Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11722: ghosts catch bugs

After a while, everyone followed Guan Heng out of the mine. "Boom rumble - boom boom boom -" In the blink of an eye, loud noises came and went one after another, Qinghuang and the others looked up, only to see scenes of battles everywhere. The monster battle is heating up. "Hey, haven't all the monsters been dealt with after such a long day? You guys are too slow." At this moment, Tu Gongchan called out impatiently: "Hey, what's going on? Isn't the battle over yet? ?" "Lord Toad!" "Shhhhh!" Hearing its cry, the gray bald ibis fluttered its wings and closed in front of everyone, and then said, "I don't know how, just now we have The last batch of black-skinned evil monsters have been cleaned up, but another batch has appeared out of nowhere, and these guys are stronger and more numerous." "Then are you struggling to fight?" Guan Heng asked casually. "There is no such thing as a difficult situation at all." The bald ibis shook his head at this time, and then said: "Although the strength of the other party has increased a little, we are definitely handy and easy to deal with, but this number is a bit annoying." "Oh, I understand. Now, let the demons fight well, and we will continue to explore other mines." "Yes, Master Guan, then I will inform everyone first." "Everyone, go first!"

After saying this, the gray-feathered bald ibis fluttered its wings into the air, and flew towards its companions. At the same time, Guan Heng said to the evil cockroach mother: "In order to prevent this from happening, you leave three hundred cockroaches behind to observe the situation secretly. They are tired and tired, so let the scorpions go to help fight." "Yes, master, I will instruct the scorpion brothers to do this." Having said that, the evil slug mother immediately did as she said, calling out a large number of scorpions. . At this time, Guan Heng had already led Qinghuang and the others towards another underground mine. "Hoohoo-hoo-hoo--" It was too late to say, but it was too soon. This time, the Gusang woman who was in charge of opening the way shook the wooden divine staff and summoned dozens of spiritual roots in one go, letting them extend and explore around one by one. . After a while, Gusang girl smiled and said, "Well, I found the location of a loess mine... Hey, I found the second one." "Hehehe, your spiritual roots are quite useful." "Of course. , because now the spiritual roots are inlaid with wood spiritual wisdom eyes, it is completely competent for tasks such as searching for ores, even more than enough." Hearing Ruo Tao's words, Gu Sang Nu replied triumphantly. "Okay, you're amazing." After Ruo Tao said this, she suddenly noticed a black shadow running away from the vicinity, and then hurriedly grabbed Gu Sang Nu's sleeve, she pointed to the front and shouted: "San Sang, you see No, there is a strange thing in front of you that escaped?"

"I didn't see it." Gu Sangnu said blankly, "Could it be that your eyes are dazzled?" "How is it possible, when did my eyes look bad?" Ruo Tao stomped her feet in a fit of anger, and then immediately She shouted: "You have to believe me." "I believe I believe, in fact, I saw it too, just to tease you on purpose." Gusang girl grinned at this time, and then said: "Not only that, the spirit I sent out. Gen also noticed, that guy should also be a flat beetle, the kind of worm that the weird mice liked to eat just now." "Oh, it's them." Ruo Tao blinked and nodded. At this moment, Guan Heng took the other sisters forward and asked casually, "Have you seen the flat beetles? Just right, I promised the big mouse king to capture some and go back to breed them and serve as rations for the group of mice. Now, what's the other party going for? The place ran away?" "Due to the north." Ruo Tao pointed to the area at this time, and then continued: "Young master, just in time, we are going to that area too, this time you can pay attention to the other party's trail along the way and catch it easily. "Well, that's it, that's right." Guan Heng said at this time: "You call out Shanwei, the ghost king and the ghosts and ask them to help them find it together."

"Okay." Hearing this, Ruo Tao clapped her palms, and immediately called out the group of ghosts, then said: "Da Touwei, Ghost King, you two bring the ghost brothers to find the traces of the flat beetles, remember After seeing this, immediately capture them alive, try not to let them go." "Ouch!" Hearing this, Shanwei and the Ghost King immediately nodded in agreement, and then swept away in that direction, Guan Heng, Ruotao and the others. Also started to move on. "Dong dong dong!" "Crack!" "Boom!" After a while, everyone heard bursts of loud noises from the area ahead, as if something was being beaten by the enemy. The demons all flew back with the flat beetle in their hands. Ruo Tao nodded and smiled, "It's not bad, thank you for your hard work, everyone has done a good job." "Squeak, squeak!" The round-eared monsters were all drooling with gluttony, wanting to come over to eat, but Guan Heng said: "What's the hurry, there are only a few flat beetles, where are you enough to eat? Just bear with it, yes, it's okay. Eat a few Fire Grain Gu to quench your cravings." After speaking, Guan Heng took out a large amount of Fire Grain Gu and gave it to the group of mice. This Fire Grain Gu is also a good ingredient, and the strange mice immediately gathered around and ate it. Get up and forget about the beetle for a while. Seeing this scene, Qinghuang smiled and said, "Hey, these guys are really greedy."

"In the underground area, the group of mice are also hungry and full, and basically they can't eat anything good." Guan Heng said in his mouth, reached out and patted a fat strange mouse that was digging his head and continued to speak. "Follow us, at least make sure they have enough to eat." "Huh? What's going on?" At this moment, Ruo Tao made a surprised sound, and Guan Heng turned his head and asked, "What's wrong, little girl?" "Young master, less, less..." "What is missing, you should make it clear." "I mean, two less." Ruo Tao pointed at the ghosts who flew back and said, "Only them Back, Datouwei and Ghost King are missing!" "Maybe Ghost King and Shanwei found some new target and chased them all the way, so they didn't come back in time." Guan Heng said casually: "You don't have to worry either. Come on, let's go, let's go after them and find them." "Well, that's the only way." While following Guan Heng forward, Ruo Tao muttered: "These two guys, can't be Are you in trouble?"...Meanwhile, on the other side. The Four Arms Mountain Wei and the Demon Bound Ghost King really encountered a lot of trouble. "Squeak!" In an instant, a huge flat beetle swooped towards Shanwei, how could the brave and skilled four-armed Shanwei put it in his eyes, and immediately threw his fists to meet it!

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