Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11749: Rat skull evil wasp (first update)

"Bang bang bang!"


It was too late to say, but it was fast, and several tall earth spirit warriors suddenly punched the edge of the aura hurricane.

"Crackling - clucking -" In an instant, the hurricane, which was spinning sharply, was suddenly stopped by most of its speed. At the same time, Guan Heng had already stepped out of the gap in the rock wall, and he said, "Well, it's done. good."

"Guan Heng..." When Qian Xin, who was not far away, saw him, she originally wanted to say hello, but after thinking about it, she was afraid of disturbing Guan Heng's "work", so she kept silent for the time being. He suddenly patted the sword box behind him.


The Rainbow Cloud Sword and the Jumang Sword flew up suddenly, Guan Heng raised his hand and pointed to the hurricane in front of him. The two swords immediately swept away with the wind, and Huo Di penetrated into the hurricane. Constantly spinning and spinning, the aura hurricane was smashed abruptly.

"Swish!" Immediately afterwards, the double swords flew into the sky, and they absorbed all the aura of the hurricane of spiritual energy into the sword body, making it disappear without a trace.

"Okay, it's all settled." Guan Heng waved his hand behind him at this time: "Okay, you can come over."

"Big brother." An Yan appeared from behind at this time, and hurried over with Puxing and Qinghuang.

"Young Master." At this time, Ruo Tao also rushed from the opposite side, and then asked, "Why are you here?"

"Maybe the roads in this underground area are all connected, so it's not surprising that we happen to meet." Guan Heng explained casually. Qianxin stepped forward at this time and asked, "Then what's the matter with the huge aura hurricane in front of this rock wall?"

"Oh, that's what I left behind when I cleaned up a few enemies just now."

Guan Heng said: "Those guys ran very fast, in order to intercept each other, I created four small aura hurricanes to block their way, but after swallowing these guys, the aura hurricane accidentally gathered Together, it becomes what you just saw."

"It's amazing." Ruo Tao blinked and asked, "Young Master, what kind of enemy did you encounter?"

"Yes..." As soon as he said a word, Guan Heng suddenly laughed, and then said: "I don't need to tell you, because the other party's Yu Dang is about to appear, walk around, I will show you guys right away."

"What?" Hearing this, Qinghuang said in surprise: "Why haven't you finished killing them yet? I thought you were the last batch of people you intercepted just now."

"Indeed, but there are still some remnants left. Although it's not good, it's a scourge to let it go. It's better to clean it up." Look at each other's appearance."

The girls walked about more than ten feet away, and they happened to meet the King Jia Yao and the devils. Guan Heng asked casually, "I asked you to go out to find prey, but what happened?"

"Forget it, Master Guan."

The magic mandrill and other companions only joined Guan Heng and others not long ago. Although they didn't find much ancient iron ore, they also gained a lot. At this time, it said to Guan Heng: "It drove the other party, but those guys It was very slippery, and it threw us away with the familiarity of the terrain."

"Haha, I knew it, but it doesn't matter. The colorful cockroaches I sent have already harvested. Come with me."

Having said that, Guan Heng pointed to the underground tunnel in a certain direction ahead, signaling everyone to follow him. After a few breaths, Guan Heng led everyone to a towering slope.

"Ouuuuu—" As if feeling the breath of Guan Heng, a series of screaming screams filled with fear and horror suddenly sounded nearby, and then, dozens of swift shadows rushed out of the back of the soil **** and floated. to the sky.

"Insect mother, these beasts want to run, stop them."

"Yes, Master."

Hearing this, the mother of evil slugs flew into the air in a rush, "Shhhh!" In an instant, the mother of evil slugs released her huge filament fire net, which could cover the airspace within a radius of ten feet. The guy who was about to escape was stopped immediately.

"Hey, these guys are..." At this moment, Qianxin, Ruotao and the others could see what the stopped thing looked like.

These guys are covered with uneven and dense gravel particles, the lower body is like a bee waist, and there are sharp tail sting needles. There are four thin wings on the back, but they have sharp beaks and round ears, like the head of a mouse. is weird.

"What an ugly guy, what kind of creatures are they?"

"I don't know either. I temporarily gave them a name called 'Rat Skull Evil Wasp'."

Guan Heng said casually: "Don't look at these guys, but they are all bloodthirsty and fierce. When they first saw us, they launched a fierce attack without hesitation. It's a pity..."

"It's a pity, he's not your opponent at all, right?" Ruo Tao said with a smile: "I already guessed this."

"That's right, but I also said that the Rat Skull Evil Wasp is very fast. If you want to catch them all in one go, you have to use the aura hurricane to contain them from all directions, so what happened just now."

Guan Heng put his hands on his shoulders and said, "But I still missed dozens of them, but fortunately, I let the colorful cockroaches keep an eye on their movements, and now I finally blocked them."

"These guys just look weird, how powerful can they be?" Ruotao said excitedly at this time: "Let me try to deal with them."

"Okay, you can go up if you want, I won't stop you." Hearing this, Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, a smirk flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Let the mother insect lift a corner of the fire net and release it. A rat-skull wasp for you to try."

"Just one, is it a lot?" As soon as Ruo Tao said these words, Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much, if you can kill an evil bee smoothly, I will naturally release more sacrifices. you play."

"Okay, come on." After speaking, Ruo Tao had already pulled out the Thunder Swallowing Blade and walked forward in a grand manner. Guan Heng said at the moment, "Mother insect, release an evil bee."

"Yes, Master."


The evil slug mother agreed and did as she was told, a rat-skull evil wasp immediately rushed out of the fire net with the wind, Ruo Tao immediately rushed forward, and the thunder-swallowing blade in her palm suddenly chopped at the rat-skull evil wasp, " Hiss!" The sharp edge glared at it and cut the evil bee into two.

"Hey, so easy?!" Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao was a little surprised: "Why is this..."

But the next moment, she realized that what she slashed was just the phantom of the Rat Skull Evil Bee, "Shhh!" In an instant, the Rat Skull Evil Bee had moved behind Ruo Tao with lightning speed. , stabbed her back of the neck with his own tail stinging needle.

"You bastard, give it, me, get out!" Ruo Tao's anger suddenly sounded.

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