Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11736: Little girl's big adventure (third more)

At the same time, on the other side, Qianxin, Ruotao, Gusangnu, Zhenwen, and Xiaohei did encounter a lot of trouble.

This incident began after Xiao Hei and Zhen Wen left the team for a while. The two little girls seemed to be stray dogs that were off the reins. They were happily running around, and they accidentally found a huge ancient iron mine. , this time makes Zhenwen Xiaohei happy.

"Come on, enter this pit and take a look."

Xiao Hei rolled up her arms and rolled up her sleeves, eager to try, but Zhenwen was more cautious, she said, "In my opinion, I don't want it, let's hurry up and notify the sisters to come over, this credit is not small, I I don't want to have extra ramifications."

"Hmph, when did your courage become so small?"

Xiao Hei put his hands on his hips and taunted her mercilessly: "Go in and see what's wrong? I don't believe it, there is no one who can eat us, I have a little shadow to **** me, and you also have a multi-armed puppet bug, and we also bring along with us. With Wood Lingzhi's eyes and more than a dozen colorful cockroaches, I will ask, what are you afraid of?"

"Uh, this..." Upon hearing this, Zhenwen thought about it carefully and muttered, "Yes, there are many powerful bodyguards around us, what are you afraid of?"

"Then go in and take a look, don't go too deep." Zhenwen said. "I know, I've gone too far and my feet hurt."

Xiao Hei waved his hands in a big way and said, "That's it, let's go quickly, or wait for the sisters to find this place, and the credit for us will be gone, just turn around near the entrance of the cave and see if there is anything unusual. , and then go to inform everyone."

"Okay, let's do that."

"Let's go." As the two little girls said, they motioned for the tall shadow demon spirit skeleton to put itself on the bench behind it. The spirit skeleton was extremely agile, and in an instant, it moved along the rock wall on the edge of the pothole. Climb down, and soon come to the entrance of the mine.


The next moment, the Shadow Demon Spirit Skeleton's feet landed, and just as it was about to carry Xiao Hei and Zhen Wen forward, Zhen Wen suddenly whispered: "Wait, the path ahead is too dark, what if a little shadow I can't see the road clearly, it doesn't matter if it stumbles and falls, but it will affect both of us, so we have to light up the road ahead."

"Uh, it seems to make sense." Xiao Hei slapped his forehead at this time, and then said: "It's stupid, we didn't think that Ziwei and Mu Lingzhiyan would release them, and they could also release Fire Spiritual Qi and Mu Xuan Spiritual Qi. Light the way."

"That's right, just do it." At the same time as Zhenwen nodded, she and Xiaohei had already released more than ten Wood Spiritual Wisdom Eyes and some scorpions, "Swish swish! Swish swish!" , the colorful cockroach immediately flew forward and was responsible for leading the way.

The nearby Mu Lingzhi eyes flickered brightly and dimly, which could also illuminate the road, which was very convenient.

"Ouuuuu-" But after a few breaths, there was a sudden burst of shrill howling sounds from the front, after hearing this sound, Zhenwen shrank her neck, and then said a little scared: "Maybe it's an evil spirit. The evil thing is calling in front, don't go any further."

"Uh, this makes sense." At first, Xiao Hei just wanted to sneak in here and stroll around. She had suffered a lot from being careless in the past, but now she doesn't want to cause trouble anymore, so she hurriedly said: "Hey, Little Shadow, Let's get out, hurry back."

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the shadow demon skeleton screamed, turned and walked away, Zhenwen whispered again: "That's right, I have to call the scorpions back."

"Leave this to me."

Zhenwen took out an item from her pocket, and she said, "I saw the golden insect-controlling whistle in Brother Guan's hand before, it was very fun, so I made one out of ancient gold with cloud patterns, although the function is not complete, but It can make a strange sound that can only be heard by the colorful cockroaches, as long as I blow it, everyone will come back."

"It's amazing, it's your ability." Hearing what the other party said, Xiao Hei immediately raised his thumb and praised: "It's great to be able to invent such a good thing, hey, get me one when the time comes. ."

"This is no problem." Zhenwen smiled, then took out an ancient gold bug whistle and threw it to her, and said, "I already guessed that you would want it after seeing it, so I made an extra one in advance. , here it is for you."

"Haha, a good sister is a good sister, you really know me." After Xiao Hei caught this thing, he immediately put it to his lips, and asked casually, "How do you blow this thing, can it be done with force?"

"Uh, this... oops, don't blow it!"

In an instant, Zhenwen thought of a serious problem, and wanted to stop Xiaohei from blowing the worm whistle, but it was too late. Just when Zhenwen and Xiaohei blew the ancient gold worm whistle at the same time, they flew to a few colorful monsters nearby. The scorpion suddenly made a sharp cry: "Squeaky—"

"Uh? What happened to the cockroaches?" Seeing this scene, Xiao Hei was so frightened that she almost dropped the worm whistle, because she had never seen the colorful cockroaches fall into such a runaway state.

"Oh, blame me, blame me!" Zhenwen cried at this moment with a sad face: "I forgot to tell you in advance, the two insect whistles cannot be blown at the same time, otherwise it will directly affect the thinking of the cockroaches and cause them to be emotionally confused. , fell into a state of rampage in a short period of time."

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier?" Hearing this, and seeing the Zixuan rushing towards him, Xiao Hei whispered in a high voice, "What should I do now?"

"Um...uh...I think about it..." Zhenwen bit her lip and thought for a while, then immediately called out: "Right, right, Brother Guan taught me how to deal with the bewildered and runaway state of the scorpions, burn them with flames. Their bodies, the fierce clams will be honest."

"But, but none of us can use fire aura." Xiao Hei said a little silly.

Zhenwen shook her head: "My silly girl, what are you saving so many Flaming Orbs for? Don't be stingy now, take them out quickly."

"That's right, look at my memory, I can't do it anymore." After speaking, Xiao Hei took out his triangular fork to slingshot the slingshot, and then grabbed a few small flame beads, "Chichi!" In an instant, the slingshot Excite the small flame explosion beads.

"Bang, bang, bang!" In the blink of an eye, four or five scorpions that rushed forward were hit by the explosive beads, and the flames soared on them. Wake up.

Immediately afterwards, Zhenwen shouted, "Hey, why are you so stunned? Hurry up and stop the other cockroaches from running wild." Fortunately, these mutant cockroaches all use fire aura, and they suddenly spit it out, burning the rest of the other half of the colorful cockroaches in one go. The body, let everyone wake up in a few breaths.

However, at this moment, the crisis of the two little girls is not over yet!

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