Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11740: Little Ice Soul

"Okay, it's time to give you the final blow!"


It's too late to say it, it's too soon, Ruo Tao rushed directly to the Great Evil Spirit King with lightning speed, this time, she didn't even need the Thunder Swallowing Blade, she directly threw her fist at the body of the evil spirit, " Boom!" This punch was so heavy that the Great Evil Spirit King flew out.

"Plop!" The next moment, the Great Evil Spirit King slammed into the rock wall, and then fell to the ground. At this time, Ruo Tao stepped forward in a big way, raised his foot and stepped on this guy's spiritual body, and then He sneered and said, "Hmph, beast, do you still dare to fight me?"

During the conversation, she stepped on the other side with a strange sound, and the Great Evil Spirit King let out a miserable howl: "Ouch, ooh-oooooooo-"

"What are the ghosts crying and wolf howling, it's so ugly!" After saying this, Ruo Tao took out the Soul Orb and put the Great Evil Spirit King in, and then, Ruo Tao turned her head and said, "Sister, look, I'm beautiful, right? "

"Well, that's true." Qin Xin praised with a smile at this time: "As expected of Tao Tao, it is amazing to be able to win the first Great Evil Spirit King we have encountered since we entered the mine."

"Okay, okay, don't brag about Tao Tao, my sister, so that she won't be proud." Gu Sangnu said with a bit of laughter.

"Hmph, my sister praised me, are you jealous?" Ruo Tao asked Gu Sangnu with a smile at this time, and she spat at Ruo Tao: "Bah, no shame, ghosts are jealous of you."

"Okay, okay, don't argue." Qianxin said, "Let's move on."

"Walk around and try to find more Great Evil Spirit Kings."

"By the way, Shanwei, the ghost king and Zifan discovered the gathering place of thousands of evil spirit kings in front of us. Now we must approach each other cautiously and try to catch them all in one go."

"That's right, we think so too." Ruotao, Gusangnu, Xiaohei, and Zhenwen said in unison when they heard Qianxin's words.

After the seven or eight breaths, the sisters followed Qianxin to the middle of the tunnel. At this time, they saw three forks in front of them, and Zhenwen asked, "Sister, where should we go next?"

"Well...Ask Shanwei about them." Qin Xin thought about it for a while, and then said so.

"Ow, oooo!" Four Arms Shanwei heard Qianxin's question, swayed his paws, and then pointed to the tunnel in the lower right corner.

"Well, I understand, then let's go to the end of the tunnel first." After speaking, Qin Xin waved his hand: "Da Touwei, you and the ghost king, plus a few cockroaches to open the way ahead, pay attention to concealment, if you find it Sporadic enemies, deal with them immediately."

Hearing this, Shanwei and the ghost king nodded immediately, and then did as they were told, swept forward, followed by the girls.

Not long after, everyone was approaching a huge grotto.

"Look at this." Saying that, Ruo Tao leaned over to pick up a piece of something beside her feet, and then handed it to Qin Xin, she whispered, "It's heavy ancient iron ore, although it's a little small, but it's of good quality. "

"Yes, it seems that this huge grotto is a mine of heavy ancient iron ore. It's great, we're not looking for the wrong place."

The corner of Qianxin's mouth curled into a smile, and then continued: "And the evil spirit kings are also in the cave, we can say that we kill two birds with one stone this time, don't let the ore and the evil spirit king go, they all belong to us. "

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry in!" Saying that, Gusang girl waved the wooden divine scepter in her palm, and was about to rush in, but at this time, the four-armed mountain ridge, the demon-bound ghost king, and The colorful ferocious scorpions flew back to everyone.

Qianxin grabbed Gusang Nu's arm, and then asked, "Da Touwei, Ghost King, what's going on in the cave now?"

"Ouch, ooh!"

At this moment, the four-armed mountain was drawn and drawn, and the ghost king also added a few words next to it. Ruotao, Qianxin and the others nodded their heads, and they roughly figured out the matter. At this time in the mine, there was a gathering of people. Thousands of evil spirit kings, this is a huge force that should not be underestimated.

"Thousands of evil spirit kings, we should be able to deal with them, but I don't recommend attacking from the front right away."

Qianxin said, "Because Datouwei said just now, there are about seven or eight exits in the cave. If we can't take care of all of them, the other party is very likely to escape in the chaos."

"Then sister, how should you deal with each other?"

"It's very simple, first lure some of them out, and then capture them alive." Qianxin said to the sisters: "Try to reduce the number of each other gathering together, and then I rushed in unexpectedly and froze all the exits with cold air, but I would stay there. Down this front."

"Once they find that other entrances are impassable, do you know what the other party will do?"

"I know." Hearing Qianxin's question, Xiao Hei shook his hands and smiled, "Those guys will be very panicked, and then flee towards the only exit."

"That's right, Xiao Hei is really smart." Qian Xin continued, "This is my solution."

"Sister, there should be seven or eight entrances and exits, right?" Ruo Tao said, "Did you have time to close them all by yourself?"

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter, I also have helpers, here, that's them." Qianxin said, she suddenly raised her hand and patted the Starry Spirit Spear in her hand, "Woo woo woo hoo hoo-" In an instant, from the gun body Five swift shadows sprang out and landed in front of her.

"Ice evil domineering souls?!" Seeing these guys, Ruo Tao was a little dumbfounded, and then pointed at them and asked, "Sister, these are not the domineering souls in the short sword of the young master, why are you here?"

"Hehehe, you read it wrong, they are not ice evil spirits, they just look a bit similar."

Qianxin said: "I saw that Guan Heng's Bing Xie Tyrannical Soul can help a lot, so I wanted to ask him for a few to use. Who knew that those guys only listened to Guan Heng's words and were very slow to respond to my orders."

"Later, Guan Heng thought of another way, that is, he used the Bing Xuan aura to recreate a few 'little ice souls', now, the guy hidden inside my Holy Spirit Spear."

Qianxin said, pointed at them, and continued: "However, the ability of these little ice souls to release cold energy is no worse than that of the ice evil domineering soul, the only difference is that."

Hearing this, Gusang Nu asked, "What is the difference, sister, tell us about it."

"Hey, that is, after these little ice souls cast a cold air eruption, they will disappear and disintegrate because of exhausting the ice mysterious aura. At that time, I have to ask Guan Heng to make me a few more."

Qianxin said, "Are you all at ease now? I have Xiao Binghun as my assistant, and I will definitely be able to seal all the exits in the cave in a short period of time."

"Well, we can rest assured about this." Ruo Tao and Gu Sang Nu nodded in unison.

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