Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11606: Lure the enemy underground (third more)

"Alright, if this guy is willing to tell the truth, letting him go is just releasing an ant." Mandrill sneered slightly at this time: "Just, can it really cooperate?"

"Squeaky, crunchy!"

Upon hearing this, the evil beast leader couldn’t help screaming and nodding, expressing his absolute obedience. In order to survive, this guy can sell even his companions, let alone the neighbors who live nearby. As long as he sells his opponent, he can survive. Willing to tell everything that I know.

"Okay, you are willing to cooperate." The mandrill stretched out its claws to clasp the flat beak evil beast, and then continued to it: "Let's start, let us first tell us the whereabouts of all the evil beasts and evil spirits living nearby. Don't miss one, or I will break your neck!"


After a while, under the leadership of the flat-mouthed evil beast, the demons led their companions to wipe out the nests inhabited by the four evil beasts, and also captured a group of evil spirit kings, but there was still no trace of the ancient dry gas explosion insects.

"Dong, dong dong, dong dong dong..." At this moment, Shi Jingwei and his companions rushed to the Mandrill, and it made a comparison between him and the earth palace toad, indicating that he had not found the whereabouts of the ancient explosive insects.

"What's the matter, are these worms really extinct?" The magic man murmured, but the earth palace toad said: "Don't worry, aren't the puppet captains yet to come back? Wait and see."

"Hahaha, you still can calm down, well, let's wait." Hearing this, Mandrill shrugged, and then continued: "But it doesn't prevent us from continuing to look for other prey, we can't I wasted time on the ancient blasting insects."

"Yeah, that's right." Tu Gongchan nodded and said casually: "It's our job to find all kinds of ores, let's go, and keep going."

"Buzzing--buzzing--" It was too late, then soon, the ancient mosquito king of Wuhai led a large group of companions flying from not far away.

It whirled around the head of the earth palace toad and the mandrill, squeaking in its mouth, which meant to say: "Crossing two ramps in the north, there are traces of a large group of evil spirits, but the group of guys The leader is not a spirit body, but an evil beast!"

"Oh, the combination of evil beasts and evil spirits is rare, but it's not uncommon." The earth palace toad said to the mandrill at this time: "It seems that there are beasts that can control and command evil spirits. We have to confirm. a bit."

"Okay, Gu Mosquito King, you can lead the way."

"Squeak!" Wuhai Ancient Mosquito King agreed, and in a flash, he rushed forward.

Mandrill, Earth Palace Toad and other companions followed closely, and within a short time, they climbed over the two ramps, but when they arrived there, there were no traces of evil spirits or beasts.

Seeing this, Mandrill glanced at the ancient mosquito king, and asked with a hint of surprise: "What's the matter?"


Hearing the other party's question, Wuhai Ancient Mosquito King shook his head blankly. Then, it flew to a low altitude and made a big circle around the nearby area. At this moment, the earth palace toad whispered: "Hey, Ancient Mosquito King, come back, you have found them!"

As soon as he said this, the ancient mosquito king was a little surprised, but he still fell on the top of the earth palace toad in an instant, and then whispered and asked what was going on?

"You must have not noticed just now. The reason why these evil spirits appeared here was because there was a hidden cave nearby. At that time, it was very secretive, so it was not easy to find."

As he said, the earth palace toad pointed to the ground near the front with its webbed claws, and then said to the mandrill: "Hey, they are here."

"Deeper underground area?" Hearing this, Mandrill's eyes lit up, and Earth Palace Toad nodded: "Yes, evil spirits and beasts that are good at lurking underground are relatively rare here, at least here. We haven't seen it a few times."

"Hahaha, are you good at digging holes?" The mandrill's mouth was slightly raised, and then said: "To catch them, it seems that you have to use your little earth toad?"

"Ha, that's right." The big toad nodded, and then said: "Then we just have to do this...Finally, we can capture all of the opponent."

"That's a good idea." The mandrill's mouth curled up with a smirk, and then he said: "Let's do it then."

"Cocococococococococococococococococococococococococococoaecococococococococo -cococococococococococo -cococococococococo -cocococococo -cococococococo-cococococococo-cococococococo-cococococo-cococococo)

The big toad said at the same time: "Be careful. Once you encounter the opponent, don't fall in love with each other. Just attract the opponent directly. Go ahead."


"Huhuhu!" In the light of thunder, fire and lightning, all the little earth toads who heard the order have sneaked into the earth. Mandrill asked next to him: "Can it succeed?"

"If you follow the steps of my plan, you will definitely be able to attract evil spirits and beasts."

At this moment, the earth palace toad said confidently: "After all, those beasts are more greedy than anyone else. If they are good, they will rush forward at all costs and will never stop like a mad dog if they don't grab their prey."

"If that's the case, I'm relieved." After the Mandrill finished speaking, he waved to Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain beside him: "Go, follow me to set up traps around, and try to catch these guys all at once."


"Swish swish!"

The moment the voice fell, they disappeared.

The earth palace toad said to himself at this time: "Then I will also make some preparations. After all, evil spirits are more difficult to capture than evil beasts, so you have to keep one hand."


After more than ten breaths, the small earth toad has found a large group of evil spirits led by the cornered green scale evil beast. The other party is digging tunnels in the underground area. In order to make it easier to travel underground, these guys must constantly make crossroads. .

But at this moment, these guys don't know that their death date is approaching.

"Guck, guck!" When it was too late, it was fast, and a few small earth toads came to the neighborhood vigorously, constantly making loud calls. Suddenly, the crooked green scale evil beast and the evil spirits found the traces of the little earth toad, and they roared wildly.

Seeing the little earth toad exuding pure spiritual aura, the saliva from the corners of the green scale evil beast's mouth flowed down, and this guy screamed immediately, signaling the evil spirits to grab these prey for their own enjoyment.

In fact, the evil spirits coveted the aura emitted by the little earth toad. They figured out that they would grab a few more little earth toads. In addition to contributing to the green scale evil beast, they could also get some leftovers, so they rushed towards the little earth. The location of the toad.

"Crack quack quack!" Amidst the electric light and the fire, the little soil toad saw all the evil spirits come to kill, and each of them appeared panicked and screamed and turned and ran away.

Originally, if they wanted to escape, they only needed to use aura to wrap their whole body and drill into the soil to go away smoothly, but everyone could not leave like this in order to act as a bait.

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