Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11738: More and more evil spirit kings gather (the fifth outbreak)


Seeing that he was surrounded by the Four Arms Shanwei, the Demon Bound Ghost King, and the ghosts, two of the evil spirit kings howled and fought stubbornly, but before these two guys could scream, Shanwei swung out four arms one after another, and the punches suddenly hit. They were both speechless, groaned and lost consciousness, and then fell to the ground.

"Well done." Ruo Tao took out the Soul Orb to absorb the injured Evil Spirit King, and said: "Everyone, work harder, don't let one go!"

Hearing this, the group of ghosts naturally followed suit, and Qianxin and the others were not idle. They waved their weapons and shot down all the eight evil spirit kings to the ground. Ruotao captured these evil spirits as well.

"Hehehe, I caught a lot, this Soul Orb is almost full." After speaking, Ruo Tao weighed the Soul Soul Orb in her hand, and Qin Xin said, "Then do you have any spare Soul Orb? If there are not enough soul beads, I also have them here."

"Enough is enough, I still have at least five empty Soul Orbs on my body." Ruo Tao said with a smile. "Okay, let's go into the cave to find the mine, and catch all the evil spirits by the way."

"Hey hey hey, I have already seen the sight of a great harvest soon."

"Well, I can imagine that too."

"This time, it will definitely compare the gains of the son and the others."

"It's true, we're sure to win!" The girls said more and more happily, and before they knew it, they had reached the outer end of this huge mine and the nest of evil spirits.

"The rock wall blocks the way."

"Then just smash this rock wall, I can't wait."

"Let my wood spirit soldiers come."


"Shuhuhu-huhuhu-" Gusang girl swayed the wooden divine scepter, and immediately two wood spirit soldiers appeared shaking a huge mallet. Gusang girl pointed to the rock wall in front of her and said, "Smash it for me!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Ding ding ding ding!" In the blink of an eye, the thick rock wall was smashed by the soldiers' mallet, leaving numerous cracks, Qin Xin narrowed her eyes and said to everyone: "Be careful, this rock wall There seems to be something out there waiting for us to enter."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, we will let Datouwei, the ghost king and the wood spirit soldiers open the way in front. No matter what ambush, they will be able to deal with it." Ruo Tao said very confidently. "This is true, I believe in their strength."

Saying that, Qianxin nodded, and then continued: "Sangsang, let them continue to break the wall!"

"Okay, smash it in one go!"

"Bang bang bang!"


"Boom - boom -" In an instant, the rock wall cracked and shattered, and countless earth and rocks collapsed and splashed. Gusang girl waved her hand and shouted, "Rush in!"

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The moment these words came out, the wood spirit soldiers rushed into the gap in the rock wall first, and then, Shanwei, the ghost king and the other ghost brothers also rushed in, followed by the girls.


"Crack crackle crackle!"

Suddenly, the sound of heavy blows and collisions between the enemy and us suddenly rang out in the area where the five fingers could not be reached.

The girls looked closely, and saw that the wood spirit warriors beat seven or eight evil spirit kings to the ground, crying endlessly.

Just because their bodies and the weapons in their hands are made of Mu Xuan's spiritual energy, they are definitely the real evil spirits. Those evil spirit kings, let alone fighting back, were directly slammed down without being able to move.

"Soldiers, well done."

Gusang Nu was very proud at this time and was very satisfied with the performance of these subordinates. At this moment, Qian Xin glanced around and said, "It's strange, there seems to be no trace of the Great Evil Spirit King, and these evil spirits There are not many kings."

"This is just the periphery of the mine. I don't think most of the other party has appeared. Maybe they are hiding in the depths of the mine." Zhenwen expressed her opinion at this time.

For what she said, Qianxin felt that there was some truth to it, so she nodded: "Well, that's right, then let's continue to search the cave."

After a short while, everyone found a lot of evil spirit kings in the mine. As usual, they captured each other alive, but they were not idle. It's just that Ruo Tao kept complaining: "The **** Great Evil Spirit King has not appeared yet, so my Thunder Swallowing Blade is already hungry and thirsty."

"Hehehe, don't be impatient." Qianxin slapped her shoulder with a smile and said, "Evil spirits, there are some, and there will be opportunities for you to take action at that time."

"Yes, yes, Taotao, I won't fight with you this time. As soon as I see the Great Evil Spirit King, I will give it to you." Gu Sangnu said so.

After hearing this, Ruo Tao felt a little embarrassed, and she whispered, "I didn't want to fight with you, that's not enough sisters. Once we encounter a fun enemy, we will be half of it."

"Okay, Lagou'er." While they were chatting, the five-colored fierce cockroach who was investigating the situation in front suddenly flew back with a flutter of wings, and made a series of low voices to Qianxin: "Squeak, squeak!"

"What, found the Evil Spirit King again? And the Evil Spirit King in front is a little different this time?"

Hearing Zifan's cry, Qianxin waved to the one headed by him, indicating that the other party was in his palm, and then continued to ask, "Tell me, is there anything weird about the other party?"

Nodding his head, the mutant cockroach immediately began to tell what he had seen and heard.

It turned out that Mutated Zixuan flew forward with his companions to investigate the situation, but saw a large group of evil spirits continue to advance in a certain area in front of them. They were in a stealth state, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by the other party, so they followed for a while. , and found a strange thing.

That is, hundreds, even hundreds, thousands of evil spirit kings sprang out from the tunnels in all directions, all gathered in one place. It is a meeting place for evil spirit kings.

Due to the large number of thousands of evil spirit kings, Mutant Zixuan was afraid that his whereabouts would be discovered, which would cause a lot of inconvenience.

"Well, you're right if you didn't follow along. It would be too easy to expose yourself, and it would outweigh the gains."

At this moment, Qianxin nodded slightly and said to the sisters, "Have you heard? Thousands of Evil Spirit Kings, this is a great harvest, but I don't know if the Soul Orb in our hands can hold it like this. Multi-spirit."

"It doesn't matter, elder sister." Ruo Tao said, "If it's a big deal, let the little toad come out and absorb them. At that time, those evil spirit kings will also be sent directly to the Toad Cauldron Fire Pool to be imprisoned. Pearls are a little more convenient."

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