while.

Seeing this scene, several evil spirits looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding in an instant, and then scattered into several strands like lightning, and circled and surrounded from different directions. This time, the ancient snake skull was a little hard to deal with, after all, it was outnumbered.

"Choo!" In a short time, the ancient snake skull sprinted and ran across a high **** with lightning speed. "Huh!" Suddenly, two evil spirits sprang from the **** of the ramp, just to stop them. Its way.

Gu Yuan was so frightened that he quickly stopped. At this moment, there were three chasing after and two blocking the road in front, and it was immediately surrounded.

"Hoooooo—" In a blink of an eye, Snake Skull Gutong's eyes burst into anger, as if he was going to fight the evil spirits in front of him desperately.

Not to mention, its aura really bluffed the evil spirits a bit. The two guys thought that they had the chance to win at this time, and there was no need to waste their energy and fight against the ancients, so they moved a few feet back. Because of their hesitation, they gave Snake Skull Gutong a chance to escape.

"Swish, rustle!"

It was too late, it was fast, the ancient snake skull suddenly plunged into the soil with its claws, set off a large screen of sand and dust and rushed towards the other side, thereby blocking the sight of the two evil spirits, and took the opportunity to jump. He quickly moved to a few feet away, and he was able to avoid the other three evil spirits who chased him down.

"Ho **** ho, **** ho ho!" At this moment, Snake Skull Gu Yuan turned his head back again, and uttered a terrible laugh at the evil spirits, full of ridicule and ridicule. He heard it The voice of these evil spirits was suddenly trembling with anger.

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