Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11592: Aura within the bones of animals

"Don't talk nonsense with this guy." Tu Gongchan said impatiently at this time: "Just beat it half to death, then throw it into the Toadding Fire Pond, and it will feel better after returning."

"Yes, yes, it's much more fun than killing it directly." The Mandrill smiled at this moment and walked towards the other side.

"Roar!" Seeing the fierce enemy approaching him, the leopard body evil beast trembled all over, and couldn't help screaming in his mouth, appearing terrified.

"I regret offending us now? It's late!"


Between the lightning and the fire, the mandrill and the earth palace toad have already landed on this guy with the wind, and all the hands were a painful beating. The hit made this guy wailing and screaming, and he couldn't help rolling, and the ancient snake skull next to him clapped his claws. Ho Ho Ho laughed, looked very excited, and gloated.

"Pop!" At the next moment, the mandrill put one hand on the opponent's neck, and then he fell over his shoulder and smashed the leopard body evil beast to the ground. This guy almost bubbling on both ends.

"Lala!" Then, the Mandrill grabbed the opponent's hand and exuded a chill, and suddenly poured into the evil beast's body, freezing its body and limbs from the inside!

"Toad, take it away."

"Good." Hearing this, the Earth Palace Toad immediately followed the instructions, and collected the frozen leopard body evil beast into the ethereal toad cauldron.

At this time, the big toad said again: "Let’s not forget the purpose of coming here, aren’t we looking for evil spirits?"

"Yeah, but the evil spirit didn't see it, but I met an evil beast." Hearing this, a smile appeared on the mandrill's face, and he said: "But there must be some connection between them, right? ?"

"That's certain." The Earth Palace Toad nodded, and then continued: "So, if you look along the area where the evil spirits radiate, there will be gains."

"But you can't go too far. After all, we have been delaying for a long time now." The Mandrill said, touching the sound transmission puppet on his body, and then said: "If it is too long, Lord Guan will contact you at any time. Let's urge you and I to go back quickly."

"Don't worry, I think I will find the clues soon, and then there will be new gains. You and I will also explain when I go back, don't you?"

"Hahaha, what I said." As soon as the big toad said this, the mandrill nodded and agreed.

"Huh, where is Gu Yun?"

"This guy was still with us just now. Why did he disappear suddenly?" The Mandrill and the Earth Palace Toad looked at each other and felt a little surprised, but at this moment, Snake Head Gu suddenly heard from ten feet away Yuan's low whisper: "Oh oh oh-oh oh -"

"Hey, over there!" "Could it be that any clues were found?"

"Hahaha, it turns out there is some use to bring it here." Tu Gongchan said, and said loudly, "Go, let's go and take a look."

"Choo!" After a few breaths, the earth palace toad and the mandrill flew quickly to the snake head Gu Yun, which was seven or eight feet away. "Hey, what did you find?"

"Woo, woo."

Hearing the mandrill’s question, the ancient snake skull whispered and began to dig the area in front of it with its front paws, "Swish, rustle!" In the blink of an eye, it dug out a few long and narrow animal bones, and then opened its mouth to bite. One part of it was chewed happily.

"Uh, beast bones?!" Seeing this scene, Mandrill said with some dumbfounding: "This thing is of no use to us, dare you to call us here because you found something to eat."

"Hey, a few broken bones can't be used as a casting material. It seems useless to us."

"Not always."

Hearing the words of the mandrill, the earth palace toad suddenly brightened his eyes, and then raised his voice: "Hey, do you know why the ancient snake skull likes to eat this thing? That's because there is a trace of earth aura in this animal bone, and it is also It's not an ordinary item, it's a pure earth aura that is second only to the earth's profound aura."

"Really?" Hearing this, the mandrill also came to the spirit and asked: "Is this thing very valuable?"

"Where there is such a pure aura, there are usually loess mines. You have mined so many times, don't you feel it?"

"Uh, listen to what you said..." Hearing this, Mandrill blinked, and then stretched out his hand to touch the animal bones on the ground.

"Woo!" The ancient snake skull next to it thought it was going to grab its own bones, and whispered with a slight dissatisfaction. The Mandrill smiled and cursed: "You're a fart, I just touched it. That's all, it's not trying to **** you, petty kid."

Hearing what the Mandrill said, Snake Skull Gu Yun was a little embarrassed and ashamed, and didn't mutter anymore. At this time, Mandrill also checked out the clues of spiritual energy in the bones of the beast.

"Well, it is indeed the earth aura, and these auras appear to be quite active, and they have not collapsed or become weak at all. This is quite rare."

"Yes, I think so too." Tu Gongchan said to Mandrill at this time: "Master Guan has analyzed with us in the past and said that in places like space tunnels, there may also be various mineral deposits. Right?"

"Yes, but Lord Guan also said that this kind of situation is almost impossible, isn't it?"

"Ha ha ha, this time, maybe we were hit by us." The earth palace toad grinned and said with a smile: "This shows that you and I have good luck."

"Well, I really like to say this." Mandrill's mouth curled up with a sneer, and then said: "It should not be too late. Let's investigate the nearby area quickly and try to find clues in a short time."

"Now we have a good helper."

As he said, the earth palace toad patted the ancient snake skull eating animal bones with its webbed claws, and the other party raised his head in a daze, wondering what the earth palace toad was going to do.

"Hey hey, Gu Yun, we can use you at this moment. Come here and listen to me." The mandrill's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood the thoughts of the earth palace toad, and then muttered to the snake skull Gu Yun who was close to him. A few sentences.

After hearing this, the other party nodded and nodded, and the big toad next to him said: "As long as you can find what we are looking for, you will be rewarded a lot. Whatever you want, go!"

"Oh oh oh!" Hearing this, Snake Skull Gu was vigorous and strode forward with a whisper. As it walked, it scanned its surroundings, intending to find its own goal.

After more than ten breaths, Gu Yuan walked to the corner of a space tunnel, suddenly stopped his footsteps, then turned his head back, and roared at the mandrill and the earth palace toad, appearing especially excited.

"I found out so soon?"

Seeing this scene, Mandrill looked very happy, and made three steps and two steps towards Gu Yuan. At this moment, Snake Head Gu Yuan raised his claws and pointed to the front. The Mandrill and the Earth Palace Toad who came afterwards took a closer look. , Suddenly yelled in unison: "It seems to be the smell of loess mine."

"Woo, woo!" Hearing their screams, Snake Head Guyun nodded excitedly.

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