Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11597: The discovery of the ancient mosquito king

"Suddenly!" When the Mo Shiwei rushed to the rock-piercing ape and the little earth toad, there was a sudden change on their side!

"Hohohoho!" When it was too late, then quickly, a monster suddenly fell from the top of the rock wall. This guy roared and waved his claws, and slayed viciously at the little monkey, making the little guy suddenly shrink his neck. Just hide behind.

"Guck, guck!" Seeing that this guy was aggressively planning to threaten the safety of the little monkey, the little earth toads immediately screamed and gathered around the monsters, vowing to protect their little friends.

"Boom bang bang!" In the light of thunder, this claw monster covered with cracked black armor was so vicious. It swiftly swung its claws and shook three small earth toads, causing them to tumble on the ground after they fell out. Embarrassed.

But as long as the little earth toads are close to the ground, they can get countless earth aura blessings, and no matter how much damage they receive, they can heal instantly, so they turned over like lightning, and they all jumped up.

"Squeak, chirp!" Seeing his companion being beaten, the rock spirit ape screamed with canthus, it leaped three times and climbed up the nearby rock wall, and then grabbed a few stones and threw it fiercely. Xiang Yingjia's Claw said, "Cracking!" The Claw was immediately hit several times.

"Woohoooo!" Touching the sore head, the armored claws roared and roared, shaking his paws and wanted to rush to clean up the little monkey.

"Pop!" But in the next moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out, and unbiasedly buckled the skull of the Claw Claw. Before this guy could react, the Mo Shiwei who grabbed it stopped it. The guy slammed to the ground fiercely.


The severely damaged Claw Claw spurted blood mist and almost fainted. This guy never expected that the Rock Piercing Ape and the Little Earth Toad would have such powerful companions. He had long known that he would suffer such a fatal blow. After killing it, I dare not come out to find trouble.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. The hapless Claws of Claws have no chance to fight back again, because Mo Shiwei's brute force is too strong. The fall just now caused more than 70% of its bones to break. This guy was gushing blood from his mouth, and he was about to die.

"Wailing hum - ow wailing -"

At such a time, there were screams and screams from the top of the nearby rock wall, "Choo!" Between the electric light and the fire, there were more than a dozen armored claws rushing over there. Pounced at the two Mo Shiwei quickly.


"Boom boom boom!"

The two ink stone guards waved their spades, picks, shovel, and tried their best to resist the siege of those guys. They beat each other to immediately kill five or six of their companions. The corpses and pieces of meat fell to the ground with the crackling noise and splashed other benefits. The claws are full of faces.

At this time, the Claws of Claws could no longer continue to besie the enemy and kill them. They fought madly and stubbornly, hoping that they could escape by chance.

It's a pity that Shi Jingwei had already surrounded them with other Mo Shiwei at this time, which could hardly block their way.

"Oh oh oh!" Seeing the enemies gather more and more, and the number of his own party is getting smaller and smaller, he couldn't help but become very anxious. The guy in the lead uttered a hoarse roar, signalling his companion to make a way out for him. It can take the opportunity to slip away.

But other claws are difficult to protect themselves, and who can care about it, so no claws pay attention to the leader's yelling, this guy suddenly became angry and his eyes were cracked.

"Flap, pop!" It was too late, then soon, the leader of the claw monster was frantic, suddenly shot his hand to grab the necks of the two thin companions, and then threw them to Shi Jingwei's side, in order to attract the other party's attention, this guy Fleeing in the opposite direction at the same time.

"Guck, guck!" At this moment, several small earth toads flew forward, half of them sprayed mud bombs at the leader of the claw monster, and the other half released the earth mysterious aura, sweeping the area under this monster's feet suddenly.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." In the next moment, the ground under the feet of the claw leader suddenly turned into a muddy wetland, causing this guy to sink half of his body all at once.

At this time, the claw leader could no longer escape. Fortunately, the little earth toads learned this mire technique from the earth palace toad. The scale is not very large, and the strength is also lacking, but it is absolutely no problem to trap this guy. , They are considered successful.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Jingwei strode forward and swung a punch to the back of the head of the claw leader. This guy had black eyes, and fell forward wailing, plunged into the wet mud, almost suffocated from suffocation. die.

"Wow!" But Shi Jingwei planned to capture this guy alive, and squeezed it out of the wet mud. "Patter!" At this moment, the Rock Piercing Ape fell on Shi Jingwei's shoulder.

The little monkey squeaked strangely, which meant that Shi Jingwei was avenging himself. He nodded and slapped his hand against the leader of the claw monster. It was a few loud slaps, which made this guy stare at Venus and his fangs followed. The sound of "spitting" all came out.

"Chiji, Chichi!"

Seeing this, the Rock Piercing Ape couldn’t help clapping and screaming, and looked very happy. Then, Shi Jingwei threw the unconscious claw in front of Mo Shiwei, and everyone took out the green vines that could be used as binding ropes. The opponent and the other sharp claws were **** firmly.

Then, the little earth toad directly sent those guys and the ore they found to the ethereal toad cauldron, Shi Jingwei nodded, then looked left and right, planning to find other targets.

"Buzzing—buzzing—" At this moment, there was a rapid wing flapping sound not far away. Everyone looked up and looked at it. It turned out that a new helper came again, and the other party was the earth palace toad Congchan. The ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog called out in the tripod space.

They spread out in the cave under the leadership of the ancient mosquito king, looking for any useful target. Shi Jingwei knew immediately. The reason why the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog came here at this moment must be because they found a new target and came to find themselves and Companion help.

Sure enough, as expected by Shi Jingwei, the ancient mosquito king slapped its wings and suddenly landed on its shoulders, and then whispered several times towards Shi Jingwei. After the two sides communicated, Shi Jingwei nodded and immediately responded to Mo Shiwei and Xiao Tuchan. With a wave of his hand, he motioned everyone to follow himself and Wuhai Ancient Mosquitoes to walk forward.

After a while, Shi Jingwei and Wuhai Ancient Mosquitoes quickly walked to the right side of the pit. There was a huge ravine here. The Wuhai Ancient Mosquito King suddenly turned around on the top of the ravine at this time. That meant, What we are looking for should be in there.

Seeing this, Shi Jingwei immediately took the lead along the edge towards the gully, followed by Mo Shiwei. At the same time, the little earth toads shrank into the soil like lightning and disappeared.

"Suddenly!" Shi Jingwei had reached the bottom of the ravine between the electric light and the fire.

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