Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1169: Save People (3rd)

"Guan Heng, today is your death!" Zaviu was so imposing at this moment that he was determined to leave the life of this powerful enemy on the coral island, so he fluttered in front of Guan Heng, shaking his body, using The ice devil's hand knife pinpointed the opponent's heart, and stabbed in the wind with a strong wind!

"Being inferior to him, avoid!" Anxiously, Guan Heng rolled a vertical leap forward, "Bang! Wow!" The opponent's ice magic knife stabbed several green bricks on the ground.

"Bone is sturdy!" Guan Heng, who was tumbling, slipped to the front of the ice muzzle that frozen Prince Sisuo, and stretched out his hand to rest on it.

"Want to take the opportunity to save people, dream!" Zawiu's speed was swift and unscrupulous, and between the flashes of light and flint, he swung a sharp blow to Guan Heng with his red front paw: "Flame Fist!"

"Yeah!" Guan Heng looked at the opponent punching, a fiery force suddenly used to his back. Originally, Guan Heng was immune to the power of fire. He could take this trick, but thought of what it was at the moment. " "Mo Yuan Yuan Li Reversed".

To be safe, Guan Heng hurriedly hurriedly, the other party punched on the ice muzzle of Prince Sisuo, only to hear a click, this ice block was destroyed by the punch, and a large crack appeared!

"Hey, forget about him for a while. Prince Sisso will not be in danger among the ice cubes?" Guan Heng saw the ice cubes cracked, but the prince inside was still intact, so he felt relieved.

But at this moment, Zaviu had already waved the Ice Devil's Hand Knife, howling and rushed over, saying that time was fast, and Guan Heng quickly pulled out the magic guide around his waist and pulled the trigger, the other side was frightened. Neck, hurriedly dodging, who knew that the magic guide didn't respond a few clicks, and Guan Heng cursed inwardly: "Unexpectedly, even the magic shot can't be played!"

"Hey, all your weapons have expired, and it scared me in vain." Zaviu laughed unscrupulously at this time: "I see where are you going this time?"

"Huh, that's not necessarily." Guan Heng suddenly exhausted all his strength and lifted the "Prince Bingyu" beside him, he yelled, "I'll smash you with it !!"

"Huh!" Guan Heng said that he actually threw ice cubes towards Zaviu. He didn't even care about the life and death of the prince. When he saw the ice cubes breaking his head and smashing his face, Zaviu subconsciously dodged and avoided: Huh, you shit, you can't even touch my side! "

Frozen prince's ice snorted and flew out of Shitai area!

"Hey!" A shadow flew flying in the air, with two claws stretched out, snapping the ice moor firmly, Guan Heng shouted: "Lu De, take Prince Sisso to Coro Island fly!"

"Abominable boy, did you even fool me ?!" Zawiu saw the toucan dragon in the air and rescued Prince Sisso, and suddenly burst into anger: "A tribal prince is nothing, but today I will make sure You die here, kill !!! "

Zaviu stared at his red eyes and darted at Guan Heng again, but Guan Heng sneered slightly: "Well, Master Ben will not play with you today."

"Woohoo!" Guan Heng turned his wrist sharply, and suddenly threw the two **** at Zaviu, who then flew back.

"What?" Zaviu grabbed it with the crimson dragon claws. "Bang-boom!" This thing suddenly made a loud noise. When the energy surged, Zaviu's blue body was turned halfway. Exploded to pieces.

"Hahaha, goodbye, Zaviu." Guan Heng laughed and walked down Shitai, he cried: "You use the Pyroblast to secretly calculate me, I will blow you up once with the magic spar, this Call for a newspaper and wait for a newspaper, wait, next time I meet, I must destroy your magical field power and reverse the array, so that you have no place to die! "

"Uh ah ah--"

"Hello!" With a roar, Zaviu's blasted half-blue body suddenly returned to its original shape. Although the broken ice body can be quickly repaired by using the ice elements in the air, the opponent's whole body is retreated. Great humiliation, enough to make him angry!

"Ice Dragon team left, Fire Dragon team right!" Zaviu suddenly shouted on the stone platform. In the air around the stone platform, two large groups of red fire dragons and blue ice dragons were gathered in a blink of an eye. These are ice fire dragons. The legion's most elite fighting force is huge.

Zaviu yelled, "All round up Guan Heng and his comrades. If you cannot capture him, kill him immediately!"

The two fire-headed Shuanglong headed by "嗷嗷 嗷 ——" yelled at the sky. They quickly divided into two groups, and began to hunt down Guan Heng and others with all their strength.


"Bang!" Yimila waved a fist and hit the monster in front of her. She turned around and shouted to Borui and Zuo Wei, "It's really an evil gate, and my power can only be 30%. How about you?" "

"I can't make medium or advanced spells now." Borui said in a deep voice. "Zowei's situation is the same. It seems that something on this island is doing something wrong, let's retreat, these wizards. The summoned monsters are gathering more and more, and if Tirlow of the Dragon Army reappears, everyone will not be able to leave. "

"Oh!" Borui's words had just fallen, and two monsters had rushed up, one of them scratched his head with sharp claws. In anxiety, Borui yelled and waved the wand of the dragon demon, slammed Knocked the monster's brain into a smash.

"Oh!" The other claw's paw was right in the middle of Borui's shoulder, and suddenly brought a spike of blood!

"Uh!" Borui yelled, "Let's go now."

"Zowei, run with me to the cliff side." Imila shot suddenly, knocked down several enemies that came over, and then pulled Zouwei to turn around and ran: "Borui, hurry up!"

"You go first, while I still have some magic power, leave the matter to me after the break." Borui said, hurriedly fired three or four fireballs with the flame spell, and immediately exploded in the group of monsters surrounding him. , Stunned these guys a few meters.

"I'll drive too. This island is too evil. Damn it. If I could use the Wrath of the Fire Demon, I would have burned these little monsters into fly ash." The monsters were scattered, Borui Running hurriedly, disappeared on the mountain road in a blink of an eye.

A few minutes later, on the cliff, Guan Heng waved the keel spear, stabbed into the right eye of a fire dragon, and the evil dragon tumbled from the air and fell to the cliff. He was anxious: "It's slow, the time for convergence is coming, Borui, why aren't they here? "

"Run away!" Just then, an angrily shout came from a distance in the distance: "We are almost there."

The three of them, Borui, were running deadlessly, while looking backwards from time to time, there was a screaming ice dragon staring at the red eyes and pursuing a few people!

—— [2016.5.14 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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