Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11614: Black mud sand (first shift)

"Guck, guck!"


After hearing this, the flying winged little earth toad and the colorful fierce worm immediately yelled in agreement, and then searched forward. At the same time, the mandrill and the toad also accelerated their pace and marched towards the front area. After more than ten breaths, everyone passed by a damp area full of black mud and sand.


When I first walked over, the earth palace toad hadn't noticed the abnormal place, but when walking through that area, the earth palace toad suddenly realized something different, and it immediately roared: "Attention, all around There is Dong XZ in the wet sand!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Mandrill immediately waved his hand, and Shi Jingwei and the puppet soldiers rushed forward.

"Huh la la —— hu la la ——" Between the lightning and the fire, all the companions and the mandrill had swept to the edge of the black muddy sand like lightning, but the mandrill turned his head and looked closely and found that the earth palace toad hadn't moved. It raised its voice. Cried: "Hey, toad, what are you going to do?"

"I want to stay here to make sure something." Tu Gongchan said: "Don't worry about me, we will go right away."

"Boom!" It was too late to say, it was fast, and there was a violent noise not far from the location of the earth palace toad. Then, several huge ancient explosive insects screamed and rushed towards the earth palace toad.

"Huh, there really is an ambush, you guys are really calm."

"Huh!" As soon as the words fell, the earth palace toad raised its claws suddenly, "swish swish! Ping pong pong!" In a blink of an eye, the earth mysterious aura released by the big toad split into several air currents and hit them like lightning. A few huge ancient poplars that rushed over.

The opponent was entangled by the earth's spiritual energy, and suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Even if it is attacked by ordinary earth aura, Dry Qi Ancient Blast can't resist, let alone the most ferocious earth profound aura, what these guys encounter is their biggest nemesis!

"Pop!" Suddenly stretched out its claws to catch an ancient explosive insect that was deceiving itself, and the claws of the earth palace toad immediately penetrated its brain, releasing the earth aura. In the blink of an eye, this huge ancient explosion insect was hardened by the earth profound aura. Life support rounded the body.

"Bang!" After a muffled sound, the ancient Explosive Insect's body was torn apart and turned into fragments. The ancient Explosive Insect crystal in the opponent's body fell into the mouth of the earth palace toad and was taken into the ethereal toad cauldron.

"Squeak, squeak!" At the next moment, seeing one's own miserable defeat, the companion is either dead or injured. The giant ancient poplars headed by him screamed a few times, indicating that the companions should retreat quickly and don't look for death here.

"Want to leave? You are dreaming." Earth Palace Chan sneered at the moment, suddenly releasing a large amount of Earth Profound aura.

"Swish-swish -" In an instant, the black sandy ground around softened, and as soon as the ancient blasting insects walked up, a few legs were immediately sunk in it, and they couldn't be pulled out after all their lives. Then, half of his body sank in.

"Hehehe, these black sands are surprisingly easy to use." Seeing this scene, the earth palace toad laughed, and then said: "It's decided, I want to get rid of these black sands too, and I will use them as materials for the silt technique in the future. use."

"Hey, toad." The Mandrill raised his voice and asked not far from the other side: "How long will you have to do?"

"Don't worry, it will be done right away."

After the earth palace toad said this, he suddenly released several air currents, entangled the ancient explosive insects that had fallen into the black mud, and either strangled them, or shredded them, and killed them all, and then destroyed the ancient explosives in their bodies. Chong Jing got it, and Earth Palace Toad quickly returned to his companion.

"How did you find that there was an ancient explosive insect in ambush in the black mud?" Mandrill asked as he walked forward.

"I didn't notice it at first. After all, there is something that hides the breath in this black mud, which makes the ancient blasting insects hide perfectly."

The earth palace toad replied: "However, as we walked forward, there was a huge ancient popcorn that was closer to the surface, but this guy had a trace of murderous intent that could not be hidden, so I was aware of it."

"Then this kind of black mud has a function to help the lurker hide?" asked the demon. "Yes, that's it."

The Earth Palace Toad nodded, and then said: "Because of this, I moved the entire area of ​​black sand into the ethereal toad cauldron, and decided to study its function. It will definitely come in handy in the future."

"Well, it makes sense...Huh?!" As soon as he said this, Mandrill suddenly noticed several colorful ferocious beasts flying in the opposite sky, and waved his hand: "Hey, come here!"

"Shabu shabu - whiz -" sub-Fu were lightning fell on a rock near the magic elf, facing it and the earth toad house creak screaming, it seems very worried look.

"Could it be that a large number of ancient explosive insects have been found?" The mandrill's eyes lit up at this time, and the earth palace toad immediately asked: "Hey, hurry up and talk about the specific situation."

As a result, a few Zixi chattered and began to narrate what had just happened.

"Is that the case?" Hearing what Zifu said, the earth palace toad and the mandrill looked at each other, and then unanimously said: "In such a place, there are other kinds of fierce insects?!"

"The most important thing is that these guys don't seem to be afraid of coexisting with the Dry Air Blastworms." The Mandrill murmured to himself, "This is a bit strange."

"What I mean is, it stands to reason that such fierce and violent guys like the ancient poppy will never live with other races, unless there is a special reason for this."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, the earth palace toad suddenly flashed in his mind, and then whispered: "I think of a possibility!"

"Really?" Hearing this, Mandrill immediately said, "Let's talk about it."

"Let's talk as we walk."

The Earth Palace Toad said, motioning to the Snake Skull Gu Yuan carrying himself and the Mandrill to speed up, and then said to the Mandrill: "This matter is just a guess. I need to see the other party to confirm it, so I have to hurry. Go and take a look over there."

"Also, so and so... and then..."

"Oh, you already calculated it?" The Mandrill widened his eyes, and then grinned: "Okay, let's do it, I think it's a good idea."

"Then it's up to you." As soon as the earth palace toad said here, a scorpion flew down on its head, and then whispered twice to the mandrill and earth palace toad.

"Here we are." The earth palace toad glanced around at this time, and then said: "Zifu said that this is the habitat of that kind of alternative murderous insects."

"Isn't the number too much, just a few hundred?" The Mandrill said casually: "Now that I think about it, I still can't believe it. What a courage this kind of guy can get along with the ancient poppy."

"Maybe, this kind of fierce insect is not afraid of ancient blast insects." The earth palace toad grinned at this moment, and suddenly said: "The fact may be the opposite. It is the dry gas ancient blast insects that are afraid of them."

"Uh, this..."

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