Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1170: Poison Flame Attack (First)

"Oh!" Zouwei ran to the stone at the foot of the last, plopped and fell to the ground, but at this moment, the ice dragon raised her head slightly, and then quickly spit out the frozen dragon breath.

"Hoo--" Zuo Wei suddenly felt the coldness sweeping over her head. In anxiety, she quickly rolled to the side. "Pop!" The frozen ground instantly freezes. Zuo Wei's movement is slightly slower, and her right foot is instantly frozen. On the ground.

Zuo Wei screamed, "Well, I can't move."

"Zowei!" Imira and Borui turned around and found that their companion was in distress, but it was too late to rescue them. When the ice dragon's giant claws buckled into Zouwei's head, "唰-唰!" A keel spear flew in and nailed into the neck of Binglong's neck.

"Tongtong!" The ice dragon spraying the red mist fell to Zuo Wei's side softly. The pair of long-eyed dragon eyes protruded and stared at Zuo Wei, terrified her and hurriedly retreated. .

"Zowei, are you okay?" At this time, Guan Heng ran over, reached out and pulled out his spear, and then broke the ice that frozen Zuowei's right foot.

"It's okay." Zuo Wei shook her head and limped to her feet, and Borui and Imila ran over, Guan Heng said to everyone, "I have saved the prince and let the beak dragon bring He went back, and everyone hurriedly withdrew back to Coro Island. There is no chance to face the guy in Zaviu here. "

Speaking of which, there were sudden screams of dragons roaring in the air in the distance, and the faces of the four changed slightly, Guan Heng shouted, "Here is the chase, Borui, take us away!"

"All reach out and grab my shoulder." Borui said, "Don't let go, the teleportation spell is activated!"

"Hello!" Guan Heng's four stuns disappeared in situ, saying time and time quickly, only less than half a second later, countless flames and ice dragon breaths have blasted in the place where several people stood The earth-shattering boom sounded, and the powerful attack almost wiped out the cliff!

At the same time, there are more ice-fire dragons who want to continue to fly out of the coral island. However, they did not expect to encounter the oncoming resistance sea ship. Countless strong bows and crossbows on the ship fired a series of shots. Venom's arrowhead was nailed to the dragon in the air.

Unexpectedly, countless ice and fire dragons were snoring at once. Although they had solid dragon skin and scale armor, but the weak abdomen did not have a shield, so the dragons wailed with their arrows and crashed into the sea. Even if there is no fatal injury, it is because of the poison of the giant sea snake that he died in the sea!

"Hahaha, **** dragons, do you know how terrible the human race is now?" General Jeff on the command ship laughed, and he patted his legs and said, "Our Roman Resistance Army is finally Exasperated. "

"General!" At this time, Jeff's deputy ran over and said, "We are attacking too fast, and our arrows are almost consumed."

"Well, today is a great victory. I once told Mr. Guan Heng that if the prince is rescued, I will send a signal in the direction of Coro Island and look at the hand!" Jeff shouted loudly above the mast: "There was found ?"

"Report." Said the sailor responsible for looking at the distance. "Toward the direction of Koror, you can now see the smoke and magic fireworks launching into the sky."

"Mr. Guan Heng succeeded, and the prince escaped from danger." Yefei heard the words immediately, he threw a punch of overjoyed on the railing: "Come on, turn the rudder, and all return to the island of Koror immediately. Damn Dragon Army! "


A moment later, Coro Island Castle.

"Hey! Huh!" Borui kept using the flame spell, carefully melting the frozen ice cube of Prince Sisso. It took a long time to finally melt the ice completely.

"I'm here to treat the prince." Zuo Wei stepped forward and was just going to help Sisuo to perform healing magic. Who knew that she suddenly screamed, "Ah, it's hot!"

Having said that, Zuo Wei let go, and Prince Sissau then fell backwards, "slap!" Guan Heng suddenly reached out and supported Sissau, and when he felt it carefully, he frowned, "It's really hot, the prince seems to be all over Fever. "

"Otherwise, I'll freeze him again with the frozen spell." Borui said, and started to roll up his sleeves, "Bang!" Yimila and Zuo Wei's fists clung to his head together: "You crazy Anymore? That's the prince! "

"The situation of Prince Sisso is probably related to the poisonous flames in his heart." Guan Heng said with a grimace. "Now I can only think of another way. Don't rashly use ice magic to cool him, I'm afraid Would be counterproductive. "

"Squeak!" At this moment, someone came in and pushed in the door. It was Jeff who was full of joy and face. He entered the door and said, "Mr. Guan Heng, today our fleet really won and killed. Those dragons fled their heads and fled. It was so addictive! "

"Well? Isn't this a prince?" Jeff saw the prince Guan Heng held, and the joy on his face added a little more: "Great, you really saved him."

"Don't be too early, Uncle Jeff." Borui said angrily: "Now the prince has been harmed by the poisonous flame of the dragon's heart, and his body is as hot as the coals in the stove. His Royal Highness will not be able to support it for long. "

"What ?!" After hearing this, Jeff's face seemed to be slapped in the face. It was like dead father and mother. He cried and said, "What now? The prince is the only one in the Kingdom of Lomon. "Heir!"

"Mr. Jeff, don't worry." Guan Heng said, "Now we can go to the known hermit and hermit to think of a way, maybe they can cure the dragon's heart poisonous flame on Sisuo."

"Yes, I have forgotten Mrs. Jiang Ge and the fat old man in Sanqiu." Borui punched him in the palm and said to Guan Heng, "Boss, let's go now."

"Wait a minute, I'll tell you something."

At this moment, Guan Heng said to Zuowei and Yimera: "Zaviune's miscellaneous things have set up the" Magic Field Elemental Force Reversal Array "on the Coral Island, which can limit our strength and increase his and his combat power, so In order to defeat us on the island, in my opinion, Zawiu is afraid to leave Coral Island easily, because as long as he leaves the island, he can't beat me at all. "

Imila asked, "Brother Guan Heng, what do you want us to do?"

"You and Zowei can cooperate with General Jeff to defend the castle of Coro Island." Guan Heng said with his chin. "After a battle on the sea, the Dragon Army must be hesitant about the power of the poisoned bow and arrow. If the dragons dare Come, let them taste the taste of arrowheads. "

—— [2016.5.15 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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