Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11591: Leopard body evil beast (third more)

"Pop!" It was too late, then soon. A heavy fist from the mandrill hit the left shoulder of the lion head and the evil ape beast. The beast screamed and staggered under his feet, almost falling down. On the ground.

"Lie down!"


In the next instant, the earth palace toad that rushed out of the oblique thorn suddenly waved its webbed claws, and slammed on the back of the evil ape beast. The guy fell forward and threw a dog to eat shit. Then, the mandrill flew on On the opponent's body, he smashed the ice breaker.


"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a violent sound, and the lion head evil ape beast had been beaten into a shapeless body. At this moment, the earth palace toad said: "It's all right, Mandrill, don't fight again, if you fight again, this guy will die. Up."

"Hmph, it's cheaper." The Mandrill said while standing up, kicking the evil ape beast fiercely, and then said: "Okay, just throw this guy into the Toadding space fire pool. "

"All right."


The earth palace toad agreed, and immediately released a large aura that wrapped the lion head evil ape beast's body, and dragged it into the ethereal toad cauldron.


Seeing this, the Mandrill said loudly: "Hey, isn't your brains good? You just suffered a loss, and now you are going to it? You are careful to be conspired again!"

Hearing this, Snake Skull Guzhen shrank his head, but he couldn't hide the curiosity in his eyes, and he leaned forward to look at it again.

"This idiot, really doesn't have a long memory." The Mandrill said, stepping up to the front, patted its shoulder, and said: "Hey, if you are so curious, then follow us to see inside the space gap. "

As soon as it said what it said, the ancient snake skull nodded and nodded, saying that he could finally go out and have a long experience.

Tu Gongchan said at this time: "It's not too late, let's go to the other side of the gap and take a look."

"The gap in this space seems to have become smaller. If it disappears completely when we come back, how should we come back?" Mandrill scratched his head and asked.

"This is easy."

The earth palace toad reminded: "Aren't we with colorful fierce flies around us? They have the ability to tear through the gaps in space. They can leave two fiddleheads here and take care of the gap. Once it shrinks, the fiddleheads will remove them. It can be torn apart and enlarged until we return."

"Good idea, let's do it." The Mandrill nodded, and then said to Snake Skull Gu Yun: "You are the largest, so you should get through first, but be careful. Wait for us. Don't run around."

"Woo, woo." Hearing this, Snake Skull Guyun nodded repeatedly, indicating that he had remembered it, and then plunged into the gap. The entrance to the gap was still a little small, blocking its body halfway. .

"Oh, it's just clumsy and dull, just like you want to follow us on the adventure, isn't it that you can't take care of it?"

The Mandrill shook his head at this time, then raised his foot and kicked fiercely, "Huh! Bang!" That Gu Yuan immediately fell into the other side of the gap, and he whimpered twice to express his gratitude.

"Okay, let's go in too."

"Let's go." As the Mandrill and Earth Palace Toad said, they got into the gap of space one after another. At this moment, the ancient snake skull was waiting by the gap, waiting for them both honestly.

Seeing the mandrill and toad also came, Gu Yun also raised his front paws and waved them at them, which meant to say hello.

"This guy is quite excited." Seeing this, Mandrill grinned, but then, his face changed slightly, and he shouted, "Gu Yun, run to us!"


Hearing this, Gu Yun, who was somewhat ill-headed, didn't understand what was going on, but the tone of the mandrill was rather rapid. Gu Yun followed his words, so he immediately rushed with all his strength, "Boom!" In an instant, there was a loud bang behind Gu Yun.

"Huh!" A shocking force slammed into the back of the ancient gangster. This force is very important. If it hits it head-on, it will cause serious injuries if it is not dead.

Fortunately, Snake Skull Gu Yuan heard the words of the mandrill, and ran forward with all his strength, avoiding the core part of the heavy blow, but was shocked and ran forward for more than ten steps, luckily he was not injured.

"Pump!" In a flash, Gu Yuan, who had some soft limbs, finally collapsed to the ground. It also understood what was going on at this moment, so it trembled with fear all over.

"It's fine, I'll take revenge for you."

"Suddenly!" When he said this, the Mandrill had already rushed over with the ancient gold icebreaker.


The monster that attacked the ancient snake skull suddenly fell from the sky. This guy's head was covered with gray, narrow, and constantly flicking braids, covered with barb spikes like octopus tentacles, and its body was as vigorous as a cheetah, like a cheetah. Some kind of mutant evil beast.

"Good beast, dare to provoke us, you are doomed to die a miserable death today!" When saying this, the magic man suddenly waved the ice-breaking iron, "Hey! Biao, viciously attacked the opponent's head, face and body.



In a short time, the leopard body evil beast shook the barbed hair braid on its head, and immediately smashed all the ice cones and ice thorns into pieces. At this moment, the evil beast was still a little proud, and he couldn't help but let out a low growl: "Ooo!"

But the next moment, the eyes of the leopard body evil beast straightened. This guy was surprised and found that the mandrill had disappeared nearby. Then, a voice rang behind it: "Beast, who are you looking for?"


"Pop!" The other party just uttered a panic scream, the mandrill's icebreaker had already knocked **** its back, causing the guy to spray blood mist in his mouth, and one heel fell to the ground, and then one after another. Rolling, really embarrassed and miserable.

"Don't even think about leaving, just grab it with your hands." At this moment, the earth palace toad flew up to this guy with a grinning smile, raised his pair of webbed claws and slapped them down viciously, "Ping pong pong!" The big toad's web claws hit. The skin of the leopard's evil beast opened flesh.

When this guy was so painful that he was struggling to stand up, the earth palace toad slapped his face with a slap, "Bang!"

The unlucky leopard body evil beast flew high, swirling in the air to draw an arc, and then slammed to the ground. The blow was as heavy as thunder, and the leopard body evil beast rolled over and hit the rock for a long time. Then, he barely stopped his castration, and then he couldn't help but vomit blood.

"Hey hey, how about it, can you still stand up?" When he said this, the mandrill had already walked near the leopard body and the evil beast, sneered with his hands on his shoulders: "Animal, since you dare to do it first, you have to be well The consequences of grandpa's live plucking."

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