Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11605: Hide and ambush

"Huh!" The next moment, the earth palace toad opened his mouth and retracted the shrunken colorful cobblestone, and then raised his voice: "There may be other enemies below, everyone, be careful."

"Got it." Hearing this, Mandrill casually agreed, and then waved to signal all his companions to gather around He Toad, to guard against the enemy's sneak attack.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy It's life and death, toad, let me do this one!"

"Please, please." Tu Gongchan grinned and said, "If you make a move, these guys must die even worse."

"That's it, it's up to me!" The moment the words were spoken, Mandrill suddenly headed down and rushed towards those guys.


In the next moment, the mandrill waved his hand to release hundreds of ice cones and thorns, "Puff puff! Puff puff!" In the blink of an eye, those evil winds were penetrated by the ice prickles and the winged evil hiding in the wind circle. The beast was immediately tortured for piercing, and it turned into ice and died miserably.

"See the area at the bottom of the gap."

"Ready to land!"



As he spoke, the earth palace toad had already fallen to the ground first, "Bang!" The next moment, the big toad hit the ground, "Bone Lulu——Papa!" Then, the mandrill made a few steep turns in the air and landed on the ground. Put the earth palace toad on the back.

Then, Big Toad opened his mouth and released Shi Jingwei, Puppet Captain and their companions. Mandrill waved his hand at this time and exclaimed: "Everyone, immediately investigate the surrounding movement, search for evil spirits, beasts, minerals, and dryness. The whereabouts of the Chiku Blast."

Hearing this, Shi Jingwei led Mo Shiwei and the puppet captain with their companions, each searching in all directions.

At the same time, the earth palace toad said to the mandrill: "Let's go ahead too, maybe we can see something useful."

"Okay, let's go." The Mandrill said, already taking a quick step forward, and the Earth Palace Toad followed her right.

Within a few breaths, they walked tens of meters away, and the mandrill looked left and right, muttering: "It's really strange, obviously the evil spirits nearby are very strong, but we just can't see the traces of the evil spirits and beasts, you Isn’t that weird?"

"Yes, I feel that way too." As he said, the earth palace toad also glanced around, and then continued: "Maybe the evil beasts and evil spirits here are better at hiding, right?"

"Hehehe, you reminded me of this."

Mandrill smiled slightly, and then said: "The enemy will hide, can't we also do it?" After saying that, it took out the hidden mist spider pill that it was carrying, and shook it in front of the earth palace toad. .

Seeing this, the big toad's eyes brightened, and then he smiled: "Yes, yes, you still want to understand, then let's start now."

"Whhhhhhhhhh!" When it was said that it was too late, then it was soon, the mandrill squeezed the spider pill in his hand to release the spiritual energy, and the moment he wrapped it, the mandrill and the earth palace toad disappeared in place, as if they had never appeared. Too average.

After seven or eight breaths, a strange wind suddenly blew in a nearby area, "Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!

It was a group of weird flat-mouth beasts with spikes all over their bodies. These guys looked from left to right, and found that the mandrill and the earth palace toad had disappeared, and they couldn't help but let out a triumphant smile: "Squeak!"

Just now hiding and watching secretly nearby, these flat-mouthed spiked evil beasts figured out one thing, that is, they are not opponents of these two powerful enemies when they join forces.

In this case, the flat mouth evil beast can only hide itself tightly, hiding in a secret corner, shivering, for fear of showing a trace, let the enemy come and kill them.

Seeing the powerful enemy flying away right now, the flat-mouthed spiked evil beasts thought they were safe, and couldn't wait to jump out one by one, sneaking around triumphantly.

"Beast, die!"

"Huhuhu!" "Boom -"

It was too late, it was fast, countless mud bombs, ice hockey ice thorns slammed down on the flat-mouthed evil beasts, and these guys were hit before they even screamed, and their bodies were broken into pieces. It became fragments and died tragically on the spot.


The next moment, the leader of the flat-mouthed evil beasts headed up and roared, signaling all his companions to retreat to the north. The flat-mouthed evil beasts did not suspect him, and immediately swayed towards the north, but they had just left. After a few steps, he was hit by another attack and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the leader of the evil beast with the cunning color in his eyes turned and ran in the opposite direction. It turned out that it used his companion as a decoy victim to get himself out.

It stands to reason that this vicious and ruthless plan should be successful, but it is a pity that this evil beast leader miscalculated the enemy's IQ, and they are much smarter than it.

"Shoo, hoo-ping pong pong!"


In the flash of lightning, more than ten huge ice **** fell violently with the wind, and slammed heavily in front of the leader of the flat beak evil beast, immediately forming a towering ice wall.

At this moment, the mandrill and the earth palace toad walked out from behind the nearby rocks in great appearance, and the big toad sneered: "Animal, you want to sacrifice your companions. Your bad trick is useless in front of Grandpa. You are still obedient. Just grab it with your hands, I can make you live a little longer."

"Haw!" After hearing this, the leader of the evil beast was so angry that his eyes were going to crack and fire. This guy was completely annoyed into anger, suddenly burst into a roar, and then rushed to the side of the earth palace toad.

"I don't know what I can do, get out!"

"Pop!" Between the lightning and the fire, the earth palace toad raised a slap and threw it on the face of the evil beast leader, hitting the guy's face to collapse, "Puff!" The broken tongue and teeth immediately spit out the wind. .

The painful flat-mouthed evil beast raised its claws to cover his face, and yelled and retreated. The mandrill next to it sneered and waved, "Well!



The flat-mouthed evil beast that stepped on the ice when it retreated suddenly fell back to the sky and sturdy. This guy was so painful that his eyes were black and the gold star was rising. Then, the earth palace toad walked over and stepped on the body of the evil beast with its paws. , So that the guy's bones "creaked".

Mandrill was eager to try at this time: "Simply, just kill this guy."

"Squeak, chirp..." Hearing this, the leader of the flat-mouthed evil beast shuddered all over, and his body resembled a sieve. It kept crying for mercy, wanting the two beasts to spare its life.

Earth Palace Toad raised its claws to stop the Mandrill at this time, and then smiled: "Don't worry, aren't we looking for other evil spirits and evil beasts? If this guy is willing to provide clues, we might as well let it live a little longer."

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