Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11748: Aura Hurricane (the fifth outbreak)



In an instant, more than a dozen ghost king clones approached the pitch-black evil spirits, and then suddenly invaded the opponent's spirit body. After a few breaths, these evil spirit bodies were controlled by the ghost king clones, and then attacked other evil spirits like crazy. The opponent kept fighting.

This is the "cloning control method" of the demon-binding ghost king. At the beginning, the ghost king could only control some ghosts and spirits, or the thinking of low-level small beasts. You can still control it, try Bailing.

"Hey, puff!" Soon, half of the pitch-black evil spirits were captured alive by the puppets controlled by the Ghost King, and the rest of the fellows saw that the situation was not good, and they flew all around, planning to escape.

But before these guys flew out a few feet away, they were blocked by the colorful ferocious cockroaches, and there was no way to escape!

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" In the next instant, the "Puppet Demon King" controlled by the ghost king clone burst into flames all over his body, and then suddenly hugged the guy in front of him who was trying to escape.

Both sides were shrouded in fierce fire at the moment, and the guy under control had no idea of ​​the burning pain, but the other party was different. He just screamed and lost consciousness after being burned for a few breaths. Immediately afterwards, the pitch-black evil spirit kings fell to the ground with miserable howls, and they were all taken away by the soul beads.

"Thirty-odd black evil spirit kings, not too many, but quite a few." Qianxin counted the evil spirit kings captured alive, and then continued, "I just don't know if these guys are of the same kind nearby. ."

"Hey, even if there is, it's definitely not in this mine." Ruo Tao said: "Sister, mining is important, let the scorpions go around the neighborhood first and try to find the other side's traces, if not, there is no need. Find it again."

"That's right, let the scorpions go." Qianxin nodded, agreeing, and then, Ruo Tao did as she was told.

After a while, the surrounding wood spirit warriors all gathered. They have handed over the heavy ancient iron ore dug to the little toads, and asked everyone to send them back to the empty toad. Now the excavation and mining have basically been completed. task.

"Well, everyone did a good job." Qianxin said at this time: "The ore here should be almost mined, and it's time for us to leave, Tao Tao, summon the scorpions, and let's go."

"Okay, I'll..."

"Boom-boom-boom-" At this moment, before Ruo Tao finished her sentence, a series of loud noises suddenly sounded nearby, and the attention of her, Qianxin and other sisters were all attracted, and then, Qianxin whispered, "What's going on?"

"Who knows?"

"Come on, let's go and have a look." After saying this, the girls rushed forward immediately.


In the flash of lightning, a strange hurricane suddenly floated from a dark rock wall in the depths of the mine. By the time Qianxin and the others arrived, the hurricane had reached a certain level and began to sweep through the surrounding rocks and ground, causing sand and rocks to fly everywhere. Woohoo.

"Don't go any further, it's too dangerous over there."

Qian Xin raised her hand and shouted: "I don't know why this wind pressure is formed, but it is very fast. Even if we welcome it, we may not be able to resist it. For the time being, stand in a safe area and don't take it lightly. near."

"This powerful and fast wind pressure of aura doesn't seem to be formed naturally." Ruo Tao glanced at the opposite side, and then said, "I think it was artificially created."

"Well, my guess is the same as yours." Gusang girl next to her nodded and said the same.

"Anyway, what we have to do now is to wait and see what happens, and don't put ourselves in danger." Qin Xin said.

At this moment, Xiao Hei found a flat stone and sat down, resting his chin on his hand, quietly observing the pressure of the aura, without saying a word.

Zhenwen next to her said, "Hey, it's strange, you usually talk the most, why don't you say a word now, what are you thinking about?"

"I think it's a bit strange." Xiao Hei said: "The aura that forms the wind pressure seems to have a familiar feeling."

"It's really true to hear you say that!" In an instant, Zhenwen also woke up, and she immediately raised her voice: "Sister, sister, did you hear what we said? Xiao Hei said that this kind of spiritual energy is familiar to him, but in fact I also have this feeling."

"Really? How can there be a spiritual energy that we are familiar with here? Feel?"

"Oh, before Hei Mei didn't say this, I was just suspicious, but now I'm more and more sure." Ruo Tao said at this time: "I believe my sister and Sangsang also noticed it, right?"

"That's right, the aura that forms the wind pressure is clearly owned by Guan Heng, there is nothing wrong." Gu Sangnu said at this moment: "We are all familiar with his aura, so we will never guess wrong."

"I've been separated from Guan Heng for a while. I don't know what happened to him and An Yan, Qing Huang and Pu Xing. Well, let me contact him first and ask about the situation." After speaking, Qian Xin took out the sound transmission. Puppet worm, began to contact each other.

"Hey, Guan Heng, where are you?"

"Princess? Qinghuang and I are in a certain area. We will be able to meet you all in a while." Guan Heng said from there.

"I ask you something."

At this moment, Qianxin spoke out about the strange aura that appeared in front of him.

Guan Heng laughed out loud when he heard it: "Haha, dare you to be nearby? Great, we don't have to meet again in a while, we can go there right now."

"Oh, where are you?"

"There is a rock wall right in front of the aura hurricane you saw, right? We're staying on the opposite side of the rock wall."

Guan Heng said, "I'll tell you the specifics later. Remember, I'll take everyone back about ten feet now, and I'll break through the rock wall immediately, so that the hurricane will shrink and disappear, and we can meet at that time."

"Understood, then you can start taking action after ten breaths." Qin Xin said and shut down the sound transmission puppet bug, and then waved to the sisters and said, "Go back, Guan Heng and the others are coming soon."

"Okay." Hearing this, although the sisters were a little surprised, they didn't continue to ask questions. Anyway, when they met, everything could be figured out. In this way, they quickly retreated more than ten meters behind.

"Boom-Boom-Boom-" It was too late, but it was fast, the rock wall not far ahead suddenly trembled violently, and then, the rock wall shattered into pieces.

Then a few huge figures came out. It was the earth spirit warriors who Guan Heng had condensed with his mysterious spiritual energy. They strode forward and hurried forward, and came to the hurricane of spiritual energy.

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