Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11726: Sneak attack while chaos (third more)

"Maybe those guys are afraid to fight with us, so they hide." The evil slug mother beside said so. Guan Heng nodded and nodded: "Well, there is also such a possibility, but it is also possible that the other party is entangled by something, and he can't free his hand to come to us for a while." "Hey hey, then let's dig out these leader-level beast spirits. Come out." Ruo Tao squeezed her fists and said in her mouth, "Then give them a hard lesson." "Okay, that's exactly what I want." "Haha, I think so too. ." Hearing Ruo Tao's words, the rest of the sisters also spoke with great interest. Guan Heng said to the worm mother at this time: "Have you seen it, those evil beast spirits are going to be bad luck." "Yes, master, you are right." The evil worm mother nodded in agreement. At this time, the ancient desolate roar and a few fire-clawed ape souls muttered for a while in the air, and then immediately raised their voices and said, "Master Guan, the ape souls have discovered something, and plan to take us over to take a look." "Okay, let them lead the way." Guan Heng nodded and said. "Woooooo-" The next moment, the fire claw ape souls were already whistling towards the front. ...until more than ten breaths later, the ape souls have led everyone to a remote corner of a certain cave. At this time, there was a faint sound of ping ping pong pong in front.

Qinghuang whispered: "Are there two groups of guys fighting?" "Well, it should be like this." Guan Heng said that he felt the same way, and then said: "Hoo, let the ape souls go over and check." "Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, Gu Huanghou nodded his head, and then waved at the ape souls: "Little ones, take action, pay attention, don't be discovered by the other party, take this hidden fog Spider Pill!" Then he threw this thing out, and one of the fire-clawed ape souls took advantage of this thing and immediately went away with his companions. More than ten feet away, a large group of leader-level beast spirits are fighting their opponents in a desperate battle. Those guys are more than a dozen three-eyed black-skinned monsters with a large body and a strong body. Both sides are mortal enemies. Naturally I won't keep my hands, this fierce fight is dizzying and completely forgetful. Even if the beast spirits and evil monsters on both sides were concentrating on scanning the surrounding movements, they might not be able to find the fire claw ape soul quietly approaching, not to mention that the state of being almost incapacitated by the ability to judge is even more hopeless. "Boom!" It was too late, but it was fast. A black-skinned evil monster slashed at the two evil beast spirits with its claws, making the opponent's spirit body tremble and losing the ability to dodge for a while. He politely opened his mouth and swallowed two beast spirits. "Ow!" In an instant, part of the power of the beast spirit was refined, and the black-skinned monster felt that his strength had soared, and immediately beat his chest frantically to show his fierceness!

At the same time, the rest of the black-skinned evil monsters followed suit, rushing towards the beast spirit one by one, even if the beast spirit in front of them scratched their faces, they would devour and refine them. As a result, the three-eyed black-skinned evil monsters, who were originally stronger than the beast spirits, became more and more fierce, pressing towards each other step by step, vowing to destroy them all. Witnessing this battle, after a brief discussion among the fire-clawed ape souls, a few of them immediately went back to inform Guan Heng to come over, while the rest quietly bullied the battlefield with the Hidden Mist Spider Pill, and made up their minds to fish in troubled waters. "Bang bang bang!" In the flash of lightning, a vicious evil monster clenched its claws into a fist and hit the leader-level evil beast spirit at a low altitude. The souls approached, and everyone immediately took action to trap the beast spirit with fire aura, causing it to disappear out of thin air. "Ouch?!" The black-skinned monster who ran over a few feet away looked left and right, a little dumbfounded. But before the guy could make the next step, several ape souls suddenly appeared, grabbed the guy's limbs and neck, and just tore it apart, immediately "five horses", and then burned them with flames. Destroy the corpse! I have to say that the fire claw ape souls did this beautifully. They were silent at all, and they didn't reveal any clues. The evil monsters and beast spirits who were fighting fiercely didn't find it at all.

In this way, they continued to hide their shadows and started sneak attacks... Until Guan Heng and the others arrived here after more than ten breaths, one-third of the evil monsters were killed by the ape souls, and the evil beast spirits they beat were also All were captured alive by the ape souls. "Hehehe, Hulu, you fire-clawed ape souls are truly genius assassins." Guan Heng said with a smile. "Hehe, thank you Lord Guan for your praise, but they are still far from enough." Gu Huang Houjia said with a humble look on his face at this time. "Okay, let the ape souls stop, I will do the following work myself." Having said that, Guan Heng has already walked towards the battlefield in a big way. "Squeaky?!" "Ouch!" Seeing Guan Heng approaching, four or five three-eyed black-skinned demons roaring and screaming immediately abandoned the beast spirit and swooped towards him. "Are you the first to come here to die? Good." Guan Heng sneered slightly, and suddenly released several different kinds of mysterious aura and fire aura to meet the enemy. "Swish!" "Puff puff!" The violent noises came one after another, Jin Xuan's spiritual energy turned into a big hand, grabbed one of the evil spirits, and the other party was immediately crushed by force and turned into minced meat. The next moment, Shui Xuan Lingqi transformed into another evil monster body entangled in countless chains, twisted it into a twist shape, and died horribly.

Suddenly, the earth mysterious aura swept up from the ground, wrapped a black-skinned monster, dragged it into the soil, leaving only one head, gradually withered and shriveled... "Ow!" The three-eyed black who screamed miserably The skin demon was entangled by the huge spiritual tree transformed by Mu Xuan's spiritual energy, and countless branches pierced through its head and body. This guy only screamed for a while and then stopped abruptly! "Oh oh oh!" The next moment, the remaining evil monster turned around and ran away, but was pinned through by an icicle condensed with ice mysterious aura, and immediately flew into the air. "Boom!" The fire aura soared and raged, burning the guy's legs all at once, leaving it hanging on the top of the icicle just like that. This wailing sound made the other three-eyed black-skinned evil monsters who were fighting beast spirits react. These guys only figured out the situation now. What are they still fighting beast spirits at this time? If you don't run, there won't be one left! "Want to leave? Ask us if we agree or not!" Gu Huanghou laughed loudly, and suddenly waved his worm bone sword, releasing a poisonous mist, "Swish swish—swish swish!" The next moment, the poisonous mist was in the air. The raging, blocked the way of evil monsters and beast spirits in an instant, Hulu shouted: "Master Guan, please." "Okay, thank you very much." Guan Heng waved his hand at this time, dozens of earth and mysterious auras immediately Fly towards the enemy.

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