Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11608: Siege of Beasts (Fifth Outbreak)


Seeing that he appeared in the little earth toad, he drove away. The horned green scale evil beast was anxious and angry, and could not help but burst out roars, but this guy changed his mind and comforted himself: "It is because of knowing me. Great, these guys will run away, still have to hurry up!"

With a roar in a moment, the green scale evil beast immediately signaled the evil spirits around to continue hunting down the little earth toad, vowing to catch these guys and tear them apart to vent their anger! In this way, this group of evil spirits and the curved horned green scale evil beasts chased farther and farther, and after ten breaths, they reached a place not far from the ground above.


In the next moment, all the evil spirits rushed out of the front exit aggressively with the wind, and went outside to chase the little earth toad. Watching these guys gradually disappear from themselves, the sly curved horned green scale evil beast suddenly stopped. , This guy’s instinct tells himself that there may be some changes ahead!

Be cautious, there was even a hint of fear in his heart, making the green scale evil beast look away from the front area, but then, a sharp and harsh evil spirit roar suddenly came from the front exit, and it was mixed with the grunt of the little earth toad. Croaking.

These sounds are like magic, stimulating the nerves of the green scale evil beast. This guy has been longing for **** killing. If he can't satisfy himself at this time, the green scale evil beast will never be willing!

"Suddenly!" Motivated by his own anger and ferocity for a while, the curved horned green scale evil beast made up his mind to rush towards the front exit.

In a flash, the green scale evil beast ran out of the exit, but a scene that shocked this guy so much happened! "Hahaha, big fish is here, it's time to close the net!"



"Boom -" The mandrill standing on the high **** waved the ancient gold icebreaker to send a signal, and the puppet soldiers located high in the surrounding area released a fierce and fierce fire aura, which instantly surrounded all the evil spirits, forming a towering wall of fire.


"Roar!" Seeing this scene, the crooked green scale evil beast had to roar, trying to flee to rescue the evil spirits, because losing so many helpers, that is an immeasurable loss, selfish it can not bear it. rise.

But the Mandrill waved the icebreaker at this time: "While staying, it's not time to clean you up."

"Boom!" In an instant, the icy mysterious aura suddenly turned into two strands, and one of them blasted in front of the green scale evil beast, freezing the ground there, making this guy horrified, and back again and again.


"Gluck-" As for another chill suddenly fell not far behind the green scale evil beast.

At first, this guy thought that the mandrill’s head was too poor and could not hit him, but the next moment, the crooked blue scale evil beast’s face was taken aback, because the cold air had blocked the entrance to the underground area. At this time, even if it wanted to escape back, it was impossible.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Seeing this scene, the green scale evil beast was so angry that it was trembling like sifting chaff, and it could not help howling, but at this moment, the earth palace toad had already caught all the evil spirits surrounding the wall of fire. , He Demon, Shi Jingwei, and Puppet Captain have already moved towards it.

Seeing these powerful enemies approaching, the blue scale evil beast couldn't help but despair, the corner of the mandrill's mouth was slightly tilted, and a sneer appeared on its face. It said, "Bast, are you very unconvinced? It doesn't matter, because you will get used to failure soon. The taste."

"Come on, let Grandpa teach you a lesson." As he said, Mandrill hooked his finger at the green scale evil beast, and his words showed disdain and contempt.

Seeing it provoked itself so much, the green scale evil beast was so angry that it covered his eyes. This guy is now in a state of breaking and falling. Since he is besieged by a powerful enemy, he is dead if he can't retreat. It's better to go with this group of guys. Fight it!

I made up my mind, the crooked green scale evil beast screamed, and the froth flew towards the mandrill, vowing to fight to death, but in the next moment, the evil mandrill slapped the green scale evil beast with a slap. Face.

"Puff!" While spouting a big mouth of blood mist, the green scale evil beast spit out a dozen fangs. This guy's body whirled several times in the air, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Mandrill sneered slightly at this time: "It seems that I value you too much, just such a skill, not much better than an ant, huh, what a waste!"


Hearing this, the injured green scale evil beast roared wildly and shook his body. This guy struggled to get up again, and the earth palace toad beside him smiled and said: "Madman, it looks like this guy still has a few more If you are ridiculed by your bones, you can still get up."

"Hahaha, this is a good thing." Mandrill said with a smirk at this time: "If this guy is finished all at once, it would be boring."

"The more it gets up, the happier we can have fun, right?"

"That's natural." Earth Palace Toad nodded, and then asked: "Hey, do you want to go and play?"

I was asking Shi Jingwei and the puppet captain. Sure enough, after a little thought, Shi Jingwei immediately stepped forward, "Shoo!" Taking off the two great axes behind him like lightning, Shi Jingwei was already walking towards the corner blue scales. Evil beast.

"Wow!" In order to survive, the roaring green scale evil beast had to bite the bullet and face Shi Jingwei.

"Huh! Swish, swish!" It was too late, then it was fast, Shi Jingwei danced with double axes, attacking the head, face and body of the green scale evil beast, only to see the cold light flashing, the shadow of the axe flew, and the evil beast was dangerous and dangerous to avoid. More than ten attacks.

Every time, the sharp axe blade clung to its body and rubbed it, scared that the guy was covered in hairs standing upright, and he was a little wondering why he could supernormally evade the attack, but then, the green scale evil beast found it. Clues.

It turned out that it wasn't the green scale evil beast that was agile, but Shi Jingwei deliberately avoided its vitals with a double axe in order to exercise his accuracy in using weapons.

At this moment, the green scale evil beast was so angry that its eyes were cracked. It turned out that the opponent could smash itself to death with an axe, but it was too much to torture it like a cat and a mouse!

Raising both claws, the evil beast frantically wanted to attack Shi Jingwei, but before his claws touched the opponent's body, "click, click!" The green scale evil beast felt a chill on its head, and two plumes of blood suddenly appeared. It burst out from the wound on the top of the head.

"Papa, papa!" The evil beast rounded his eyes and looked at it. It turned out that it was his pair of corners being chopped off by Shi Jingwei's double axes. This guy hurt and hated, and suddenly wailed: "Oh oh oh —"

But at this moment, Shi Jingwei stopped hitting down, stepped back a few steps, and waved to the back.

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