Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11601: Treasure hunt in Worm's Nest (third shift)

"Swish-swish swish -"

Just listen to the sound of the hot wind one after another, a huge circle of fire suddenly formed nearby, and those sneak attackers who tried to surround and attack suddenly realized that they had entered a death trap. At this moment, it is almost impossible to escape from the circle of fire. .

Behind him is a raging fire, and in front of them are the puppet soldiers swinging their weapons to surround them, and the attackers have begun to despair.

This is a large group of ugly evil beasts with red spots and pus all over, emitting an extremely disgusting pungent smell, but this does not work on puppet soldiers, because they are just puppets and have no sense of smell.

But the huge circle of fire created by the puppet captain is their ultimate nemesis. The slightly weaker erythema beast screamed and turned into ashes in an instant. As for the others, they shivered and squeezed into a ball.

"Huh!" In a short time, the puppet captain waved his hand, and the puppet soldiers surrounded him, and the sword in his hand launched a fierce attack on the group of scary monsters.

"Ping pong pong!"


"Boom boom boom!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the puppet soldiers have already shot more than a dozen evil beasts into the air. These guys screamed and rolled on the spot, or died tragically on the spot, or screamed with severe injuries, trembled and convulsed on the ground, and were kicked by the puppet soldiers. Into the fire, it burned to ashes.

"Oh oh oh!" At such a time, one of the largest squalid evil beasts roared wildly, and then stretched out its claws to live on the bodies of the two companions next to him, "huh!" Throw it into the ring of fire.

Just as the two evil beasts screamed and rolled in the fire, this guy stepped on his companion's body, jumped out suddenly, then rolled on the spot, quickly extinguished the sporadic flames on his body, sprang up and moved forward. Run quickly.



In the next moment, all the puppet soldiers violently threw their short spears under the command of the puppet captain, "Puff puff puff!" Before the puppet beast ran three feet away, he was forcibly nailed to the ground. This guy was trembling all over, and just shivered for two or three times before he died completely.



The puppet captain threw out a few fireballs like lightning, falling on the opponent's body and making a harsh sound, burning the fellow to ashes within a few breaths.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the skin monsters were also wiped out by the puppet soldiers.

At this time, the little earth toad and the black marsh evil flies were not watching the battle around. It turned out that they found a new target and discovered the mark left by Shi Jingwei, so they decided to check it out and leave a message to the puppet soldiers in a hurry. The little earth toad and the black marsh evil flies rushed towards the tunnel on the other side.

Not long after, everyone joined Shi Jingwei and Rock Piercing Ape.

At this moment, Shi Jingwei pointed to a certain area in front of him, where there was a large nest built on the top of the rock wall. At this moment, he came in and out of his own accord, and his appearance was a strange weird worm with a round head and a pointed tail.

Shi Jingwei made a few gestures to the puppet soldier at this time, which meant to tell him: "In that huge nest, there are treasures collected by strange monsters. Our task is to kill the entire group of monsters and destroy the nest. Besides, I have to get all the treasures of the other party."

Upon hearing this, the puppet captain nodded and agreed. Immediately afterwards, Mo Shiwei and the puppet soldiers, under the command of the leader, rushed straight towards the strange worm nest in front of them.

"Squeak, squeak!" Suddenly, the weird worms lying on the surface of the nest spotted the enemy rushing toward them, and they immediately screamed and called their companions to come to defend the enemy.

"Suddenly-唰唰唰 -" Hundreds of weird and strange insects flew out from the nest and went straight to the puppet soldiers and the black stone guard in front of the puppet soldiers.


"Swish swish!"


In an instant, the puppet soldiers rushing in front of their companions released fierce and violent flames, covering all the bodies of the monsters in a burst, and burning them to ashes. The strange monsters lying on the surface of the nest witnessed this scene. Immediately, he was so scared that he was trembling and trembling.


In the next moment, one of the weird worms screamed uncontrollably and hysterically. This guy immediately twisted and got into the nest behind him. The appearance of this guy immediately set an example, and the rest of the weird worms did not. Dare to stay more and immediately turn your head and drill into the hole.

That's the case, there were dozens of weird and weird worms that moved slightly slowly, and were finally caught up by the flames behind, swallowing them all, and burned to ashes.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the blink of an eye, Mo Shiwei rushed forward with heavy steps, and they picked up the weapon in their hands and slammed on the surface of the nest in front of them, "Boom boom boom!" Just in the blink of an eye, the nest was caught somewhere in the nest. Everyone goes out of the recessed hole again.

Immediately afterwards, the puppet captain and Shi Jingwei took the lead and rushed directly in, and the other companions followed. Within a few breaths, they entered the nest and began to look for useful targets.

The treasure mentioned by Shi Jingwei was not found for a while, but everyone accidentally found another useful thing.

It was a slender, pale white plant that looked very inconspicuous. At first, neither the puppet captain nor Shi Jingwei noticed it.

However, the green vines that everyone carried with them instantly became interested in it, and they sprang out of Shi Jingwei's body and quickly entangled the slender plant.

Just when Shi Jingwei and Captain Puppet were surprised, the green vine had already absorbed the slender plant, but initially after it swallowed the plant, there seemed to be no special reaction, except that some small round spots appeared on the roots of the vine. , But soon disappeared.

But at this time, the green vine of Shi Jingwei began to climb and extend along the rock wall by itself. It seemed that it also wanted to find other slender plants. The puppet commander and Shi Jingwei looked at each other. They guessed that this plant was covered by green vines. There is a reason why Rattan loves it.

So he took out all the green vines he carried, and let the vines find the slender plants they needed. Soon, everyone felt that this kind of decision was too wise!

Because the green vine is looking for plants, it proves the fact that there are holes where weird and strange insects enter and exit near the place where there are slender plants!

In this way, under the "leading" of green vines and delicate plants, Shi Jingwei and the others found a lot of weird insects. After they eliminated them, everyone successfully obtained some treasures in the insect nest.

The so-called treasures are strange insects who use their own oral mucus to mix various plants and mineral dregs they collect from the ground. This thing is solidified for a long time, and it shines with all kinds of strange colors. , Is a special diamond crystal.

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