Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11590: Lion head evil ape beast

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy , And then raised his head and roared: "Oh oh oh-oh oh oh -"

"Toad, do it!"

"Suddenly!" Between the electric light and the fire, the mandrill and the earth palace toad fell to the ground from the towering rocks on both sides, one after the other, it can block the escape of these evil spirits.

"Wow?!" When the five weird evil spirits saw the two murderous beasts approaching, they felt a little bad, but these guys still wanted to kill with their own strength, so three forwards and two forwards Later, I intend to force a breakthrough.

"Get back!"

"Go to hell!"

"Ping pong pong!"

In an instant, the magic mandrill moved the ancient gold to break the ice, and directly flew the three evil spirits that came in. At the same time, the earth palace toad spewed mud bombs one after another, causing the other two evil spirits to fall directly. It happened to be together with the other companions, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

"Hmph, these evil spirits are mediocre and terrible." At this time, the mandrill carried the ice breaker on his shoulder, walked towards the opponent with a grinning smile, and then said: "Catch them all alive? Or just leave one alive?"

"Hey, no matter how bad the strength is, that's a fellow of the Evil Spirit King level. If it is refined into soul power, there will be a lot of it."

The earth palace toad said: "In my opinion, it's better to catch all of them alive."

"Well, let's do it like this. Let's make a quick battle." The moment the voice fell, the Mandrill had already flew forward. Two of the evil spirits were unwilling to catch them and immediately greeted them, intending to fight back to the end, and the Mandrill sneered sneer. : "Animal, do you want to die? Get out!"


"Boom bang bang!" The two evil spirits were hit by the ice-breaking pan with the cold air, and they fell to the ground severely. They were frozen by the cold air, and it was impossible to struggle at this time, so they were fixed in place. , The Mandrill smoothly took out the Soul Orb and absorbed the opponent in.

"Hahaha, your shot is still so neat, now it's my turn." The Earth Palace Toad laughed and flew up to the other three evil spirits. One of them was still a little unconvinced, so he flew up and charged. To the side of the earth palace toad.

Where did the earth palace toad put it in his eyes, "Bah!" The webbed claws slammed down with the wind, abruptly hit the guy's spirit body, and pushed it into the earth.


Seeing this, the other two weird evil spirits who were about to rush forward immediately stopped their bodies. They now understand that even if they try their best and desperately, they can’t compete with the evil beasts in front of them. , Now the only way out is to run away!

"Huhuhu!" In the next instant, the two evil spirits flew madly into the distance.

"Hmph, if this makes you slip away, wouldn't I be embarrassed? Beasts, let's stay obediently!" All of a sudden, the earth palace toad laughed and suddenly let out a long howl.

"Chih Chi Chi—— Chi Chi Chi——"

Amidst the sparks and fire, the little flying-winged little earth toad ambushing nearby sprang out, and it was able to block the way of these two guys. The little earth toad had the black marsh evil fly acting as the "flying wing", and now it moves very fast in the air. Quickly, those evil spirits can't even avoid everyone's surroundings.

"Huchichichichi——Suddenly!" In the next moment, the little earth toads sprayed countless rain-filled mud bombs, hitting the body of the evil spirit one after another.

These two guys suddenly felt that the spirit body had become extremely heavy. This was the magical effect of the earth profound aura. When attached to these auras, even the invisible spirit body would be sluggish and heavy, making it difficult to move half a minute.

"Hehehe, you can't escape, come here!"

"Huh!" It was too late, it was fast, the earth palace toad suddenly took a big mouth, and immediately took two evil spirits into his mouth, and was imprisoned in the ethereal toad cauldron.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" At this moment, the ancient snake skull rushed to the two beasts with a cry in his mouth, which meant to ask: "What should we do next?"

"Go, take a look at the gap in the space on the stone platform, maybe other evil spirits have entered."

As the devil said, he waved to Snake Skull Gu Yun and Earth Palace Toad, "Choo Chu Chu!" A few of them immediately went up on the stone platform, looked left and right, and found the gap in space. Gu Yun was out of curiosity. , Moved closer and took a look.

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, a sharp claw suddenly stretched out from the gap that was about to close, and it viciously grabbed the ancient Yuanmian door.

"court death!"

"Pop!" With a roar, the Mandrill suddenly waved the ancient gold icebreaker, hitting the sharp claw with the wind, and forcibly discounted it.

"Aw woo woo!" The next moment, a scream of stern screams abruptly, and a huge figure suddenly drilled out of the gap in the space.

The Mandrill and the Earth Palace Toad looked intently. This guy looked like an extremely ugly beast with muscular knots all over his body. His head was like a lion's head with a long mane, but his limbs were no different from an ape.

"There is an evil spirit in this guy, exactly the same as the five evil spirits."

"Hmph, then even catch it, and show it to Lord Guan and everyone."

"Do it!" As soon as the earth palace toad finished saying this, he flew forward and rushed over.

"Roar!" Seeing the big toad attacking, the lion-head evil ape beast immediately swung its claws and rushed over, but this guy was interrupted by the mandrill with one arm. At this moment, it became a single crutch, and both paws may not be dirt. Not to mention one of Gong Toad's opponents.

"Pop!" In the next instant, the webbed claws of the big toad had slapped viciously on the lion-head evil ape beast's face door, causing the guy to spit his skin and vomit blood back, but the blood mist that this guy vomited was full of evil spirits. the taste of.

"Hmph, has it been completely evil?"

"It looks like it should be." Hearing the words of the earth palace toad, the mandrill nodded again and again, and then said again: "Hey, toad, after catching it, can you temporarily imprison it in the space of the toad?"

"No problem, in order to catch evil beasts and other things alive, I specially created a fire pond in the toad cauldron, which is specially used to imprison this kind of guy." The earth palace toad said: "Now everything is ready, I just need to catch it. Live this guy."

"Hahaha, let's do it now!" The Mandrill said, already squeezing his fists, and then rushed directly to the lion head evil beast.

"Ooooooo—" Seeing the enemy who interrupted his paw appeared, the evil beast trembled and screamed, waving the only remaining paw and attacking the head, face and body of the demon.

"Huh, overwhelming!"


"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the mandrill swung his left fist and struck out in a series, grabbed the icebreaker with his right hand, and slammed it hard, causing the opponent's paw to crack. At this moment, I also know that I can't win at all!

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