Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11596: Brave companions (third more)

"Well, what you said also makes sense." Hearing what the other party said, Tu Gong Toad nodded, and then asked, "Then what do you think should be done?"

"It's very simple. Use all the available companions around us to grab the prey together."

As soon as the mandrill's eyes rolled, it was already thinking about it. It leaned close to the earth palace toad, muttered a few words, and heard the earth palace toad nod and nod: "Well, that's right, let's do it."

Immediately afterwards, the Earth Palace Toad called out a lot of helpers from the Ethereal Toad Cauldron, carefully reminded everyone, and then began to act.


Not long after, the Mandrill and Toad entered the mine ahead. According to the old rules, the ancient snakehead was still walking in front. This guy is now proud, walking domineering, and letting out a low growl from time to time, for fear that no one will know that he is here.

Undoubtedly, the mission of Snake Skull Ancient Gun is to attract all those who are interested in it. Although this method is simple, it is the most direct and effective, because soon there will be unlucky ones who come to the door by themselves.

"Suddenly-huhu hu -" In an instant, strong winds in the air came one after another, and more than ten swift shadows suddenly flew over, and the mandrill who was observing secretly not far away whispered: "It should be a small evil beast. The breath of these guys is very stinky, but it's also easy to catch."

"Even so, we can't be careless." Tu Gongchan whispered: "Our goal is to make a quick and quiet fight, to capture the opponent in one go, without missing one, lest they tell their companions to hide. "

"Hey hey, I understand this. We are all babes all around us now. Isn't it easy to catch a few evil beasts?"

The Mandrill smiled slightly, and then revealed something in his hand, which was the "Hidden Mist Spider Pill" given to it by the brown-skinned spider in the Toad Ding. The Mandrill gave the Snake Skull Ancient Pill one back, just in case.

"Boom, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong! Taking a big stride to deal with the other party, it really made the little evil beast awkward.


"Crack!" Then, the group of small evil beasts flying sharply in the air shook their backs suddenly, and the bristles on their backs actually stood up, and then rushed towards the ancient snake skull.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Swish swish!"

Between the sparks and the fire, countless black bristles like the arrow of a strong bow and a hard crossbow, all brushing towards Gu Yuan's body.

"Hoooooo-" In a short time, Snake Skull Gu Yun suddenly raised his head and roared, and then shook his sturdy body violently.

"Woohoooo——whoooooo——" In an instant, the ancient body suddenly released a circle of earth mysterious spiritual energy ripples, abruptly blocking the attacking black thorns, causing it to crackle with the sound All fall to the ground.

At the same time, Snake Skull kicked up a huge boulder with his front hoof abruptly, "Bah! Chuck, Chuck!" In the next moment, all these rubbles rushed towards the little evil beast that besieged him.

"Ping pong pong!"


In the blink of an eye, the crushed stone engulfed the profound spiritual energy and hit the body of more than a dozen small evil beasts, and the opponent immediately screamed and fell to the ground, rolling over.

When the other little evil beasts saw the ancient snake skull counterattack, they were all furious, and then roared towards the ancient dragon attack again, but the ancient snake skull did not give the opponent a chance to fight a revenge, so they turned and ran.

"Boom, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong!

"Swish swish!"


Immediately afterwards, the crazy little evil beasts were still chasing after them, but they didn't expect that they were not far away from their death date.

"Hoo-" Just as the ancient snake skull rushed to behind a huge rock like lightning, the surrounding fire suddenly burst out!

"Boom boom boom-- boom boom--" Several figures appeared nearby and released violent flames, and they fell on those little evil beasts in an instant. The one that shot was the earth palace toad summoning from the toad cauldron. Coming out-fire-hunting puppet soldiers!

Under the leadership of the puppet captain, several puppet soldiers released flames, and the remaining small evil beasts turned into fireballs and rolled to the ground. These flames can make them suffer, but because they can adjust the temperature, there is no Play a deadly effect, thus trapping the opponent quickly.

And the flames of the puppet soldiers have another characteristic, that is, they can quickly rush into the mouth of the prey, making it impossible to make any calls, even if they want to ask for help, it is impossible.

"Good opportunity, close!" Seeing this scene, the earth palace toad released the ethereal toad cauldron from the world, sucked all these little evil beasts in, and was imprisoned in the toad cauldron fire pond.

"Hahaha, the puppet soldier did a good job and shot quite quickly." Mandrill smiled beside him: "It seems that our plan is very successful."

"Yes, all you have to do now is to continue and continue until you get all the prey."

"Well, that's right." Hearing the words of the Earth Palace Toad, the Mandrill continued: "We have many helpers. In my opinion, those guys who are looking for mineral deposits should have gained something now, right?"

"Hey, you are right."

Earth Palace Toad said: "I am very confident in those guys' ability to explore mineral deposits."


On the other side, Shi Jingwei took a few Black Stone Guards, followed by the Rock Wearing Ape and seven or eight small earth toads, hurried forward in the mine.

In a short while, they walked to the left side of the cave, and the little earth toads flew to a certain place in front of the cave, then turned their heads and screamed at Shi Jingwei and the little monkey.


Hearing this, the Rock Piercing Ape was very excited and fell beside the Little Earth Toad and whispered at them. After a few breaths of communication between the two parties, the little monkey waved his claws at Shi Jingwei and Mo Shiwei behind him, and everyone immediately picked them up. Stepped forward with all kinds of tools, digging **** the ground in front of them.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, everyone found a lot of loess and other ores in the shallow soil. The rock-piercing ape next to him did not watch quietly here, but wandered around with a few small earth toads, intending to find clues to other ore.

Suddenly, a small earth toad rushed to the shoulder of the rock-piercing ape and whispered to it a few times. The small monkey turned his eyes when he heard its cry, then quickly nodded, and ran away in the remote corner in front of his leg.

At this moment, Shi Jingwei raised his head and glanced at the Rock-piercing Spiritual Ape and Little Earth Toad, which were running farther and farther, and then called two Black Stone Guards and ordered them to quickly follow along and act as bodyguards. This is Shi Jingwei's caution.

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