Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11723: Two ghosts show their power (the fifth outbreak)

"Swish!" "Ding ding ding!" "Ping ping pong pong!" In the blink of an eye, Four Arms Shanwei's heavy punch collided with the opponent's front paws more than ten times, not to mention, this huge flat beetle Ruthless and violent, with brute force and a bit of strength. If it's just a duel of power, Shanwei and the opponent's battle is really open, and whoever wins may lose, but Shanwei's strength is not only reflected in brute force, it can also use fire aura. "Roar!" In the next instant, Shanwei, who had been fighting so loudly, suddenly roared violently, and the four arms were suddenly covered with a scorching red aura, and then slammed into the huge flat beetle's head and face with the wind. "Squeaky!" Suddenly feeling that he couldn't handle the attack this time, the screaming flat beetle swayed and retreated, but it was too late. "Bang! Boom!" In the next instant, Shanwei's heavy punch hit the opponent's left eye, not only shattering the eyeball, but also smashing half of the opponent's cheek, causing the blood to splatter. Seeing this, the demon-binding ghost king next to him let out a low roar. At this moment, it was also blocked by another huge flat beetle. Seeing that Shanwei took the lead to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, the ghost king suddenly wanted to win and rushed towards his opponent. . "Huhuhu! Dong Dong Dong!" In an instant, the monster-binding ghost king's heavy punch also hit the flat beetle's head and face, causing the opponent to be bruised and bruised all over!

"Pfft—" The huge flat beetle spurted blood mist, followed by an extremely shrill scream: "Squeaky-squeaky-" "Shuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" As soon as the voice sounded, large and small flat beetles sprang out from the surroundings, there were hundreds of them at least. These guys shook the thin wings on their backs and rushed towards the twin ghosts in the air. , trying their best to stop them from attacking and killing their leader. This time, the Four Arms Mountain Wei and the Demon Bound Ghost King were very annoyed. They wanted to grab the two giant beetles and go back to Ruo Tao to have a look, and let the eldest sister praise her, but now they are stopped by the other party, and the opportunity to make a contribution suddenly comes. reduced a lot. "Roar!!" At the next moment, Shanwei roared angrily, motioning the Ghost King to join forces with him to make a big move to exterminate all these annoying little beetles, and then go after the big ones. "Whoohoo-whoosh-whoosh--" In an instant, the strong wind gusted up frequently, and the twin ghosts spun and turned sharply in the air, using the pseudo-ghost wind circle they learned from the seven ghosts of Guan Heng, Because there are only two of them, it is naturally not as powerful as the real ghost wind circle, but it is enough to deal with some small bugs. "Boom!" In the next instant, a fiery vortex of flames formed in a swirling momentum, and then viciously pressed down on the entire group of flat beetles, turning the opponent into ashes in the blink of an eye.

"Squeak?!" Seeing this scene, the two giant flat beetles were so frightened that they knew that if they continued to stay, there would be no other good fruit to eat except death, so they turned around and ran away. "Whistle!" But at the next moment, the two ghosts also rushed over unceremoniously. They had already decided to capture each other and go back to invite credit and reward, so they would never let these two big bugs go easily. "Huhuhu!" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and at the moment of chasing after the opponent a few feet away, the Four Arms Mountain Wei suddenly swung his arms and violently threw more than ten **** of fire aura. "Ping ping pong pong!" The huge flat beetle on the left was suddenly attacked, and it was beaten with black holes all over its body. This guy stumbled to the ground in severe pain, and couldn't get up for a while. Seeing this scene, its companion just hesitated for a moment, then completely gave up on the other party and continued to escape. The flat beetle lying on the spot could not help but let out an extremely mournful scream. This guy may not have thought that he would be abandoned by his companion. Down, evil is born to the courage! "Clap!" In the blink of an eye, the flat beetle that fell to the ground actually bit the hind leg of its companion who was about to step out, and then pulled and tore it hard. "Squeaky!" The guy whose hind leg was bitten was hysterical in pain and screamed again and again.

But at the moment of delay, the two ghosts have already flew to the front and attacked them fiercely. "Ping ping pong pong!" "Crackling!" "Dingding!" The heavy blows of the double ghosts did not all land on the fatal point, it was for the convenience of capture, but even so, the two giant insects screamed again and again, These two guys feel that they are extremely unlucky to encounter such a thing. But at this moment, even if they wanted to resist, it was too late, they could only resign and endure the pain of being constantly beaten. After a while, when Guan Heng and Ruo Tao came here, the two giant flat beetles were already dying, but there was still half a breath left, which was a fortune in misfortune. "Hehe, two king-level beetles, not bad." Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "If you can capture them alive, Shanwei and the ghost king can use their brains. After all, there are not many king-level beetles alive, and they are thrown away. Enter the toad cauldron, and let the corpse worms train them well, and they can do a lot of things in the future." "Yes, the master is right, just in case, I suggest putting a fire aura on these two guys. Save them from rebelling." "Well, that's right." Guan Heng nodded after hearing this, and then said, "Mother bug, I'll leave this to you."

"Follow your orders, Master." Hearing this, the Evil Insect Mother nodded again and again, and then said again: "Then I will immediately put them into the toad tripod." "Go." Guan Heng waved his hand, and the Insect Mother immediately used the The filament fire net wrapped around the two huge flat beetles and dragged them into the ethereal toad tripod. At this moment, Gu Sangnu ran over from not far away, and she raised her voice and shouted: "Guan Heng, the boy has found something interesting here, come and have a look." "Oh, what did you find?" Listen After he said this, Guan Heng became interested, and immediately rushed over with the girls. At this time, Gusang girl and Hei Teng boy were waiting by the road. When their companions rushed over, Hei Teng boy pointed to the ground and shouted: "Look, Master Guan, this is what it is." "This is a loess ore? No, it looks very similar, but..." Guan Heng reached out and picked up the ore and looked at it, then stared at him and said, "I Got it, this is a kind of loess ore surrounded by other ores, mixed with some different slag, no wonder." "So, the loess ore in this cave has other associated ore, right? ?" Qinghuang asked at this time. Guan Heng nodded: "Yes, that's it." "It's not too late, let's look for it now." "Okay, I'll go to the left." "Then let's start from the right."

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