Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11594: Inky insect crystal (first shift)

"Is the boss of this group of hard beetles coming?"

"Hahaha, it's possible." Hearing the words of the mandrill, the earth palace toad sneered slightly, and then said: "It's better to come, we just happened to even clean it up together."

"Huh la la —"

It was too late to say, then soon. Just as they were discussing the conversation, a huge insect shadow flew across the street. This guy is more than three feet long, and looks like a hill in front of the mandrill and the earth palace toad, but his appearance It looks like those hard beetles who explode.

"Hey, toad." The Mandrill asked casually while squinting his eyes slightly: "You said, if this guy blew himself up, how much impact would it have?"

"Well, if we are caught off guard, I'm afraid we will be seriously injured?" The earth palace toad blinked and swollen eyes, and then continued: "So we have to be careful, don't let it This guy has a chance to blew himself up."

"That's right!" "Then don't hurry up!"

"Chirp!" In an instant, the earth palace toad, the mandrill and the hard behemoth roared at the same time, and the three swift shadows flew across the air and collided violently!


"Ping pong pong!"

Between the lightning and the fire, the magic mandrill moved the ancient gold icebreaker to attack one after another, smashing the giant insects all over the body, there were countless blood pits, and the hard armored giant screamed and spurted blood. But before it fell to the ground and rolled, the earth palace toad attacked. Here too.

"Puff!" In a short time, the earth palace toad spewed out its own colorful cobblestones, which suddenly hit the head of the hard beetle with the wind. No matter how strong this guy's body was, he was instantly punched with a **** hole, painful. The hard beetle trembles like chaff.

Huo Di, the hard armored giant worm seems to understand something. In terms of true strength, these enemies are enough to crush themselves. The reason why they will kill in the blink of an eye is because they are afraid of themselves-self-destruction!

Suddenly realizing that he still has such an assassin, the hard armored giant screamed wildly, intending to die with the enemy, but in the next moment, the mandrill flew onto its back, and then grinned and said: "Want to explode? Humph, you don’t have that chance!"

"Puff, puff!" In the light of thunder and lightning, the two hands of the mandrill suddenly plunged into this guy's eyes, "Chuck...chuckla..." The cold breath penetrated rapidly, and burst into the body of the hard behemoth. Frozen its body completely into ice.

"Hum...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) ……died!

"Huh, it's finally settled." The Mandrill flew to the ground at this time, and then stretched out his hand to knock on the frozen giant beetle body.

"Bang!" Immediately afterwards, this fellow's corpse was shattered into countless ice crystals and powder, drifting away with the wind.


At this moment, the ancient snake skull, who had been watching the excitement by the side, raised his claws and pointed in the air. The earth palace toad saw something falling from the sky and suddenly fell to the ground. It suddenly felt something wrong, and suddenly threw out its own red. The long tongue entangled that thing.

"Toad, what's the matter?"

"This thing seems to be the core of the giant worm."

The earth palace toad carefully put the crystal with the strange light on a flat rock in front of him, and then said in a deep voice, "And it may be the reason why these hard beetles can explode themselves." "You mean this thing can..."

The mandrill took a step back subconsciously, and the earth palace toad said in a leisurely manner: "But don't worry, this thing doesn't necessarily explode, maybe after leaving the body of the giant insect, it no longer has the ability to explode."

"What you said is rather light." Mandrill scratched his head at this time, and then continued: "Looking at the appearance of this crystal, the power it contains is not small. If it explodes, both of us will not be able to eat it. By the way, it also affects the ancient snake skull."

"Wow?!" Hearing the words of the mandrill, Snake Skull Gu Yun shrank his neck in fright, and the earth palace toad said angrily: "Okay, let's calm down, it's not a big deal."

"The more you behave as if nothing has happened, the more frightened Gu Yun will be." The Mandrill shook his head, and then said: "I want to know now, what do you plan to do with this giant worm Crystal?"

"Put it into the ethereal toad cauldron and bring it back." "Don't you be afraid that this crystal will explode in the cauldron?" After hearing this, the mandrill only felt a little scalp numb, and said. "Well, otherwise, I will call out the ancestor and ask his opinion."

"That's all there is to it, after all, Ding Ling is well-informed and definitely knows more than you." Mandrill nodded at this time and agreed. After a few breaths, Ding Ling was called out by the two of them.

"Is this what you want me to see?"

"Huh..." At first, Ding Ling was a little careless, but when he saw the crystal in the giant worm, its voice suddenly stopped. After a few breaths, Ding Ling asked: " Little toad, where did you get this thing?"

"Enlighten the ancestors, we just killed a hard armored giant insect..." Immediately afterwards, the earth palace toad said what had just happened.

"So, your judgment is good, and your shots are quick enough. Very good. This is very good." Ding Ling continued at this moment: "I know this kind of hard beetle."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Mandrill rushed to ask, "Dingling ancestor, what is the origin of these insects?"

"They are called'Dry Qi Ancient Blast', which is a relatively rare type of ancient Zerg."

Ding Ling said lightly: "As the name implies, these guys are short-tempered and easy to get angry. Once they are stimulated, they will explode. Well, that's it."

"As for the giant ancient blaster that you killed just now, it is probably a king-level mutant type."

Ding Ling continued: "After all, it is too rare to be of this size. Killing it is also the right choice, because if this guy is stimulated, I am afraid that this entire alien space will be severely damaged. All the creatures in it will be affected."

"Then how to deal with this worm crystal?" The Earth Palace Toad was a little silly, muttering to himself.

"Stupid grandson, this is a good thing. Naturally, it must be stored in the Toad Ding's space." Ding Ling cursed angrily, "I need to remind you. You really don't have a brain."

"But ancestor, this insect crystal has the potential to explode. If you put it into the toad cauldron, you are not afraid of danger?" The earth palace toad whispered at this time.

"This may be dangerous to others, but it is not a problem at all for you and my earth creatures."

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