Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1172: Trial move (third)

"Bo Rui, you and Mr. Sanqiu have a trip." Guan Heng said with a smirk on his face: "Anyway, you will also teleport magic, you can leave at any time if you want to escape."

"I won't go!" Upon hearing this, Borui plopped and fell to the ground. He said weakly, "Boss, this time it's really not my brother's timid, I'm really tired, I'm covered with iron. Can't stand it, please let me rest for a night. "

"This is also the case. Borui and I went on an underwater exploration last night, and came back tormented by the fat old man and Mrs. Jiang Ge in the middle of the night, and then a fierce battle on Coral Island today, he is a miracle without exhausting his breath."

Guan Heng glanced abnormally, only half-breathed Borui, and then said to Sanqiu: "Let me go to Coral Island with you, Borui can't count on it."

"Okay, that's it." The old fat man held out his hand. "Give me the baggage. I'll talk to Mrs. Jiang Ge. Let's go out in the dark. Let's take a rest."

After saying this, Sanqiu took the baggage that Guan Heng passed and turned to find Mrs. Jiang Ge. Guan Heng patted Borui's shoulder: "Brother, go back to the guest room in the castle of Coro Island and rest, detect The hostility can be solved by me and the fat old man. "

"Thank you, Boss, I will go back first." Borui whispered holding the staff of the dragon devil and said, "Boss, pay more attention to your own safety, but I think you are so smart that you will never put yourself in danger. middle."

After saying this, Borui returned to Coro Island with a teleportation spell, Guan Heng murmured as he watched where he disappeared: "Shit boy, you run so fast, I really think you are tired It's a dead dog. "

"There is nothing left and right, just try the newly-integrated Seven Star Sea Snake King Beast Soul."

Guan Heng thought of this, and walked to the cliff of the island, and jumped into the tumbling sea water suddenly. "Stop!" After entering the water, Guan Heng suddenly formed a circle of transparent spherical bubbles around his body. This is one of the capabilities of the sea snake king, a "water avoidance" that can breathe freely in the sea.

In the blink of an eye, Guan Heng was brought to the bottom of the sea by the bubbles formed by water avoidance. He looked at the movement around him in the original place, and felt that it was right here, so he suddenly carried one of the capabilities of the Seven Star Sea Snake King, Hurricane!

"Woohoo--" For a moment, a huge vortex-like hurricane circle suddenly formed around Guan Heng, and the sea of ​​water thousands of meters away was suddenly torn apart by this powerful force.

At this moment, Guan Heng looked up and could see the bright moon over the ocean. He smiled slightly: "A strong hurricane power, if it is attached to his ordinary attack, it will certainly multiply its power."

"Try the power of another tsunami." Guan Heng thought of this, and a slap of his hands was photographed on the sea floor where he was standing. He only heard a series of loud noises, a powerful and powerful shock, and suddenly started from the soles of his feet. Spreading fast!

In the blink of an eye, all the surrounding submarine crusts had visible changes to the naked eye. They quickly cracked in the clicking sound, and earthquakes continued to occur on the bottom of the sea. At this time, huge waves were set off on the sea, and several tornadoes were at sea Cyclonus is raging, this kind of fierce power is enough to tear everything that dares to fight against.

After a short while, the sea surface of Shanghai and the sea gradually returned to calm. Guan Heng returned to the shore of the unknown island by the bubbles of water avoidance at this time. He was secretly thinking: "The power is really strong, but unfortunately, only The strength of 10% is exerted where there is water. On land, the power is less than 20%, which is also due to the limited strength of this seven-star sea snake king beast soul. "

"However, after merging the Seven Star Sea Snake King Beast Soul, my ordinary power has increased significantly several times, which is also a big gain."

Guan Hengyang looked at the bright moon shining in the stars, and he whispered: "The time left is running out. You must quickly find the trace of the abyss demon Pawn, retrieve the ghost of Qinghuang, and take Lu. Tower, this is the purpose of your stay in St. Lomprum. "

At this moment, the fat old man Sanqiu shouted in the distance: "Guan Heng, you are here, really. Where did you go just now? Mrs. Jiang Ge is calling you. What did she say about Lomon Kingdom? Prince Sissau awoke and hurried over to take a look. "

In Mrs. Jiang Ge's residence, although Prince Sissau's consciousness was still a little vague, she could recognize Guan Heng who walked in. Mrs. Jiang Ge was supporting him at this moment, leaning against the bed, and Sissor was shaking a Say hello to each other: "Kuan Heng ... Sir, come here, I have something to say ..."

"Prince Sissau, you're awake." Guan Heng walked quickly to him: "If you have any questions, please tell me."

"I, our dragon-monitoring weapon from the Kingdom of Luomeng ... uh ... stored in ..." Sisuo said here, some out of breath, Madam Jiang Ge hurriedly put some cold air into his body, Xi Suo gritted his teeth and said, "The Dragontooth Blade is hidden in the abandoned fortress west of the ice vein volcano. Be careful, there is ... uh!"

Suddenly, Prince Sisso's body temperature suddenly rose, and his whole body skin was as hot as coals. His eyes suddenly fainted when he rolled his eyes. Madam Jiang Ge shouted: "No, Dragon Heart poisonous flames back, he can't hold it anymore, Hurry up, I will continue to cool him with ice magic! "

"Yes." Guan Heng's face changed, and he and the fat old man Sanqiu turned and ran out of the cave. When Sanqiu came out, he murmured with dissatisfaction: "It's a busy life, and I need to take care of you guys "When can I rest for a while?"

"Uncle Sanqiu, don't talk anymore," Guan Heng said at this time. "You and I will go to the Castle of Coro Island."

Sanqi frowned and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Go to General Jeff and ask about the abandoned fortress west of Bingmai Volcano." Guan Heng said, "The Dragontooth Blade is said to be the most destructive weapon among the thirteen types of dragon destroyers. If you can get it, It is very useful for us to defeat the Dragon Army. "

"It turned out to be that way." The old fat man smiled. "With regard to the abandoned fortress, you don't need to ask General Jeff that, because I have an old friend who lives nearby, and now I can use the teleportation spell. Wen takes you over to him. "

"Is that right?" Guan Heng was overjoyed, and he said, "Let's go now." A moment later, in the mountains to the west of the Ice Vessel Volcano, Sanqiu used the teleportation spell to cross the line. Taken to a vast and boundless virgin forest.

"My old friend's name is 'Shaharu'." The fat old man walked into the forest with Guan Heng and said, "He is an old man with a strange personality. He used to be a foundry in the royal family of the Roman Kingdom because It was not pleasing to the eyes of a minister who robbed the daughter of the people, so he severely beat the other side and escaped from the palace. He has since lived in seclusion in this old mountain.

—— [2016.5.15 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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