Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1175: Soul sucking beast (third more)

Hearing the weird and screaming beast, Guan Heng frowned slightly, and immediately looked up in the direction of the sound.

I saw a few kilometers ahead, which is a fortress with a tucheng structure. Because it has been in disrepair for many years, it is full of artemisia sphaeroides, with broken walls, broken bricks and rubble. It is just in front of the gate where half of the fortress collapsed. There are more than a dozen fat and powerful Warcrafts shaking their heads and pacing there.

"This scene seems to be a little close to what Mr. Shaharu described." Guan Heng found a clean rock on the dirt **** and sat down. He looked at it and thought, "Maybe the monster in the fortress will come out."

When I first thought of it, I saw a commotion among the herds in front of the abandoned fortress. Then, there were heavy footsteps in the fortress, and the group of Warcraft became dreadful one by one, turning around and trying to run. Do not move.

At this moment, "Woohoo--" a gust of wind swept through, and the sand rolled for a while, all shrouded in beasts. "Wow!" Warcraft sent out a dying scream. As the wind and sand became smaller, Guan Heng on the soil **** looked clearly, and those Warcrafts all turned into a miserable white skeleton in the blink of an eye.

"It's a wicked door." Guan Heng was surprised when he saw it, but at this moment a large-eared monster ran out of the abandoned fortress. It made a humming noise, suddenly raised his head, and pointed towards his long nose. Take a closer look and breathe.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, at this moment, a few dark mists of ghostly ghosts suddenly emerged from the horrible bones of Warcraft, and Guan Heng suddenly cried out," Beast soul ?! This monster is absorbing other Warcraft beasts soul!"

At this time, the monster completely absorbed the more than a dozen beast souls, and sat down satisfactorily, and then walked towards the inside of the fort.

"This strange guy, I've met for the first time." Guan Heng saw the monster go away, jumped from the soil **** to the flat ground, and walked to the front of those Warcraft bones.

"Pop." I stepped on these beast bones with my feet, and found that the remains were extremely fragile. As soon as I touched them, they were instantly broken into powder, and Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Take the beast soul for food, you in the end Where is it sacred? I must figure it out this time. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng strode into the abandoned fortress, because there is a footprint left by the monster on the ground, so it is easy to find the trace of the monster. It has been going to the north passage, according to Shaharu ’s previous approach to Guan Heng Introduction, the northern area of ​​the fortress should be where the arsenal is located.

Guan Heng quietly groped forward all the way, and finally found the monster with a long nose and big ears a few minutes later. Although the guy was obese, his solid type could only be regarded as medium, at most, it was an ordinary horse. Head.

Don't look at the monster's appearance when it absorbs the soul of Warcraft. In fact, the appearance of the big ears and long nose is still sloppy. At this time, the big ear monster came to a worn gate and slipped into it. When he followed there, hesitated for a few seconds, and walked in quietly.

The room where the monsters and Guan Heng entered was very wide, full of shelves of weapon armors, and various debris were piled up everywhere. It looked like a large arsenal.

After the fat big-eared monster got into the worn-out arsenal, he found a corner covered with wormwood, lying down and snoring, Guan Heng looked straight and smiled, and he secretly said, "If you are full, sleep. No wonder it looks so fat. "

Gently walked over, Guan Heng suddenly showed the keel spear, "slap!" Hit the monster's head with a severe blow.

"Hum!" This monster just fell asleep. Who knew that it was attacked by someone suddenly, and under severe pain, he stood up, and didn't see who was standing in front of him. The monster pointed at Guan Heng and called Spit out a yellow mist.

"Huh, can you turn Warcraft into a fog of white bones? Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me!" The dragon bone spear in Guan Heng palm danced like a wheel, he shouted suddenly, "The power of the hurricane!"

"Woohoo! Woo!" A small hurricane suddenly swept up in situ. This is the trick of the Seven Star Sea Snake King. Although the power is not very great, it is enough to blow away these bone yellow mist.

"Hum ?!" The monster screamed, but it was a bit panicked when it encountered its own yellow mist for the first time.

"Oh!" At this moment, the tip of the keel spear pointed at the eyebrow of the monster, Guan Heng laughed: "Haha, don't act lightly, if you dare to move, I will run through your shot Forehead, believe it or not? "

"Uh ... what the **** do you want to do? Why, why bully Yabu?" The long-nosed monster trembled in shock as he faced the keeling spear. Why did you hit me? "

"A monster who can speak humans? That's good communication." Guan Heng smiled and said, "Now you are a captive, I should ask questions, understand?"

"I don't understand ..." The monster just shook his head blankly, and suddenly saw Guan Heng staring at himself, then quickly said timidly: "But if you want to ask, I, I tell you."

"That's good, as long as you are honest, I don't bother to hurt you." Guan Heng said, and then pulled back the keel spear. He then asked: "What monster are you? What's your name? Why is it here?" Here?"

"Uh ... three questions ... Which one to answer first?" The monster with a long nose seemed to have a bad brain, and he choked for a long time before he said, "I'm a 'soul sucker', my name is Yabu, and I also I don't know why I am here. "

"Soul sucker? Abu?" Guan Heng frowned, and he said, "Yabu, why don't you know you're here?"

"Hum, hum, Abu was originally living on a mountain with his mother." Abu, the soul-absorbing beast, thought with a crooked head, and then said, "But one day, I fell into a dark hole, It was here when my eyes opened. "

"Are you going through another world by accident?" Guan Heng thought to himself, "then, this soul sucking beast is probably not the creature of this world."

"Hum." Abu the soul sucker looked at Guan Heng poorly at the moment, and he whispered carefully, "I have told you the truth, can you let me go?"

At this time, Guan Heng asked casually, "How long have you been here? Are you familiar with the environment here?"

"Familiar," Yabu said with a small blink. "But I have hardly walked out of these broken houses. The outside is too big, and I dare not go out casually."

—— [2016.5.16 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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