Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11602: Green vines and slender plants

What is the use of the multicolored diamond crystals in this insect nest, the puppet captain does not know.

However, Shi Jingwei knew very well that as long as he and Mo Shiwei touched this object, he would feel a pure aura quickly pouring into his body, making it and Mo Shiwei very comfortable. This alone is worthy of Shi Jingwei and the others. Efforts to collect this thing.

Before long, under the leadership of Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain, the companions marched forward at the fastest speed, constantly killing the strange and strange insects, and collecting diamond-shaped crystals by the way. At the same time, the green vines also found a lot of slender. Plants and swallow them.

At this moment, Shi Jingwei and the others also discovered that the green vine had a strange change.

At this moment, the green vines became stronger and stronger, standing on the ground like small trees. Originally, these green vines were small and exquisite. They were inconspicuously wrapped around the wrists of Shi Jingwei and the puppet soldiers, but now they look a little too big.

When Shi Jingwei was worried that the green vines would mutate and become inconvenient to carry, they suddenly reduced their bodies again and suddenly landed on Shi Jingwei and the puppet soldiers. They were still the same size as before. It turns out that the green vines can now control themselves. The size and thickness.

Nodded, Shi Jingwei gestured to the puppet captain, indicating that he would take his companions and himself to move forward. After a while, they arrived in the middle area of ​​this huge insect nest.

"Swish swish- swish swish-" It was too late to say, it was soon, more than a dozen rapid insect shadows rushed from all directions, these guys are much larger than ordinary monsters, and they should belong to the leader. level.


"Guck, guck!"

Seeing the enemy attacking, the Black Marsh Evil Fly, the Little Earth Toad and the Rock Piercing Ape took the lead. With the support of Shi Jingwei and the puppet soldiers behind them, they don’t need to be polite, and they start to play around to the enemy in front of them. If you win the fight, you will teach the opponent severely, can you not win? Turn around and run!

As long as they retreated behind the puppet soldiers and Mo Shiwei, the little guys would be safe.

"Hoo! Ooooooo!" Shi Jingwei roared in the light of the fire, and then slammed a fist against a huge monster in front of him. He fell to the ground with a plop.

"Huhuhu!" At the next moment, the puppet captain released a vortex of flames, swallowing the dead bodies of giant insects, turning them into black ashes.

There is no doubt that Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain took the initiative to take the lead, and they have severely deterred the giant monsters in front. They wanted to kill the invaders, but they had to beat the opponent.

Seeing that the enemy is countless times stronger than their own, the giant insects are already desperate. Taking this opportunity, the little guys like the Rock Piercing Ape have bullied the other giant insects.

"Suddenly!" In an instant, the little monkey jumped up and down, and had already climbed onto the back of a giant insect. The other side screamed strangely, trying to drop the monkey and kill it.

"Suddenly!" But in the next moment, the little earthy toads sprayed mud bombs at the giant insect's face door. Not only did they scream and scream, they also caused the mud to cover this guy's face, making it unable to see. .

"Boom! Boom!" The rock-piercing ape holding a sharp stone in his hand slammed into the giant worm, "Bang bang bang!" The little monkey only smashed it three times, "Bang bang!" The giant worm. A **** pit appeared in his skull, and it let out a miserable cry and fell straight back.

"Squeak, squeak!" Seeing that his companion was badly injured, it was an inconspicuous, skinny little monkey that shot. The rest of the giant worms were so angry that they were screaming and screaming. Pounced over.

Seeing this scene, the Rock Piercing Ape suddenly rushed to the nearby rock wall, his body swayed, and disappeared suddenly.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Losing the enemy, the giant insects caught off guard hit the rock wall one after another, making these guys stare at Venus and swaying around in place one by one, and there was chaos in their minds.



"Puff, hiss..."

In the next instant, Shi Jingwei, who rushed in front, swung double axes, and the puppet captain played with the folding ancient golden shovel, and rushed to the forefront together. In the blink of an eye, five giant insects were smashed and killed by them.

The rest of the giant insects panicked and fell into the siege of Mo Shiwei and the puppet soldiers, and they all died tragically within a few breaths. The puppet soldiers immediately released the flames to burn the corpses, lest the remains of these giant insects block their way.

This burn did not matter, but there was an unexpected "harvest". After these giant insects were burned, some "blood-colored insect crystals" of various shapes and sizes appeared. The little earth toad swallowed it, and instantly teleported back to the ethereal toad.

After more than ten breaths, Shi Jingwei brought other companions to a certain area deep in the Worm Nest, slammed, and a sharp roar came from the front: "Chirp——Chirp——"

Different from the sounds of the giant monsters they encountered before, the other party's roar was provocative, and it seemed that they wanted to stimulate Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain to continue walking, looking for the source of the sound, in order to fight to the death.

However, Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain are different from ordinary creatures. They don't have much emotional ups and downs, and naturally they will not be provoked by the opponent, but since there are enemies on the opposite side, they will still move forward.

"Suddenly-唰 唰唰 -" In the electric light and stone fire, a few huge monsters covered in colorful scales jumped from the opposite side, and they could stop Shi Jingwei and the puppet soldiers from going.

Looking at the menacing looks of these guys, it seemed that they wanted to stop everyone on their own and fight them, but the puppet captain didn't have time to entangle these giant insects, and he waved his hand in an instant.

"Huhuhu!" A few puppet soldiers rushed forward, suddenly hitting the insects on the opposite side to kill them!

"Boom boom boom— boom boom—"

Just in the blink of an eye, the flames of the puppet soldiers covered the surface of the giant insects, burning them all screaming and rolling, embarrassed, thinking that they would be able to resist the enemy more or less, but these giant insects Never thought that I would be a scum in front of a strong enemy!

"Puff puff!"


The body of the last giant worm was also penetrated by the weapons of several puppet soldiers and ink stone guards. Everyone then lifted the body of the worm into the air, tearing it into pieces with force.

"It's crackling!" The corpses of insects fell to the ground, and they were all burned to ashes with flames by the puppet soldiers, and everyone rushed forward.

"Squeaky!" A strange weird worm who was watching the situation nearby screamed, twisted and rushed towards the distance. This guy is going to report the situation to the "King of Strange Bugs", and I hope his boss will make preparations early. .

Seeing this scene, Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain also knew that as long as they followed the opponent, they would be able to find the boss in the Worm Nest.

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