Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11739: Wakata's means (first update)

"Well, that's right, Taotao's idea is very good." Hearing this, Qianxin nodded, and then said: "Okay, everyone, don't be idle, go in, go in and catch the Evil Spirit King... Ah yes. , and have to look for mines, just keep these two things in mind."


"Let's go—" The girls were elated at this time, and followed Qianxin and rushed forward.

Not long after, they were besieged by three or four groups of evil spirit kings, but these guys were too strong, Ruotao and Gusangnu didn't make a move, they just let a few wood spirit soldiers, Shanwei, and ghost kings go well. Grab it and put it into the Soul Soul Orb.

"Huh?!" Just as Ruo Tao stepped forward and stretched out her hand to grab a fallen Evil Spirit King, she suddenly let out a surprised cry.

"Tao Tao, what's wrong?" Qin Xin heard her cry and turned her head to ask. Ruo Tao held the unconscious Evil Spirit King in her hand and said, "The aura contained in this guy's body is very similar to ore. It should have come from the area where the ore was gathered, right?"

"Well, there is a possibility." Qianxin thought for a while, and then asked, "Zixian, Datouwei, and monsters, you all come here."

After hearing this, everyone gathered towards Qianxin, and she asked, "Where did this evil spirit king come from, do you remember?"

Hearing this, the Four Arms Shanwei and the Demon Bound Ghost King looked at each other, and then Shanwei nodded, then raised his finger and pointed to the front left, where there was a relatively narrow, winding path extending upwards.

Qianxin said, "Let's go, let's start searching for this road now."


Everyone followed Qianxin, and Shanwei, the ghost king, the demons, and the Zifans were still ahead. The girls walked about several dozen feet. At this moment, the four-armed Shanwei roared wildly, and then flew towards someone in front of him. In a dark corner, the Demon-Binding Ghost King followed closely behind.

"Ping ping pong pong!"


In the blink of an eye, the two ghosts were able to smash the rock wall here with heavy fists and claws, causing the earth and stone to splash and smash the rock wall immediately.

"Boom - boom!" Countless gravels were scattered and rolled, but at the same time, there were also more than a dozen swift shadows howling and flying out, catching the twin ghosts.

"Datouwei, Ghost King, dodge!" At the next moment, Ruo Tao flew towards the front with the Thunder Swallowing Blade and swung it down fiercely. The two ghosts were afraid of being accidentally injured by the swift and violent sword force of the big sister's head, so they immediately swayed and retreated. Zhang Yu far.

"Swish!" In an instant, the Thunder Swallowing Blade in Ruo Tao's palm flew up and down, and the eight incoherent saber energies immediately greeted the evil spirit kings.

"Boom boom boom!" The thunderous sounds came one after another, and half of the evil spirit kings didn't even have time to resist or avoid them, they were caught by the whirlwind of the sword, and then they fell to the surrounding rock walls involuntarily.

"Bang bang bang!" The evil spirit king who hit the rock wall all screamed and lost consciousness, and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Qianxin and Gusangnu stepped forward at the same time, "Shuhuhu!" Fanxing Holy Spirit Spear exerted its spiral spear, Gusangnu gathered a giant cone with his spiritual roots, and the two sides joined forces to attack the remaining evil spirit kings.


In order to resist stubbornly, all the evil spirit kings suddenly joined forces to resist the powerful impact of the two attacks, but the disparity in strength was too great. Suddenly, the evil spirit kings were all shaken and flew up, one by one fell to the ground and rolled over and over, all of them were hit by Ruo Tao. The Soul Orb in his hand absorbed the past.

"Hoooo!" Suddenly, a swift shadow roared towards Ruotao, as if trying to **** her Soul Orb.

"Looking for death!" Ruo Tao held the Soul Soul Orb in one hand and slashed at the opponent with the Thunder Swallowing Blade with one arm in the other hand.

Ruo Tao snorted: "How can the ordinary evil spirit king stand up to my knife? Well, it turns out that it is the great evil spirit king who is looking for you, but he actually delivered it to the door!"

"Ouch!" This big evil spirit king was so vicious, thinking that if he caught Ruotao's knife, he would have a chance to win the enemy, so he waved his claws and attacked her again.

"Hehehe, sisters, no one is allowed to help, let me deal with this guy alone."

"Okay, come on, we won't rob you."

"Peach, quickly settle it."

"That's right, we'll be waiting to see you show off your power." Sisters, you are full of confidence in Ruotao, knowing that a mere big evil spirit king is not Ruotao's opponent at all. With three or two shots, the opponent can be cleaned up miserably.

"Good beast, come on!" Ruo Tao pointed at the opponent with the Thunder Swallowing Blade, the Great Evil Spirit King had already killed her at this moment, raised his claws and fell viciously.

"Shuh!" In an instant, the magic weapon in Ruo Tao's palm came with an "inverted rolling curtain", and the blade was lifted up, "Hi!" The opponent's pair of air claws were immediately cut off and disintegrated.

"Ouch!" The Great Evil Spirit King, who screamed again and again, suddenly retreated to Zhang Yuyuan. At the same time, this guy suddenly realized that his previous judgment was very wrong, and he couldn't beat this vicious **** in front of him. !

"Just now, my aunt only used 20% of her strength with one hand, and you barely resisted it. I even laughed at you for being a waste. As a result, the waste even challenged me beyond its own power!"

While speaking, Ruo Tao held the Thunder Swallowing Blade and walked towards the Great Evil Spirit King with a sneer. She continued, "Beast, now I will fulfill your courage!"

"come on!"

"Cha!" It was too late, but it was fast, Ruo Tao shook his hand and swung the Thunder Swallowing Blade to sweep across, and a half-arc blade slammed towards the Great Evil Spirit King.


The next moment, the Great Evil Spirit King roared wildly, and suddenly turned out six air claws, grabbing at the knife force in unison, trying to contain it, "Ping ping pong pong!" In the blink of an eye, four air claws exploded in response. It shattered, and the remaining two were also smashed into the air by the force of the sword.

At the same time, the Thunder Swallowing Sabre continued to attack the Great Evil Spirit King without waning.

"Break!" Ruo Tao's mouth spit out a word, and the huge blade strength suddenly dispersed into more than ten small blade strengths that swirled and turned sharply, all of which rushed towards the Great Evil Spirit King.



In the flash of lightning, the small knife force kept cutting the spirit body of the Great Evil Spirit King. This attack was not ordinary. It not only smashed the opponent's spirit body, but also smashed the scurrying electric force into this guy's spirit body and made the evil spirit king. The King of Spirit was in pain.

"Well, it's almost done." Ruo Tao sneered slightly at this time: "It took so long to deal with a great evil spirit king. It seems that I am also a bit backward."

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" In the flash of lightning, the Great Evil Spirit King struggled to collect the scattered spiritual bodies, and finally tried his best to reorganize himself, but this guy felt that Ruo Tao was deliberately showing mercy, and the other party was this Continue to torture yourself!

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