Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11607: Provocative in every way, fight and go



It’s too late, it’s fast, more than ten little earth toads suddenly divided into two batches, one of them went straight to the evil spirit that flew over to block them, the other half continued to yell and yell, respectively. Fleeing everywhere around the corner.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirits were immediately furious. In their opinion, the little toad dared to rebel against him. This was an incredible act of rebellion. It was time to kill!


But in the next moment, a series of mud bombs ejected by the little soil toads actually hit them in the face. These attacks instantly hit the surface of the evil spirits, beating the dozens of evil spirits back again and again. Obviously, these guys were The sudden attack was defeated.

However, in an instant, the evil spirits realized that the attacking power of Little Earth Toad was just that, not strong, and the damage to him was extremely limited. The evil spirits immediately roared again, and aggressively slew towards Little Earth Toad.

"Swish swish!"


In the blink of an eye, the little earth toads turned around and fled, looking at their appearance, they looked a little panicked, afraid of the evil spirits rounding up, seeing this scene, the many evil spirits were very happy.

"Huh—" Then, a huge evil spirit king rushed to the direction where the little earth toad was fleeing, and the other evil spirits were eagerly chasing after him.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—"

In an instant, the cornered green scale evil beast and other evil spirits heard a violent sound from the fork road area more than ten meters away. They looked at each other and felt a little strange. Then, the green scale evil beast gave a low roar. Leading the remaining evil spirits to rush towards the area where the noise is heard.

When the evil beasts and evil spirits hurried to the place, they found that the soil walls and the ground were full of pits and holes. Obviously after a great battle, no evil spirits were left, and I don’t know where they went. .

Seeing this scene, the crooked green scale evil beast was so angry that his eyes were about to crack and fire. This guy roared and roared, as if he was cursing that the disappearing evil spirits are all **** idiots, and he couldn't even catch a few small earth toads. Damn it!

But scolding and scolding, the disappearing evil spirit is also an important combat power around the green scale evil beast. One less will make it feel a pity. It is not that it cares about the life and death of the other party, but the green scale evil beast feels that it lacks a shield and will There is a threat to your own safety.

Thinking of this, it yelled at the other evil spirits around him again and again. The group of guys heard the other side's roar, shaking and shaking with fright, and then, they had to move around and began to look for Little Earth Toad and his disappearance. The whereabouts of companions.

"Guckoo, guckoo..." A small earth toad's crisp cry came from a nearby area between the electric light and the fire.

The cry of the little earth toad seemed to mock the evil spirits' incompetence, not only could not catch him, but also did some useless things.

The horned green scale evil beast was getting more and more angry at this moment, and it suddenly slapped its paw on the surface of an evil spirit that was moving too slowly, and forcibly shattered it.

Immediately afterwards, this guy yelled at the evil spirits wandering nearby, which meant to say: "If you don't hurry to find the prey, this smashed guy will be your fate."

The evil spirits were so scared that they couldn't make a sound at this time. They trembled, trying to find the whereabouts of Dao Xiaotoad or their missing companions. Suddenly, more than a dozen shadows sprang out from the vicinity, and they were able to fall in front of those evil spirits. .

"Suddenly!" In an instant, dozens of swift mud bombs hit the surface of these evil spirits with the wind, causing them to scream and fall out. Obviously, the attack power of the little earth toad is several times stronger than before. , Directly hit the evil spirits and was seriously injured.

But this time they still got a hit, turned and left, so angry that the evil spirits roared and snarled, suffocating a sense of anger and chasing after them. At the same time, the curved horned green scale evil beast also felt something wrong. The guy's eyes rolled, and he immediately shook his body and ran forward.

It is worried that if these evil spirits also disappear, it will really become a bare rod, so it must personally confirm the situation.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Green scale evil beast with curved horns.

It is estimated that if no clue is found, the other party will break out. At that time, the angry green scale evil beast will do everything. Maybe it will find a few evil spirits to kill and vent its anger. No one wants to be the hapless one. !

"Guck, guck..."

At this time, the cries of the little earth toads sounded again, and the evil spirits suddenly stopped their castration in the air, because the little earth toads were too savvy, and the cries changed from left to right, so that they could not lock their specific positions. , The more anxious the evil spirits are, the less likely they are to find Little Earth Toad.


It's too late to say, it's fast, the green scale evil beast behind has rushed over, and this guy screamed hysterically. It meant to curse useless evil spirits. Obviously, he heard the scream of the little earth toad. Sounds, but unable to catch the other party, it's all kind of waste!


Furiously, the crooked green scale evil beast raised its front paws and hit the rock around it fiercely. It suddenly fell apart and turned into fragments. "Chichichichi!" In the blink of an eye, the stone flakes rushed with the wind. , All hit the surface of the evil spirit that was caught off guard.


The evil spirits made screams and shivered constantly, and finally, these guys let themselves insist on not falling to the ground.

At this moment, the green scale evil beast's fire gas was slightly suppressed. This guy squeezed his mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, and squeezed out a roar from between his teeth. That meant saying: "Just now it was just a small punishment. Commandment, remember, if you can't find the prey I want, you will all be severely punished!"

Hearing this, the evil spirits who could not help flew forward and began to search for the little earth toad.

"Suddenly!" But at such a time, more than a dozen shadows suddenly jumped out from behind the nearby rocks and cracks in the ground, and it was the little earth toad that suddenly struck.

"Huhuhu! Suddenly!" Between the electric light and the fire, the little earth toads sprayed out a round of mud bombs, which happened to hit the surface of the evil spirits.

"Boom!" The sound of mud bombs hitting the body of the evil spirit continued one after another. These guys screamed again and again, suddenly feeling the power of the second round of mud bombs soaring again, making them extremely painful, but not seriously injured. , It is extremely difficult.


Seeing that this group of evil spirits under his men was so useless, they were repelled by Little Earth Toad again, and the curved-horned green scale evil beast was immediately furious. This guy screamed and killed him directly. Seeing the green scale evil beast approaching, he immediately turned around and fled.

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