Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11603: Beat the strange insect king (fifth more outburst)

"Whistling call - whiz -" the crazy stalking giant insects flew to rest in front of the king's strange insects near the cave.

This is where the insect king rests alone. Usually, a large number of giant insects are sent to guard and guard, and other strange and strange insects are never allowed to approach. But now, all the guards of the strange insects have been brutally killed, and only return to report This guy from the news.

"Squeak!" Suddenly, the king of strange insects roared in anger, and the giant insect that was reporting the news shivered like a sieve. It suddenly remembered the rules set by the king of strange insects. Around the "bedroom", kill!

The trembling giant worm just wanted to take a few steps back, "Shoo!" It was too late, then soon, a shadow suddenly jumped out, and it could block the path of the giant worm. This guy is the King of Wonders!

If anyone saw the appearance of the strange insect king at this time, he would be very surprised, because this guy's body is only more than a foot long. Although he is strong and strong, it is too small compared to the giant strange insect. Not as good as the other party at all.

But even in the face of such a small King of Strange Insects, this huge giant worm was trembling. The King of Strange Insects shot it himself, which proved that his time of death was approaching.

"Plop!" The scared giant worm shook his body, and finally fell to the ground in response.

"Huh—" In the sparkling fire, the King of Strange Insects exhaled a weird hazel breath, covering the giant insect.


In an instant, the body of the giant worm seemed to be backlogged by a powerful external force. It shrank crazily, and the piercing sound of bone cracks continued one after another. After a few breaths, it shrank into a fist-sized mass of minced meat, letting the king of strange insects swallow it in one bite. Lost.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!" At this moment, Shi Jingwei led Mo Shiwei, the puppet captain led a group of soldiers, and strode away from the opposite side. They deliberately made their steps heavy and domineering, just to Deterring the strange insect king.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

I thought that when I heard my call, giant insects from all directions would gather to protect itself, but the King of Strange Worms found that none of the strange insects came over. In the blink of an eye, it realized one thing, the last loyal giant insect. The guard had just been slaughtered and swallowed by himself.

The king of strange insects was so angry that he almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, but now this guy was shaking and trembling, he had no other countermeasures to think of.

Are you fighting to the end? Or turn around and run away? The King of Strange Worms was timid, scared, and full of doubts, because it didn't know how many enemies still surrounded its residence, and where did it go to escape so that it would not be besieged again?

After such a hesitation, a sudden shadow suddenly emerged from a nearby rock wall, and it was the Rock-piercing Ape who attacked.

"Huhuhu! Crackling!" In the next instant, the little monkey threw a few stones, and slammed them heavily on the head, face and body of the king of strange insects, making the guy scream, and he wanted to fly forward and kill the little monkey. .

"Huh! Gu Lulu—"

"Papa!" Suddenly lapped in the air a few times, the Rock Piercing Ape landed on Shi Jingwei's shoulder lightly, and the provocative Chaoqi Chong King hooked his finger, as if saying: "Yes. Come here if you plant it, and see how we can clean you up!"

"Squeak!" In an instant, the anger filled the head of the strange insect king, this guy was also mad, and in a flash, he jumped and slammed directly to Shi Jingwei's side.

"Huh! Happiness!" Shi Jingwei slapped the King Qi Chong with a non-fancy slap on the face of the electric light and stone fire, hitting the guy to spray blood mist in the air, and then hit the nearby rock wall in response.

Struggling to get up, King Qi Chong sprayed a mouthful of blood again. This guy was trembling and trembling all over his face facing the ground. He couldn't believe that he couldn't even stop the enemy's blow, so what kind of bargain could he get in the fight?

"Hehehe, hehe!" Seeing the strange insect king being beaten, Chuanyan Lingyuan was very upset, as if he was the one who had tried to teach the other party.

Hearing this sharp ridicule, the King of Strange Insects suddenly flew into a rage. This guy can tolerate failure and even surrender, but this kind of sarcasm made it unbearable. Suddenly, the King of Strange Insects flew up and stared at Shi Jingwei. Here you can breathe out a light brown breath.

"Whistling call - Xiu Xiu call out -" All of a sudden, light brown with a singular power of Breath Xie Feng Shi Jing Wei covering the body, and then crazy squeeze its body.

It's not that Shi Jingwei can't avoid this breath, but it also wants to try how powerful the opponent's attack is.

"Chuck...chuck..." The power of this breath seemed to be very fierce, and he tried to squeeze Shi Jingwei's extremely hard body, but Shi Jingwei had the protection of the five elements aura and the earth mysterious aura, and he didn't care about this seemingly weak force. Strength.

After waiting for two or three breaths, realizing that the opponent's attack did not work on him at all, Shi Jingwei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Then he stretched out his finger and shook it at the King of Strange Insects, which meant to say: "You, no, it's true. It's too bad to be my opponent!"

"Haw!" Hearing these words, the strange insect king at this time was like being severely slashed and sprayed out a large amount of black blood. This guy couldn't help shaking his body and was about to fall to the ground. .

But this odd insect king, after all, not fall, all of a sudden, it eyes full of anger color, and even despair!

By now, there was no hope of escape, and he had realized that he was dead, the King of Strange Insects had no other thoughts, only wishing to fight to the end with the enemy, so this guy rushed towards Shi Jingwei without hesitation and frantically.

Shi Jingwei also thought it would do it to himself, and even grabbed the double axe and planned to face the enemy, but in an instant, the screaming King Worm actually rushed to the puppet commander next to it.

After all, Shi Jingwei's shot was too fierce. The King of Curious Insects thought, let alone die with the opponent, even if he touched the corner of the opponent, he didn't have much hope. If Shi Jingwei finds a chance to fight back, he can beat himself with one punch. into a meat pie!

In contrast puppet soldiers that long, it seems to be thin than Shi Jing Wei, the odds should choose it rivals do much, right? At least think he is wise king is so strange insects think, but the next moment, this guy paid a terrible price for their extreme ignorance.

"Shabu shabu!"



In a blink of an hour, the puppet captain hit several punches on the surface of the high-speed moving Chi insect King. When this guy fell down and vomited blood and rolled, he already regretted it. Unexpectedly, the puppet captain's punching speed was so fast. fast, you simply have no chance to escape!

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