Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11615: Fierce one-horned worm

Hearing the words of the big toad, the demon was startled at first, and then suddenly realized, it whispered: "Don't tell me, your guess is indeed very possible."

"According to my guess, the opponent is very likely to have the ability to restrain the ancient blasting insects, so they will live in the place where these fierce insects are lying on their sides." The earth palace toad cracked his mouth and smiled: "Maybe , Their abilities are related to earth spirits?"

"That's right!" The Mandrill hit the palm of his hand with his fist, and then shouted: "Yes, yes, you say that, I think it's more likely."

"Of course, my analysis is well thought out."

The earth palace toad spoke with a sense of pride. At this moment, after the flying-winged little earth toad and the colorful fierce worm explored the area ahead, they hurriedly rushed back to everyone. Then, they started to attack the mandrill and the toad. Report the situation ahead.

"Wow, you found those weird evil worms, right?" Mandrill said with a grin: "One-horned multi-legged worms have many spikes on their bodies, and their appearance is unremarkable."

"I just don't know how strong it is." The Earth Palace Toad said slowly at this moment: "Did you find any other characteristics of the other party?"

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, a mutant clam came over and called to the earth palace toad twice, which meant to say: "Big brother, after I became invisible, I approached the other's nest to investigate. Fan, something new has happened."

"Oh, what's the situation? Tell me about it." The Mandrill also walked up to the Earth Palace Toad at this time and asked.

So this mutant child shook his front paws and stroked, describing it. After listening to this guy’s narration, the mandrill and the toad looked at each other, and then said with excitement: "Go, hurry up and take a look. ."


After more than ten breaths, the two of them took their companions and rushed forward following the mutant worms, and finally arrived at the gathering place of unicorn multi-legged worms.

"Haw!" Suddenly, there was a horrible sound of insects in front of you, as well as the violent sound of "Ping Pong Pong" one after another. The Mandrill said: "It seems that the fight has already started, but we should In time to watch the excitement."

"Okay, keep going!"

"Suddenly-hoo-hoo hoo -" Between the lightning and the fire, the two beasts ran forward with their legs pulled out, and soon they reached the place where the group of insects were fighting fiercely in front of them.

"Boom!" It was too late, then soon, the next moment, a one-horned worm swung its claws at the ancient poplar in front of him, hitting this guy swaying, his wounds could not help splashing. The blood mist made the ancient poppy chirp so painful.

Suddenly, this guy went crazy and wanted to fight back, but the other onlookers screamed and signaled this companion to stop. As a last resort, the ancient blaster who was fighting with the enemy had to stop with hatred and stop attacking.

"Puff!" But at the next moment, the unruly one-horned worm sprinted forward, using its one-horned horn to slam into the body of the ancient blaster, and abruptly provoked this guy and threw it in the air. Throw away.

In a short time, the body of the screaming Ancient Blaster continued to bleed, which was really horrible. The one-horned worms onlookers screamed vigorously one by one, looking very happy. In their opinion, torturing the ancient blasting worms with cruel methods is one of the few entertainments left.

Within a few breaths, the ancient poppy worm that was penetrated by the unicorn drained the blood in the body, and its head tilted and died. The unicorn worm also felt tired of playing and shook its head suddenly, piercing the horns. The corpse of the insect was severely smashed to the ground, and the opponent's corpse was immediately torn apart into fragments.

"Chirp, squeak!"

Seeing that the ancient poplar was dead, the one-horned multi-legged worms all around felt a little bored. They twisted and dispersed, leaving only a dozen large and small tabby ancient poplars. These guys shivered and looked in front of them. The fragments of corpses left by his companions were full of hysterical madness in his eyes.

No one wants to be slaughtered for no reason, but the ancient blast insects have no resistance at all in the face of many one-horned multi-legged worms, because as long as the opponent emits its own unique "body odor", all the ancient blast insects will be stiff. , Can't move, let it be slaughtered!

For the ancient poppy, the one-horned multi-legged worm is the ultimate nemesis in their fate. As long as the opponent appears, the ancient poppy will die. Want to resist? Don't dream anymore, what awaits you is just the slaughter of one-horned worms.

Originally, the ordinary one-horned worm was just to restrain the ordinary ancient blasting worm. If the ancient blasting worm leader shot, it was enough to crush the king-level one-horned worm without a leader, but the ancient blasting worm leader simply ignored the life and death of his own kind. They were slaughtered by each other.

Therefore, the tiger-spotted ancient poplars of the small class can only silently endure the slaughter of the unicorn multi-legged worms, and tolerate them, because as long as anyone dares to resist, the small group they are in will be besieged and exterminated by a large number of unicorn worms.

If it's just a matter of three to five, to be slaughtered by those one-horned worms playing like fun, the cold-blooded ancient blaster is acceptable, because as long as it's not his turn, then he's escaped.

These ancient poplars are like wild boars and goats kept in captivity by tigers. On the one hand, they hate the brutal killing of unicorn worms.

"Oh, look at what we saw, it's really unexpected."

At this moment, the mandrill walked to a nearby high slope, sat down cross-legged, and then said to the earth palace toad beside him: "I really don't know it. When I look at it, I bend over, these ancient blasting insects look like slaps. It was completely different when attacking us before."

"That's right, who would have thought that they have become poor bugs to be tortured and killed now."

The Earth Palace Toad rubbed its webbed claws and said, "However, with their selfish and cold-blooded nature, they are indifferent to witnessing their companions being killed. It is not new to just look at the lingering state."

After speaking here, the big toad paused for a while, and the big toad suddenly said, "By the way, I thought of a good idea to take advantage of those one-horned multi-legged worms."

"Hahaha, let me guess." The Mandrill touched his chin at this time, and said with a slightly tilted mouth: "Do you want to control the unicorn worm against the ancient poplar?"

"It's really a good partner for me. You can guess it." Tu Gongchan laughed and said, "That's it."

"Because the unicorn worm contains a lot of earth aura in the body. These guys are not evil worms, but they are extremely disgusted with the ancient poplars. They will take pleasure in killing these guys. Therefore, I think I should be able to compete with the unicorn worms. Communicate."

Hearing the words of the Earth Palace Toad, Mandrill nodded: "Well, yes, your idea is actually very good. In fact, I just wanted to suggest you to do this. Now that you have proposed it, then take action immediately."

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