Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1173: Shaharu couple (first)

"Wow, this is an old man with a good temper." Guan Heng said with a smile. "I really want to see him as soon as I say this."

"Oh!" The two were talking, and suddenly heard the sound of Soso Suo in the wormwood grass nearby, Guan Heng said to Sanqiu, "There seems to be something ..."

His voice didn't fall, and a dark shadow came out of the oblique spur. The guy moved extremely fast, and did not wait for Sanqiu to make any response. Its front grab had caught Sanqiu's shoulder.

"Oh!" The next moment, Guan Heng's keel spear was about to be nailed to the opponent. At this moment, Sanqiu suddenly shouted: "Don't do it, don't do it, this child is not malicious."

"Woohoo ... Wang ... Well ..." It was a strong, fat black dog that was holding Sanqiu. This guy was so big-headed that he was licking Sanqiu's face with his big tongue.

"Hi, Rato." The fat old man slaps the head of a **** dog and laughs: "It's been a long time since you're still the same. As soon as it gets dark, you wander in the woods. Today I was with a new friend Come, you are going to visit your master. "

"Guan Heng, this is a pet kept by my old friend Shaharu's family, the **** dog Rato." Sanqiu introduced: "Don't underestimate it is just an ordinary dog. In this forest, even ordinary Warcraft did not dare to provoke it, this child is terrible. "

"Woohoo—Wang!" The **** dog Rato saw Guan Heng and barked at him politely.

"Haha, this dog is a little bit interesting." Guan Heng put away his keel spear, squatted down and waved to Rato, "Come here."

"Hmm ... Wang." The **** dog barked, and the shiver came over, aggressively hit Guan Heng. "Pop!" The moment the big dog's head hit Guan Heng, it was like hitting an iron plate. His head fluttered at once. Guan Heng patted him and smiled at this moment: "How? We are qualified to be your friend, right?"

Any animal that has confidence in its own strength, when it chooses a peer friend, it will test you first. Once your strength is weaker than it, it will look down on you and have a sense of superiority in front of you. On the contrary, if you The strength is better than it, and the animal will be honest with you.

The **** dog Lato is such a guy. It bumped into Guan Heng, but he almost suffered a big loss, so after Guan Heng showed friendship, Lato licked the back of Guan Heng without hesitation, and then vomited. The tongue squatting there was very flattering.

"This dog is still a nature of bullying and fearing evil." The fat old man Sang Qiu shook his head and sighed. "When I came here for the first time, it looked like this."

"Hahaha, it's so interesting." Guan Heng laughed. "To be honest, I have had a lot of pets, and it doesn't seem as smart as this **** dog."

"Smart? I think it's sly and arrogant." Sang Qiu said and waved to the **** dog: "We're going to visit your master. Let's lead the way. I haven't come for many years, I have forgotten the specific location It's almost there. "

"Wang Wang!" Rato, the **** dog, trot happily in front, Sanqiu and Guan Heng followed. Two people and one dog walked around in the forest, like walking through a maze, Guan Heng laughed secretly: "If there are no **** dogs leading the way, only the two of us might really get lost, This forest is too big. "

"Wangwangwang!" The **** dog who ran out more than twenty meters at this time suddenly turned around and barked at Guan Heng and the fat old man. Sanqiu said, "Okay, this time it can be considered a place, go on. My feet are bubbly. "

At this time, the two followed the **** dog into an open field in the forest. Here, next to a small hill beam, there was a waterfall flowing over it. Under the light of the moonlight, it was like a colorful ribbon, shining brightly, very beautiful, Ten meters in front of the waterfall, there are two bark and thatched houses.

At this moment, Sanqiu exclaimed, "Shaharu, Jolie, old friend Sanqiu is here to see you."

"Squeak." The door of one of the bark houses opened, and a peasant woman in her forties with a good appearance appeared.

"Oh, who do I think it is, it disturbs people's dreams in the middle of the night." The peasant woman laughed when she saw Sanqiu: "It's you fat old man, how can you visit our couple today?"

"Dangdang." The door of the other bark house was also pushed open, and a stout man with a work apron and a beard and a beard was quickly walked out of it. He snorted, "Do you have any questions? Sanqiu, a dead fat man, will never reach the threshold of our house without encountering extremely difficult things. "

"You old guy, you still speak relentlessly."

With a smile, Sanchuha didn't care about the rude words of the other person, because he was an old friend for decades. He pulled off Guan Heng and said, "Come, let me introduce it to your husband and wife. This is the most famous young hero of Dragon Slayer. , The biggest nemesis of the Dragon Army, my year-end holiday, Guan Heng. "

"Wow, when did I have so many loud names?" Guan Heng almost didn't laugh when he heard Sanqiu introduce himself. At this time, Sanqiu, a bearded man with a big beard, said to Guan Heng, "This is my old friend, the best weapon casting master in the human race, Shaharu."

"Good to see you, Mr. Shaharu." Guan Heng saluted with a smile, and Shaharu also said, "Hello, young man."

"Come here, please introduce this lady carefully," Sanqiu said to Guan Heng, "she is Shaharu's wife, Jolie."

"Remember what I said to you just now?" Sanqiu said with a smile: "When Shaharu was young, he slammed the Kingdom Minister for a girl, and Jolie was the girl."

Hearing this, Guan Heng shouted, "Is it? It's really shocking."

A smile flickered from the corner of his mouth, and Mrs. Jolie glanced at Guanheng and asked, "What? Do you think I'm not worth Shaharu doing this?"

"It's the opposite!" Guan Heng said earnestly: "I think, if it's for a lady as beautiful as a wife, let alone hit a minister, even if the other party is a king or something, you should be correct!"

"Oh, this child's mouth is so sweet." Mrs. Jolie was overjoyed when she heard the words, and then she said, "Dear, say hi to this brother Heng Heng and Sang Qiu, I'll go and sit for you, I'll go for you Prepare some Songta black tea. "After that, Mrs. Jolie turned around and went to the kitchen.

"Unexpectedly, this guy can talk quite well." Shaharu laughed, touching his beard under his jaw. "My wife hasn't been so happy for a long time, you two, come in."

—— [2016.5.16 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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