Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11721: Red ore spar (third more)

"Okay, put away the bodies of these stone monsters and leave them to Sister Wen for research." Qin Xin said at this time: "Toad, please." Whoosh—" Said, Tugong Toad opened his mouth and took away all the bodies of the ore spar monsters. At this moment, the three insects have already started to count the number of all ore spar. "It looks like it's about to catch up with the total number of loess ore spar we collected before." "Hahaha, that's true, it's really a bumper harvest." At this time, Gu Huanghou said with a smile: "It's thanks to the horns of flames. The information provided by the ancestors of the ancient ants, otherwise we would not know that there will be such a large-scale loess mine in the deep underground." "I mean, I'm really lucky." The spar has been moved here, so that the toad can easily store it in the toad." "Wait, I found another batch." "There are quite a lot of ore spar here." While discussing, everyone began to work in full swing. At this moment, An Yan and Puxing walked to the left area. She suddenly raised her finger and pointed forward and whispered, "Look there, it seems to be ore spar, go and take a look." "Okay." Puxing Xing agreed, and immediately walked to this place with An Yan. He fixed his eyes and said, "An Yan, wait, don't go forward yet."

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" "Come on, light the torches first." With that said, Puxing took out two bone torches, handed one of them to An Yan, and then lit them all, in the reflection of the firelight Next, Pu Xing asked: "Look, what's the difference between these mineral spar?" "This..." Hearing Pu Xing's words, An Yan seemed to be slightly stunned, and then whispered. Said: "I see." The next moment, An Yan turned her head back and shouted, "Big brother, sister, come and see, there are different mineral spar here!" "Really? Where is it, I'm here! Look at it." Having said that, Guan Heng had already rushed over with the girls and Tugong Chan. "Well, that's it." An Yan raised her hand, Guan Heng immediately stepped forward, picked up a piece of ore spar, and after taking a closer look, he muttered: "The red-red loess spar, this I've never seen it before." "How about it, big brother, is this a major discovery?" An Yan patted Pu Xing's shoulder with a smile, and then continued: "It was Pu Xing who discovered it, so please praise him. "Good job, Puxing." The corners of Guan Heng's mouth twitched slightly, and then he smiled, "It's still so capable, it's amazing." "No no, big brother, you're complimenting too much, I..." "Aiya, You are really a piece of wood." An Yan poked Puxing's forehead with her finger at this time, and then said: "Big brother praises you, you just accept it honestly, don't pretend to be modest."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." Saying that, Puxing smiled again. At this moment, Guan Heng carefully looked at the red ore spar, and Qing Huang next to him asked, "Is it any different from ordinary loess spar?" "It contains a little more spiritual energy, and besides... ..." Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and then said slowly: "The red objects in this thing are not ordinary spiritual energy. In contrast, they are like a fierce and violent evil energy. After they infect ordinary mineral spar. , turned it red." "Uh, how could this be?" Hearing this, Qin Xin said with some concern: "Will this ore spar have a bad influence on us?" "It doesn't matter. The ratio of crimson evil energy in the spar is very light, and as long as you press it with a little spiritual energy, they will float out and disintegrate, you see." "Hey!" Guan Heng abruptly folded his five fingers and input his own spiritual energy into the spar, and a crimson ferocious aura immediately wafted out, which quickly dissipated and collapsed. "It's such a simple way to get rid of it." "Strange, Ah Heng, didn't you refine that vicious aura?" Qing Huang asked at the moment, "But this spar is still crimson."

"Oh, that kind of breath just left a color, and the spar was infected by them, and it can't return to its original normal color. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is easier to distinguish. Do you think so?" "Uh, it seems to make sense." After the girls heard this, they all nodded, and then Guan Heng said, "It's not too late, gather all the red ore spar. , I want to expel all the vicious aura for them in one breath, and then, Toad, you can put them in the toad tripod." "Yes, Master Guan, I know it." Hearing this, Tu Gong Toad Nodding again and again, and then, everyone worked together to transport all the crimson spar stones to Guan Heng, about a hundred or ten pieces. Guan Heng immediately released his spiritual energy, covering all the ore spar, and removing the inner spar. The red breath was squeezed out. "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" But at such a time, the sudden change occurred, and before Guan Heng let these breaths disappear completely, they unexpectedly converged in the air, and then turned into a red crimson The gigantic evil spirit king roared towards Guan Heng. "Ouch!" "Good beast, it's you who are doing everything, right? Well, let's see how this young master cleans you up completely." Guan Heng sneered slightly, and suddenly pointed in the air, "Ouch!" In an instant, dozens of Large and small fire spirit balloons emerged, and they surrounded the crimson evil spirit king.

"Hooooooooooooo-" The fierce flames have always been the nemesis of evil spirits. Under their frenzied burning, the crimson evil spirit king screamed incessantly, and then turned into a rolling fireball and fell to the ground. "You can't run away." The next moment, Guan Heng used his fire aura to trap the Evil Spirit King, and then kept shrinking and squeezing, shrinking the opponent to the size of a fist and floating in the air. "It turned out that what was lurking inside the crimson ore spar was the aura of the crimson evil spirit king. This guy used his own breath to warm the ore spar, and planned to swallow it slowly after a certain period of time. Unfortunately, now the ore spar and it are both It's in our hands." When he said this, Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Tu Gong Toad, throw this guy into the Toad Cauldron Fire Pond, and let him enjoy what is called 'Purgatory'! "Okay." After hearing Guan Heng's words, Tugong Chan smiled and put the crimson evil spirit king into the cauldron. At the same time, the girls gathered and said: "The spar of this mine pit It’s almost collected.” “Well, it’s time to leave here and go somewhere else, let’s go.” Having said that, Guan Heng took the lead and walked outside.

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