Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11727: mysteriously sew

"Swish!" In the next instant, the earth mysterious aura absorbed the surrounding dust and turned into giant hands, trapping the three-eyed black-skinned evil spirits who were blocked by the poisonous mist, and clenched their bodies tightly. , "La La La!" The sound of bone cracks came one after another, and these evil monsters died of broken bones and tendons. "It's your turn now." Having said that, Guan Hengyi glanced at the evil beast spirits in the surrounding air, and said casually: "Toad, I'll leave it to you, don't let any of them go." "Okay, Guan Don't worry, lord." "Boom!" In the flash of lightning, the Tugong Toad rushed over with the wind, and the empty toad above its head swirled abruptly, and it had already collected all the wailing and screaming evil beast spirits. go. "Hey, what's here?" At this moment, Qinghuang walked to a rock wall with a lot of cracks, and subconsciously pushed the rock wall with her hand, "Boom-boom!" The rock suddenly collapsed and collapsed. . Qinghuang waved her hand and fanned the dust in front of her. She took two steps back and watched with her sisters. Everyone suddenly whispered, "Is it a loess mine?!" The ownership of the ore is so fierce." Guan Heng stepped forward at this time, broke off a piece of ore embedded in the crevice of the rock wall, and immediately said: "All of them are high-grade ore, it is worth their lives to fight for it."

"Hehehe, it's a pity that none of these guys can grab the loess mine, but they all fall into our hands." Qianxin said with a smile. "I want to reiterate, these things were originally prepared for us." Ruo Tao said proudly at this time: "We only came to get it at this time." "Haha, this makes sense." "That's right. Yeah, as long as it's good, it's ours." The other sisters also said the same thing. "Yes, you are the best." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Okay, I will let Tugongchan quickly clean up these loess mines, and we should go out and see the situation of the magic mandrill." At the same time, the magic Mandrill, King Jia Yao, and the old white-browed monkey have already wiped out all the black-skinned evil spirits and are resting. "Kacha!" One bite on the spiritual fruit in his hand, the magic mandrill chewed it until the juice splashed, and said, "It is estimated that Master Guan and the girls have also found a lot of loess mines, and we also have a lot of loess. After the work is over, everyone hurry up and eat, and we will go elsewhere later." "Hmph, do you still need to say that?" "Snort—" King Jiaxu inhaled all the seven or eight fruits in front of him at this time. When he opened his mouth, the old monkey next to him was biting the fruit and whimpering in his mouth, like this: "Your food is too rude." "Dead monkey, don't mind your own business, Master Yao is happy to eat it like this. "

While eating, King Jia Yao said vaguely: "You snatched several evil prey from me just now, do you still have the face to complain about me?" Glancing his eyes, he immediately threw off the fruit core in his hand, and shook his fist at King Jia Yao, which meant to say: "Hokey Lord will rob you, what's the matter, you still have complaints?" "Uh ..." Seeing the old white-browed monkey frightening himself, King Jia Yao almost choked on half a fruit in his mouth, he shook his head, swallowed the food with great effort, and then scolded: "You are cruel, Master Yao will not be as rude as you. Monkeys are generally knowledgeable, hum." "Okay, hurry up and eat something, don't say that there are some." After eating the fruit in his hand, the magic mandrill looked left and right, and then said: "Hey, Baojia dry turtle. What about the little things like the Heshuangmei ancient donkey? They don't usually run around when they eat." "Who knows? We didn't see it." King Jia Yao and the old white-browed monkey looked at each other. Then he spoke. "Idiot, what else can you do?" Hearing this, the Unicorn Bingjiao shook his head and said, "If I hadn't paid more attention, you wouldn't know where to look for small things." So, did you see it?" Hearing this, King Jia Yao asked with wide-eyed eyes. "The dry turtle is in the north with a few other small things."

The one-horned ice dragon said: "They have already dried up their own food, and they seem to have gone there to play." "Really? I'll take a look." After saying that, the magic mandrill jumped forward and ran away. . "Wait a minute, I'll watch it with you." After King Jia Yao said this, he immediately chased after the demon. After a few breaths, the magic mandrill found the side of the dry turtle. At this moment, he saw a few small things in the distance and didn't know what they were surrounded by. It was quite lively shouting. "Hey, what did you find?" After walking a few steps, King Jia Yao asked impatiently. Hearing its cry, the Baojia dry turtle turned its head and waved its claws at the two of them, and the magic mandrill and the king of the turtle immediately ran to them. "Ah, ahh." The ancient donkey Shuangmei raised its head and screamed twice. It turned out that when it came here just now, the cage hanging around its neck swayed a few times. It turned out to be the embryo of the ancient locust king. With the reaction, it slowly released a gray-white aura that poured into a crack in the ground, and then the aura didn't appear again. "Is this the ground seam?" The devil looked at the ground seam at this time, and then stepped on it a few times with his foot, the King Jia Yao asked: "The breath of the worm embryo has always been treasured, so is there something good in the ground seam? Something?" "Hey hey hey, 90% of the time it's like this." The corners of the magic mandrill's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile, "Fatty, now is the time to use you."

"Eh?" Hearing this, King Jia Yao shook his head and asked, "What do you want me to do?" "Simple, keep trampling here with your front hooves, so that the cracks in the ground gradually expand, and then we can easily enter. It's easy." "It's easy, everyone get out of the way, I'll move the hooves!" While speaking, King Jia Yao had already squeezed in front of the group of beasts, and then took a deep breath, "Dang Dang Dang!" The next moment, its heavy hoof He trampled on the ground, "La La La!" In the blink of an eye, countless cracks appeared around the cracks in the ground. "Enough is enough, that's almost it." After the demon said, he stopped King Jia Yao to continue, and then said: "I'll do the rest." The palm lightly pressed against the cracked ground, and froze the area more than 100 meters away with the gust of cold air, and then suddenly sucked it with the palm of his hand, "Luck!" stand up. "Haha, this method is really good." King Jia Yao grinned: "Admiration, admiration." "It's just a trivial idea, let's go, go in and have a look…" , Baojia dry turtle, frost eyebrow ancient donkey, stubborn stone beast, white-bearded mud cockroach, they have jumped into the hole with the wind. "Hey, these little guys are really welcome. We spent a long time and let them take the lead."

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