Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1174: Weird ruins

After a while, Shaharu finally understood the meaning of Guan Heng and Sanqiu. He frowned and said, "It turns out that you want to go to the abandoned fortress of the Kingdom of Lomon. Oh, this is a little troublesome."

"What's the matter?" Sanqiu, the fat old man, asked strangely, "But it's just an abandoned fortress. It should have been deserted for a long time. What's the trouble?"

"Well, it's a problem because it's long abandoned and uninhabited."

After Shaharu took a sip of black tea in the cup, he slowly said, "I went to the abandoned iron ore near the fortress to mine the ore of the foundry weapon and found some weird things on the way, all coming out of the abandoned fortress. Yes, for a moment, I was curious, so I diverted to the abandoned fortress and planned to see what happened ... "

When Shaharu arrived near the abandoned fortress, he found that there were a lot of World of Warcraft in the woods of the nearby valleys. Because of some fear in his heart, Shaharu climbed up a towering ancient tree and hid in the crown to observe the movement there.

There were a lot of Warcraft coming from all directions, but they all looked very tense and couldn't help crying irritably. They seemed to want to escape, but they couldn't control their bodies, which made Shaharu feel strange.

At this time, a gust of wind raging around the abandoned fortress, and then set off numerous sand and dust. When the wind passed, Shaharu took a closer look and immediately frightened the soul, and he crawled down the ancient tree, He ran home desperately, and because of the excessive fright, Shaharu fell ill with a foot disease for almost a week, almost losing his life.

"It's strange to say, husband, I have asked you many times, what exactly did you see in the abandoned fortress, you just don't tell me." Mrs. Jolie sitting while mending clothes, looked up at this moment and asked: "Now you Shouldn't it have been said? "

"Well, dear lady, I won't tell you, I'm afraid you will be scared too."

Shaharu helplessly spread his hands at this time, and then said to Guan Heng and Sanqiu, "I saw a strange thing in the tree that day, and threw a head out of the abandoned fortress ... that ... somehow a monster that looks like The big mouth has teeth, the nose is very long, and the ears are large and round. The monster just sprayed a turquoise aerosol on dozens of Warcraft in front of it, and those Warcraft suddenly turned into ... Sensen bones! "

"Eh ?!" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and Sang Qiu looked at each other, both of them took a breath of air: "What kind of monster is that? It can turn Warcraft into bones!"

After listening to Shaharu ’s narrative, Madam Jolie suddenly froze. When she knocked over the needle tray placed on her knees, Shaharu cried and said with a sad face, “Look, I ’ll tell you not to tell you, now Are you afraid? "

"How did I know that you had experienced such a terrible thing." Mrs. Jolie caressed her heart, horrified, and she stuttered, "It's really, really scary!"

"Why are you doing this? They are all curious." Shaharu shook his head, and then said to Guan Heng: "Have you heard? Now it's impossible to go to the abandoned fortress. It's too dangerous, I advise you Let's stop this idea. "

"Sorry, Mr. Shaharu." Guan Heng shrugged helplessly: "I have to go to the abandoned fortress, because there is the" destroy dragon weapon "that I have to find, and my time is very tight, just before dawn Gotta get out of here, so ... "

Before Guan Heng's sentence was finished, Shaharu suddenly shouted with two bright eyes: "What are you talking about? The dragon weapon ?! You can't believe it because you know the whereabouts of this kind of thing!"

"Interrupt you." Guan Heng took out the lance of the keel and said, "I not only know the whereabouts of the dragon destroyer, but also have a few kinds in my hand. Look, this is the lance of the keel."

"Come here and see." Shaharu was so obsessed with casting weapons that he couldn't wait to grab the keel of the keel and stroked it gently: "Ah, the legendary retractable keel of the keel, The ingenious inventions of the mountain dwarves are truly amazing craftsmanship, good stuff. "

"It's not just these." Guan Heng saw that Shaharu was extremely interested in the dragon-destroying weapons, so he came up with three more: "I also have the magic guide, maneuvering shield, and dragon tail cone here, but several others are in me Companion hands. "

"It's some superb weapons." Shaharu murmured to himself: "If you lend me these dragon-destroying weapons for a night to study, maybe I can make a few of them."

"It's OK to lend you research, but Mr. Sanqiu and I can't stay here for a long time." Guan Heng said with a little embarrassment. "I'm going back to the castle of Coro Island."

"Haha, I have a way to do this." Shaharu turned to Jolie and said, "Wife, we haven't been away for a long time. How about going out for a good time this time? Let's enjoy the sea scenery near Koror Island and let La Just leave it here to look after the house. "

"Well, okay." Madam Jolie murmured: "If I don't agree, you will sneak away."

"Well, please pack your luggage at home. I'll lead Guanheng to go to the abandoned fortress first." Shaharu was not afraid of the monster in the fortress at this moment. Now he just wants to go to Koror after the incident is completed. The island researched Guan Heng's annihilation weapon.


After a while, Guan Heng and Sang Qiu, led by Shaharu, walked all the way to the abandoned fortress more than ten kilometers west of the forest.

"Well, you can do it here." Guan Heng stopped suddenly and stopped the other two. He said, "Mr. Shaharu has told me how to get inside the abandoned fortress. The front is dangerous. I will act alone. Will suffice."

"Boy, are you really okay?" Shaharu said, "That monster ... um ... I'm afraid it will hurt you."

"It doesn't matter, it's very convenient for a person to move." Guan Heng then took out the maneuvering shield and handed it to Shaharu. "You go back with Mr. Sanqiu first, and by the way, study this pass time, I will Let the toucan take me back to the forest bark house. "

"Well, let's go now. You must be safe and come back soon." Sanqiu knew that Guan Heng would not change after making a decision, so he dragged Shaharu's sleeve, and the two immediately cast a teleportation spell. The text disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, start acting alone now." Guan Heng chuckled, leaned forward and sprinted quickly, and hurried to a high dirt **** near the fortress. At this moment, there was a burst of irritability not far from the front. The eager beast roared, which seemed particularly abrupt on a quiet night.

—— [2016.5.16 second update, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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