Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11593: Blast hard beetle (fifth outbreak)

"The entrance of this mine may lead to a small alien space. We have to go in and check it out."

Earth Palace Toad looked left and right, and then said to Mandrill and Snake Skull Gu Yun: "Fortunately, this is not far from the gap in the space we came out of. Everyone can return at any time. Let's go. Remember to be careful when you enter."


"Well, if you insist, we agree." Mandrill nodded, and said, "Go."

"Hey!" Snake Skull Gu Yun shook his body and drilled towards the entrance of the mine in front of the lightning.

"Let's follow too." The Earth Palace Toad and Mandrill looked at each other and nodded, and then followed the ancient snake skull towards the inside.

The entrance to this mine is not big, but the more you go inside, the wider the surrounding area.

"It's not bad, the atmosphere is full of loess mines all around, but it doesn't seem to be the same as the loess mines we've been in contact with before."

"It's true." Hearing what the Earth Palace Toad said, Mandrill agreed, and then continued: "This proves that the loess mines produced in each area are not the same. This is also in line with the changes. It's nothing unusual."

"That's right, I think so too."

"Huh?" As soon as he said this, the earth palace toad stopped abruptly, and then whispered in a low voice: "Hey, have you heard the sound coming from before?"

"Is there a sound? I didn't notice it." Hearing this, the mandrill's face was a little confused, and the ancient snake skull also shook his head blankly. At this time, the earth palace toad pointed its webbed claws to the ground. Then he said: "Listen closely, maybe it's coming from underground."

"Oh." As soon as it uttered the words, Mandrill immediately walked to the flat ground in front, lay down on the ground, and listened with ears.

Suddenly, the Mandrill called: "Something did come here, there is still a rumble under the ground, please be careful."


"Cracking — chick chick——"

It was too late, it was fast, and a large area of ​​land suddenly fell apart. When the dust was soaring and the earth and rocks were flying in all directions, dozens of swift figures sprang out from the pit.

These guys are not very big, but their movements are extremely agile, like ghosts and spirits, rushing toward the front, quickly surrounding the mandrill, the earth palace toad and the ancient snake skull.

"What are these things?"

"It seems to be some kind of hard beetle." Hearing the words of the mandrill, the earth palace toad shouted: "Come on, put these guys in order first."

"Ooooooo!" At this moment, relying on the support of two beasts around him, the ancient snake skull also became courageous, this guy let out an arrogant roar, and strode towards the dark hard beetles. .

"Ping pong pong!"

Raising his front paws, the ancient snake skull kicked the black hard beetles continuously, and the other party was also unable to resist rolling around. Seeing this, Gu Yun felt that the hard beetle was nothing great, and immediately killed the group of insects triumphantly. Plan to crush them all.

"It seems that something is wrong, let Gu Yuan come back first." Seeing this, the Mandrill was not too happy, but a trace of doubt arose, but before it and the earth palace toad had time to speak, something happened to the ancient snake skull on the opposite side. Up.

"Boom! Boom!" It was too late to say, then soon, the dark hard beetle actually blew one, and the impact released by it really shook the body of the big snake skull and flew up, "Dang!" The next moment, The snake skull fell to the ground on all sides.

"Oh, I knew something was going to happen." When he said this, Mandrill took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand to support Gu Yuan, and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Woo..." Hearing this, Snake Head Gu Yun shook his head, and then it took the boss's effort to turn over.

At this moment, the earth palace toad has released a large amount of mysterious aura and spread it on the ground, "swish swish... gurgling..." In an instant, the ground covered by the soil mysterious aura turned into a muddy swamp, originally thought The pitch-black hard beetles that were about to pounce all fell into the quagmire.

"Ping pong pong!"


In just an instant, all the hard beetles blew themselves in the mud, but the mud had already covered them and swallowed them, so the originally strong self-detonation impact could only splash a little muddy water ripples.

"It's very risky, thanks to you seeing the opportunity quickly." The Mandrill said at this time: "It's just the impact of a hard beetle that blew up to fly off the big body of the ancient Yuanyao. If dozens of them are killed in a series, we will be waiting for this. The area may be blown up directly."

"Yes, this kind of hard beetle that can explode is very dangerous, not to say how powerful they are, but in such a relatively narrow area, once they explode in large numbers, they will more or less cause trouble to us."

Earth Palace Toad said: "My quagmire technique is not easy to use all the time, Mandrill, when you see this kind of hard beetle, you can do it. The method of freezing the opponent should be better."

"It makes sense, then I will do it later." When they said this, everyone had already walked forward more than ten feet, and the earth palace toad suddenly whispered: "Haha, Mandrill, let you Here's a chance to shoot, you see."

"Oh." Hearing this, Mandrill immediately took two steps forward. Sure enough, there were more than ten arched earth holes in the pitted ground opposite, "Choo! Huhuhu!" The next moment. , A large number of dark hard beetles sprang out from the cave.

"Hmph, dead bugs, you're done." After saying that, the mandrill walked towards each other in a magnificent manner.


Seeing that the mandrill was so arrogant, those hard beetles immediately screamed hoarse, they didn't even want their lives, as long as the enemy dared to take a step into their own territory, they would not hesitate even if they explode and hurt the enemy without hesitation. "Want to explode? Stop dreaming."

"Hey hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo ——" Between the lightning and the fire, the mandrill released a large amount of ice mysterious aura, covering a large part of the hard beetle with lightning speed. "Cola!" The opponent froze, The body was fixed in place like ice lumps.

At the same time, the other hard beetles also felt that they couldn't move well, and they shivered in place, unable to walk for half a step at all.

"Hahaha, I see how you should explode this time." Mandrill sneered at this time: "If it doesn't work, Grandpa will send you on the road!"

"Squeak, squeak..." Seeing the arrogance of the mandrill, the words were full of contempt and disdain for itself. Those hard beetles that had not completely frozen were so angry that they wanted to crack and burst into flames, but now they want to move. No, they are not only desperate.

"Haw--" But at such a time, a sharp ear-piercing worm sound suddenly came from nearby!

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