Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11720: ore crystal monster

"Good job, Rat King, you did a good job." Guan Heng nodded to the Rat Rat King who came to report the news, and said so. After hearing this, the two rat kings seemed very happy, and then nodded to Guan Heng and the girls, and then they led the other strange mice to rush forward. "It seems that this mine alone has many reserves of high-grade loess mines." Qin Xin said at the moment: "Let's search inside, maybe there are more harvests." "Well..." After hearing her words, Guan Heng thought about it for a while, and then said, "Going deeper into the mine, we won't necessarily encounter a loess mine." "Oh, what is that?" "If I didn't If I'm wrong, it's loess spar!" The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Guan Heng said, "Because the high-grade loess ore here is too concentrated, I think it has reached the level of automatically generating ore spar." "Okay, If you guessed correctly, eldest brother, it will be even better, the value of spar is much higher than that of ordinary loess ore." An Yan was talking, Pu Xing suddenly turned his head and whispered: "Outside is the Who's here?" "Cuckoo, it's me!" In an instant, Tugong Toad's voice rang out, and then, the other party's figure rushed over and came to everyone. "Toad, are the things outside settled?"

Guan Heng asked casually. "Oh, I just cleaned up the little minions gathered near the cave and rushed over." Tugong Chan said: "As for the other black-skinned monsters, the devil and the old monkey will naturally deal with them." Immediately afterwards , the big toad asked again: "Master Guan, how is the progress on your side?" "A lot of loess mines have been found, and you can put them all into the empty toad cauldron later." Guan Heng said: "I Judging that there may be mineral spar or other things in the depths of the mine, so I plan to investigate, you can come too." "Okay." Tugong Toad agreed, while sending his own little Toad clone to collect circles everywhere. The loess mine dug by the ear monster and the gray-brown monster hedgehog, they followed Guan Heng into the cave and continued to search. Not long after, everyone came to a wall of soil deep in the mine. "Huh? The road ahead seems to be blocked." Ruo Tao said, "Sir, what should I do next?" "Just smash it." "Hoo! Bang!" He slammed his fist on the soil wall, shattering it to pieces. The Toad next to him saw the opportunity very quickly, and hurriedly released the mysterious spiritual energy to crush the dirt and debris into powder, turning them all into spiritual energy, and then distributing them to nearby people. Absorbed by strange mice and monster hedgehogs. "What's behind this?"

When she said this, Ruo Tao had already rushed in, followed by An Yan and Gu Sangnu, they both shouted in unison: "Tao Tao, walk slowly, wait for us." "Oh, you two are fast. Click, I can't wait." Ruo Tao twisted her head and waved at the two of them, but in the next instant, a shadow suddenly appeared in the dark corner. peach brain. "Be careful!" Seeing this scene, Gusangnu and An Yan shouted in unison, Ruo Tao'er heard the evil wind behind him, and without turning his head, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked back: "Fuck you." "Boom!" Thinking of the enemy's quick response, he immediately screamed and fell out, "Plop!" The sneak attacked him with a midfoot, and immediately flew out and hit the rock wall, then collapsed to the ground. "Qiang!" It was too late, but it was too fast. Ruo Tao, who was extremely annoyed, pulled out the Thunder Swallowing Blade, flew over and raised the knife to chop: "God-killed beast, dare to attack your aunt, and seek death!" "Dang!" At the next moment, Ruo Tao's blade fell on the opponent's body, splashing sparks, she was a little surprised: "This guy is so tough!" "It's a 'stone monster' derived from the fusion of mineral spar and evil energy, be careful. " Guan Heng said at this time: "The biggest feature of this guy is that he is very strong." "Oh, I see." Hearing this, Ruotao nodded, "Boom!" Immediately, the others All the sisters also fell by Ruo Tao's side, and everyone said in unison: "Let's do it together, let's subdue it first."

"Okay!" As soon as Ruo Tao said these words, Qin Xin and Qing Huang simultaneously waved the Star Spirit Spear and the Lotus Magic Blade, "Swish swish!" A large gust of cold swept away, just covering the ore crystal monster. Legs, when this guy wanted to retreat and escape, only to find that he couldn't move his legs, he couldn't move half a minute at all. "Huh la la!" The next moment, Gu Sang Nu's wooden divine scepter swayed gently, and several spiritual roots burst out of the ground, entangling the body of the mineral crystal monster like lightning, no matter how frantically this guy howled, he was stunned. Unable to break free. "Hahaha, it's my turn." "Dang!" All of a sudden, Ruo Tao flicked his fingers, and the Thunder Swallowing Blade made a crisp sound, "Shoo smash!" Immediately after that, an electric force crashed down, just in time to be buried in the mine. On the spar monster's forehead, "Bang!" In an instant, the guy shook violently, and then fell to the ground with a plop, completely losing consciousness. "Crack!" It was too late, but it was fast. Guan Heng stepped forward and slapped the stone monster on the forehead, "Hey!" A dark aura was forced out by him with his spiritual energy. Eliminate this evil spirit. "Okay, now there is only an empty shell left." Guan Heng said.

"However, this kind of mineral crystal monster is still rare, even if there is only one body left, it is of great use to us." Zhenwen took a few steps closer, rubbed the object and smiled: "Brother Guan, Give it to me." "Okay, take it to study and play, maybe you can find a way to control this thing in the future." Guan Heng said: "Let the toad be put into the empty toad, and then you will slowly target it later. Research." "Okay, let's do it like this, it's all up to you." Zhenwen nodded, and then Guan Heng asked Tugong Toad to put away the stone monster's body. The voice, it shouted: "Master, everyone, come here and see, there are a lot of ore spar." "Yes, yes, this time is a big harvest." Guhuang Houjia said with a smile at this time. "There are still a few immobile ore spar monster shells, Master Guan, do you see what's going on?" Having said that, King Golden Sting brought Guan Heng to those shells, and Guan Heng leaned over to check. After a while, he said: "They don't have a core for free movement in their bodies. They are probably derived from incomplete mineral spar monsters. Something like this will completely lose consciousness after a while of activity." "So that's the case, then Is it still useful?" "Of course it does." After hearing this, Zhenwen immediately stepped forward and said with a smile, "It's all precious."

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