Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11737: mine reconnaissance


It's too late to say it, it's too soon, just when Zhenwen and Xiaohei had just solved the crisis of the multi-colored fierce cockroach, more than ten shadows of swift spiritual bodies suddenly flew out from the depths of the cave. These evil spirit kings roared, Trying to shred the prey in front of you.

"Buzz!" In the blink of an eye, the newly awake scorpions stopped in front of the Evil Spirit King, and one of them yelled at Xiao Hei and Zhenwen, "Squeak, squeak!" That means to let them both quickly escape from the mine.

"Don't be stunned, let's go!" Seeing Wucai Fierce Falcon helping her cover, Zhenwen immediately slapped the Shadow Demon Spirit Skeleton on the forehead, and the guy immediately ran away with the two little girls on his back.

When approaching the steep rock wall in front, the Shadow Demon Spirit Skeleton used both hands and feet, and climbed up more than half the distance in the blink of an eye.

But at such a time, there were swift winds coming and going, and when two evil spirit kings used their companions to entangle the mutant child, they aggressively attacked and tried to catch Xiao Hei and Zhen Wen.

"Go to hell!"


"Crackling!" In the next instant, Xiao Hei turned around and used the triangular fork to excite the slingshot to fire several explosive beads, which happened to hit one of the evil spirit kings.


"Whoo, whoo, whoo!"

In an instant, the flaming bead erupted on the surface of the Evil Spirit King's body, burning black smoke all over the guy's body, and the pain was excruciatingly painful. The guy even turned around and bumped into his companion by accident. , set the other party on fire.

"Okay!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Hei and Zhen Wenle danced with joy, but they both forgot that the Shadow Demon Spirit Skeleton was still climbing the steep rock wall with their backs on their backs. .

"Damn it!" The two little girls were overjoyed and sad, and just when they were about to scream, "Shhhhhh!" A few spiritual roots sprang from the mouth of Leng Buding, which just wrapped around their small waists, and then pulled They quickly dragged to the ground above the hole.

It was Gusang girl who shot. It turned out that she, Qianxin and Ruotao had already arrived nearby.

"You two dead girls, where did you run around, scaring your sister to death." Qianxin said, stretched out her arms to put her arms around them, and asked hastily, "Are there any injuries?"

"No, no, to be honest, sister, we dealt with it very well this time, but we were a little careless at the end, and almost fell into trouble."

Xiao Hei touched his head as he spoke, and Ruo Tao said beside him, "Are you being chased by the enemy? What trouble did you cause this time?"

"It's nothing, it's just a few evil spirits." Zhenwen added next to it: "Sister, we found a mine in the boss, I think there may be heavy ancient iron ore in it, hurry in with me and have a look. ."

"Okay." As soon as they heard this, Qin Xin and the other sisters immediately became interested, and they forgot to blame Xiao Hei Zhenwen for running around. After a few breaths, everyone went down the mine and walked along the tunnel Running forward, more than a dozen multicolored fierce cockroaches happened to fly in the face.

"Hey, everyone is here." Ruo Tao waved his hand, and the murderous cockroaches immediately came over. It seemed that these guys and the enemy had gone through a series of fierce battles, and they heard the noise of the double ancient golden worm whistle. Looking tired.

Ruo Tao took out a large amount of fire grain Gu and said, "Eat it, rest for a while when you're full, and we will try our best to solve the next battle by ourselves."

Hearing these words, the scorpions immediately gobbled up happily. Zhenwen asked from the side at this time: "Hey, where are the evil spirits that you all blocked just now? Isn't it for you to eliminate them?"

The head of the five-colored vicious cockroach shook his head, chewing on the fire food Gu, while gesturing to the girls, which meant: "The other party has been entangled with us for a while, and I don't know what to hear, so I turned back. Now, you are here at this time."

"Well, it seems that the group of evil spirits in this cave is not small, just right, they have all been captured to refine the soul power in the soul-recovery urn." Qin Xin said: "And these beasts dare to drive my sister to escape, they are embarrassed. , is simply unforgivable!"

"That's right." Xiao Hei shook his fists and said, "Sister, avenge me!"

"No problem, let's go, let's take revenge." Qin Xin said, and walked forward. The Gu Sang girl next to her reminded: "When taking revenge, don't forget to look for the whereabouts of the ore."

"What I'm saying is that this time we are going to find a heavy ancient iron mine that is many times larger than what Guan Heng encountered."

"Hahaha, this time I have to win the son again." Ruo Tao said with a big smile. The sisters continued to move forward while chatting like this.

Because when they fought against the evil spirits just now, the smart scorpions remembered the other party's breath, and it was quite easy to find the other party at the moment. rushed out, hurried to somewhere.

At that time, Qianxin and the others entered a state of invisibility with the help of Mutant Zixuan's ability and the Hidden Mist Spider Pill, so the evil spirits didn't notice everyone's existence at all, so they flew forward in a daze.

Ruo Tao still wanted to pull out the Thunder Swallowing Blade to destroy the opponent, but was stopped by Qian Xin, "What's the hurry, these are just a small number of scumbags, following them, you will naturally be able to find the evil spirit's nest, and then we will work hard to capture all of them. It's not too late for the prey."

"Well, that's right." Hearing this, Ruo Tao nodded in agreement, expressing her approval.

In this way, the sisters chased the evil spirit kings slowly, keeping a certain distance from each other, but they would not let the other party get rid of them. After a while, the evil spirit kings finally arrived in front of their nest and rushed in one after another.

"Hey, this is..." Gusang Nu suddenly picked up something from the ground, and then showed it to everyone: "Look at this, is it ore?"

"That's right, it's still the fragments of the ancient iron ore." Qianxin said with a smile at this time: "It seems that we really made the right choice to track the evil spirits. The place where they live is a huge ancient iron mine."

"Hahaha, catching evil spirits and mining stones, both without delay, kill two birds with one stone."

When Ruo Tao heard this, she almost jumped up with joy, but at this time, several evil spirit kings rushed out of the cave with the sound of the wind. It turned out that they were alarmed by Ruo Tao's laughter, and these guys came out to check the situation.

"Let these guys go back and forth, and save them from going into the hole to report the news."

"Okay!" Hearing this, Ruo Tao waved her hand suddenly: "Da Touwei, Ghost King, join us in a multi-faceted attack, don't let the other side slip away."


As soon as Ruo Tao said these words, the four-armed mountain ridge and the demon-bound ghost king were already rushing up against the wind. These two made their moves swiftly and incoherently. And brought the ghost brothers to tighten the encirclement.

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